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Transformation Thread - How have you changed?


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Feb 17, 2008
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C Class AMG
Thought this would be a good motivational thread for people.

Thread Rules:
  • Post a Before and After/Current picture of your transformation/progress
  • Post your body stats before and after (height/weight/age respectively)
  • Write a short summary of what inspired you to start training
  • Write a bit about what you did to transform/change your body
  • Write your goals for what you want to achieve in the future

Copy and paste this:

What inspired you to start training?

What did you do to transform/change?

What are your future goals?

Stats before and stats after your change?


VIP Member
Feb 17, 2008
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C Class AMG
I'll go first:

What inspired you to start training? Wanted to lose weight, look more 'aesthetic' and gain some muscle as well as improve my health.

What did you do to transform/change?
Started working out 3 days a week for a year, not too much change. Started really focusing on proper nutrition and at the same time, a more focused and stricter workout routine with alot of emphasis on form. Nutrition and proper eating could account for 80% of my success. It is the key factor in my transformation.

What are your future goals?
I want to set up a nutrition consulting business, where I offer online coaching in nutrition for both bodybuilding and general health i.e. losing weight. Predominantly focusing on the sport side, those who are prepared to be more technical with the approach.
One day, I may even consider entering bodybuilding competitions. I want to get to around 85kg at 6% bodyfat before I compete before I consider competing though.

Stats before and stats after your change?Officially a 12 month change.
-1st January 2012 I was 89kg at 21yo
-1st January 2013 I was 76kg at 22yo

Top left is my before, other 3 are at 76kg, end of my cut


This is me about 5 weeks ago, back at 78kg, bulking now, so abs are disappearing.



Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
What inspired you to start training?

Hozy. I had just been through a weird spot with a girl I liked, I was in a pretty bad spot and Hozy said come to gym. Ive been watching what he and Hama had been doing and decided to do it. Haven't looked back.

What did you do to transform/change?

First I needed to change my eating. I would binge eat. Wouldnt eat all day then have a MASSIVE dinner. Would drink on average about 2 liters of soft drink a day. First I cut soft drink, and started eating 6 times a day.
I then needed to start getting active again - which was hard - I snapped my leg years ago playing gridiron (which caused this weight gain). Built up strength by just jogging a street at a time and slowly jogging more and more. August I got into the gym starting with 3 days a week, I now go 5 days a week which includes 2 days of personal training.

What are your future goals?

100 kilo. After that, I dont know, ripped as a mother####er?

Stats before and stats after your change?

August 6 (First day of Gym): 197kg, 198cm tall, 24 years old.
Feb 1 (6 months of healthy living): Think it was 146kg 25 years old.

July 29th:


Pic on the left is me about 2 years ago, pic of the right is me on the 1st feb.



250,000 hits
Mar 10, 2009
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i dont really have any b4 after pics, here you can see my gut, lots of loose fatty skin:

this is part way into training, had lost the 20kgs but still had a gut:

this is most recent pic. cycling a place called forrest im still the same weight as the middle pic, but have loads more muscle now, so its spread out:

What inspired you to start training?
split up with EX. 5 year relationship, got depressed, realised i was fat as fk' and wanted to improve my own self esteem.

What did you do to transform/change?
best thing i ever did was start eating breakfast. i have always eating "healthy", as in always avoided fructose of any kind, watched fat/salt/sugar intakes, but kept a "balanced diet" it wasnt balanced at all cos' i was binge eating. i.e. big dinner, no breakfast or lunch. once i started forcing myself to eat 2 eggs on toast in the AM, i was getting hungry at lunchtime (due to my metabolism being awakened at the right time) so eating something for lunch, then eating smaller meals for dinner and not snacking at all. but at times if i HAD to snack (say watching a movie) id eat plain salted corn chips. great snack cos' youre keeping your mouth occupied, while not ingesting too much.
then started muay thai. 20kgs dropped in 8 weeks. mauy thai is ALLLLL cardio and lots of it. great way to shed kgs. in the times between sessions i would bike ride. its easy in summer, but when winter rolls round im gonna have to get back into muay thai more sessions per week, but im worried the trainers are gonna get pissed that i dont wanna fight.

What are your future goals?
none really, stay eating healthy stay around 85kgs. hardest part is gonna be keeping it off during winter, but ill work on that as it happens. not sure if i want to quit smoking or not, at this stage its still "not" hoping to meet a nice girl who doesnt smoke and will help through quitting, but i know i should do it for me, not for anyone else. "me" just isnt a good enough reason atm.

also, its important to remember than a drink my weight in beer on a daily basis. so whoever said "beer makes you fat" is a fkn moron who doesnt understand the human metabolism.

Stats before and stats after your change?

104kg's weighed in (which was the reason for my wanting to diet) 82kgs 8 weeks later. around 85kgs now cos' put on a bit more muscle weight.

i do have to give a big UPPP to hama>jecs>gren and all the other lads that jumped on the bandwagon. it really helped to get on chatbox after a session and have a yarn about how sore we all were :p promise ill get back into routine when the weather cools down a bit. my gym doesnt have AC and i neraly passed out in mid jan.


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Aug 9, 2009
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What inspired you to start training? - A crappy, horrible marathon. Aimed for 4hrs, blew up at 25km mark, didn't recover, ended up with a 4:09:37. 87kg is just too much weight to cart around for 26 miles, 385 yards. Affects speed at shorter distances too.

What did you do to transform/change? - Have decided to abstain from the following - alcohol, sugary soft drinks, all chocolate/lollies, anything crumbed/fried, creamy sauces, all cakes/muffin/pastries, all potato chips/muesli bars/biscuits, and all processed meats. Reduce general carbs, butter, processed food and diet soft drinks. Going to start weights again on the upper body just to tone things up a bit. Not going to count calories, but will simply eat 3 moderate size healthy meals each day and only fruit and coffee between meals. Continue with running program, culminating in a 80km week a fortnight out from 2013 Canberra Marathon. Will reassess after Canberra.

What are your future goals? - Weight 75kg, BF% sub 15%, sub 4hr Marathon (eventually sub 3:30), 1:35 half marathon, 60 min C2S, 45 min 10k, 20 min 5k. Current PBs are 4:09, 1:45, 68:50, 47:30, 24:00 (est) respectively.

Stats before and stats after your change? Before: Weight 86.7kg, BF% 20.5, Chest 102.2cm, Waist 85.2cm, Hip 100cm, Thigh 62.5cm. After - ??????


This is me at the 38-39km mark of the marathon just gone. Strapping on my arm is for a bicep I pulled working on the VB. As you can see, I am not very happy.


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
An update from last month.

Weight is still around the same. Lost 3 kilos. However, I have lost a lot of fat. Dropped 2 and a half inches around the chest, 2 inches around the waist and belly. 2cm around the neck and shoulders.

So I am starting to drop fat but put on muscle.

We do a little 2km timed run every month to guage where I am stamina wise. I did it last month in 23:50, but I had to walk about 500 meters of it. Today I did it in 23 flat, jogging the entire thing and keeping a steady pace. We continued on to do another 4 km of me jogging and 2km of walking so I am ####ed :p


Yes...my shirt is inside out. #### off its hot.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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What inspired you to start training? After reading what you guys had been doing and saying how much you enjoyed working out and seeing resuults, And I was a bit sick of looking and feeling unfit. Having been out of work for a little while now I decided this was a good time to invest some time into changing myself.

What did you do to transform/change? Started eating better and stopped drinking so much beer.
Now I only have 1 or 2 beers during the weekend, Maybe 1 on a friday night. Began only eating good foods and cut out as many processed foods as I could. Was working out a couple times a week Then it slowly progressed to everyday now.

What are your future goals? To stop smoking and start running.
I want to gain a bit more weight and be around 85 kgs,Currentley am around 75kgs, Look and feel a bit better and get some confidence back.

Stats before and stats after your change?
178cm tall. approx 75kgs, Havnt weighed myself for a couple of months
Am still a bit of a skinny bastard, But think I have made a pretty good start, If I can keep this shape and gain some weight at the same time I will be happy.



You're serious bro?!
May 21, 2011
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What inspired you to start training?

My gym does a 12 week challenge twice a year, my missus had already completed one (She lost 20kg, so proud :D) and i thought i should do it too! I've never really completed anything like it, so i promised myself i wouldn't give up and finish this thing.

What did you do to transform/change?

Completely changed my diet for 4 weeks. Went from 3000+ calories a day, to about 1200. Cut out all sugars/fats/carbs and went for the protien and vegies.

What are your future goals?

I'd like to lose my man boobs. I've never liked them and want them to piss off!! Would like a six pack too!

Stats before and stats after your change?

At the start of the challenge, i weighted in at 109.8kg at 200cm tall

Currently, after 7 weeks, I'm at 102.2kg.

And i still have 5 weeks to go!!! :D:D




Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
Ok monthly update from me.

Lost 6 kilos this month and to be fair, I really slacked off on the eating. Had a few **** nights where I went drinking or I went out for dinner etc.

Dropped 2cm around the chest, neck and shoulders.

1cm around the arm relaxed however have gained .5-1cm in the flex. So Im losing fat around the arm but am gaining muscle pretty quickly.

Lost 2cm around the thigh and half a cm around the calf. Dropped 2cm around the waist stomach and hips.

Am starting to see a lot more definition in the shoulder and back area as well as in the upper arm and calf region.

Ive upped my cardio to a morning and night run on my rest days and a morning run every other day (rather than just a morning everyday).


Mar 31, 2013
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Straya ~ QLD
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VE Series 2 SV6
Ok monthly update from me.

Lost 6 kilos this month and to be fair, I really slacked off on the eating. Had a few **** nights where I went drinking or I went out for dinner etc.

Dropped 2cm around the chest, neck and shoulders.

1cm around the arm relaxed however have gained .5-1cm in the flex. So Im losing fat around the arm but am gaining muscle pretty quickly.

Lost 2cm around the thigh and half a cm around the calf. Dropped 2cm around the waist stomach and hips.

Am starting to see a lot more definition in the shoulder and back area as well as in the upper arm and calf region.

Ive upped my cardio to a morning and night run on my rest days and a morning run every other day (rather than just a morning everyday).

Good work man!

Goal for this month, dont get smashed and eat out! Your doing good though man!

Also, how far are the runs in the morning?
