New Member
Hey guys,
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, I'm new here. Have recently redone the timing chains in my VE and through my own stupidity, put a crack in the timing case cover as I was reassembling. I've tried finding a replacement on the web but all that I can find is timing cover gasket and timing chain kits. If anybody knows anywhere reliable I can get a replacement for a LW2 timing cover or even just a bloody part number for it so I can maybe find one a bit easier, would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, I'm new here. Have recently redone the timing chains in my VE and through my own stupidity, put a crack in the timing case cover as I was reassembling. I've tried finding a replacement on the web but all that I can find is timing cover gasket and timing chain kits. If anybody knows anywhere reliable I can get a replacement for a LW2 timing cover or even just a bloody part number for it so I can maybe find one a bit easier, would be greatly appreciated.