Hay Ive moved the MAF 200mm away from TB and put the air temp sencer after the intercooler and reset the plugs and ran some injecter cleaner, It goes fine when under boost even if yest a bit but now when you come to a stop the motor stools or runs real bad and idle pulsing, I must have an air leak because its only running 2psi all the way to 220km as well or is that normal for a standed pulling on a SC14. What you think?
Hay IBLOWN can you let me no what you have done to yours. Ive got mine running but it stools when i slow right down or stop but idles alright if I unplug the air temp sensor. only running 2psi but dont no why because ive got the standed pullys on everything. system setup is Air filter into charger - BOV - Frontmount - MAF - TB. TB is on the drivers side. will get a pic up today.
welcome to sc14's they need a pulley to make any real boost especially a tired old charger with a cooler . put up some pics of the setup we may spot something attached wrong making it idle weird