is it the company's at fault for making cars go fast,when i get a speeding ticket can't i blame it on the company.Is it all just a sales pitch if you can only go 110km/s max why does the speedo say 200km/s or more.
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is it the company's at fault for making cars go fast,when i get a speeding ticket can't i blame it on the company.Is it all just a sales pitch if you can only go 110km/s max why does the speedo say 200km/s or more.
is it the company's at fault for making cars go fast,when i get a speeding ticket can't i blame it on the company.Is it all just a sales pitch if you can only go 110km/s max why does the speedo say 200km/s or more.
If a car manufacturer produces a car that will not go faster than 110kph, are you going to drive up to that limit most times? If so that means when you are in a 60 zone you will be speeding, will you blame the manufacturer?
While on this subject, why do pubs hold more alcohol than you can drink, MacDonald's more burgers than you can consume. Do you eat and drink till you are violently ill then blame the person serving you?