So, it has definitely been a while since I have updated this! So much to say about the humble ute. Everything was going well with the ute, I was begin to tidy her up again. I took the monster tach out to clean up the interior, installed some rear venetians and generally made the interior nice and presentable. I installed a red back hi flo cat as the old stock cat packed it in, a short time later I also installed a new redback muffler as the old one had a crack in it. I finally thought I had the ute pretty much how I was hoping. Until this happened :
The crash was completely my fault, which made it even worse! Just a momentary lapse of concetraion on a quick lane change, didn't do a head check just a quick mirror check and didn't see the little ford focus in my blind spot. My ute took the grunt of it, the pictures do it a lot of justice as it was a fair old whack and a nice whole left hand side swipe. On the up side though, the left hand side was the worst side of my car, so a blessing in disguise saw the whole left hand side from the front quarter, door, tub and back with new paint. Holden by chance happened to have a whole left hand side tub panel, so a brand new one was put on and painted. Whilst it was there I attented to the dented tailgate, which has had a dent in it since 2 weeks after I bought it...
It ended up being at the panel beater for just under a month. But when I got it back I nearly fainted, the paint work looks incredible and now I am almost too scared to drive it. I'll let the pictures show, taken today, how she sits at this current moment.
Now, I was so keen to get rid of the ute by the end of this year and upgrade to a dual cab hilux as it suits my lifestyle a lot more. But after getting her back I have fallen in love with her all over again. So I am very up in the air at the moment as to what to do with her. If she stays I'm hoping to do some nice big engine wise things to her after I get off my P's, but for now I am dreaming.... Although, truth be told, I have been getting some sunroof quotes lately