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Private School Vs Public School


Dec 7, 2009
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VT Calais, BMW 135 m sport
Most people i've met that went to a private school have their heads stuck up their arse and think they are to good.
If you can afford it, whatever, go nuts, just a warning, you child will be a cnunt and alot of people will wanna slap them.

Not always the way bud, it all depends on their up bringing as well. Unfortunately most are like this because their parents give them whatever they want when they want it. This will always be more prolific at a private school because most of the parents have the financial ability to "spoil" their kids. Unless your kids are like mine & are at private school under full scholarship. I recon I'm the only one who picks their kids up from Geelong Grammer in a lowered VT on 20's.


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Sep 4, 2009
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OK ...... just to throw a spanner in the works.

There is such thing as both lol. My daughter just enrolled into a PPP school..... Wait for it..... (Public-Private Partnership) Yep they are out there lol. I think there is only 11 of them in Vic and to think one of them is over the western burbs of Melbourne hahahaha.
The school grounds and building is owned privately but the learning and teachers are from the public sector. So whatever money is received from the government or made through the school is put directly back into the education of the kids. There are 2-3 teachers per class room of about 20-25 students.
The maintenance and upkeep of the school is looked after by the private owner.
So far they have shown me that it was the best choice for our area and my daughter :)

Whereas my cousins have put their kids in Private Catholic school. Now for the money and it is costing them.... no way in hell would I be sending my girl there!

$3500 + donations V $350 + more teachers per room .........

PPP all the way!!!!!!

Oh my girl has a poor little girl who has a few more challenge’s in life than most and she has a one on one teacher with her all of the time.


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Aug 9, 2009
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Went to public; have ' taught' only in public. I got a UAI of 92.35. Got into uni, got honours in Civil Engineering. Ideal background wouldn't you say? Not if at the age of 26 you realise you hate engineering and always have, and your despondency in your career sends you on a self-destructive spiral. Tried to get out of it sooner but fear on my behalf and family pressure can be very persuasive. A quarter life career change is financial suicide so with everything now have to start all over again. I know of people who left in yr 11 who are much more successful than I am now, like they have more to show for 30ish yrs on this planet.

In closing, depends on the choices we make and who we listen to (others or self) after leaving school, vocationally and financially. Very successful people do stupid things (OJ Simpson, Phil Spector, Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, Mel Gibson to name a few) and wreck their lives.

Should I ever have off spring of my own, having seen the public system, even in rougher schools, its fine PROVIDING...the child wants to learn, the child has a decent teacher, and the parents back the child's education 100%. A stable home life for the child will also help. Most problem children I have seen have come from broken families where there may have been violence. Its better to save the 14k a year and use it to fund university (should they wish to go), or give it to them as a 21st/wedding gift or something to help them invest, buy a house, start a worthwhile business or something.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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Went to public; have ' taught' only in public. I got a UAI of 92.35. Got into uni, got honours in Civil Engineering. Ideal background wouldn't you say? Not if at the age of 26 you realise you hate engineering and always have, and your despondency in your career sends you on a self-destructive spiral. Tried to get out of it sooner but fear on my behalf and family pressure can be very persuasive. A quarter life career change is financial suicide so with everything now have to start all over again. I know of people who left in yr 11 who are much more successful than I am now, like they have more to show for 30ish yrs on this planet.

WTF??? Not if you do it right. I'm in my late 30's and have had 3 distinct career phases over a variety of industries and am about to embark on my 4th. Financial suicide was never part of any of the changes and won't be in the future. Just takes a bit of planning and fore thought :bang:. I know plenty of other people who have changed careers mid stream with great financial success, and a few that cost them a fortune due to poor planning.



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Feb 17, 2008
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Most people i've met that went to a private school have their heads stuck up their arse and think they are to good.
If you can afford it, whatever, go nuts, just a warning, you child will be a cnunt and alot of people will wanna slap them.

Yeah, I disagree completely.

Alot of kids who go to public schools turn out much the same as what you described. Alot of it has to do with their family background, the culture and way in which the child was raised, disciplined and mentored (or lack thereof).

A lot of people mistake self confidence for arrogance because they can't see past their jealousy or envy of that persons situation.


Obviously Unsensible
Sep 2, 2010
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Yeah, I disagree completely.

Alot of kids who go to public schools turn out much the same as what you described. Alot of it has to do with their family background, the culture and way in which the child was raised, disciplined and mentored (or lack thereof).

A lot of people mistake self confidence for arrogance because they can't see past their jealousy or envy of that persons situation.

agree. its all to do with upbringing and who you are around etc.

Full Spectrum

Bro it's a VW your Audi!
Dec 6, 2003
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I'm good mates with a property developer and WA cycling selector. You know how many people raise their eye lids at that. What you see and what you read online are totally different in person.

It's human flaws. My best mate growing up went to private school. He got everything he wanted. His sister was always away attending boarding school, and he had the fancy get up from his private school. Now his parents were no way rich. Actually they worked what would be seen as very average jobs - even today. But they sacrificed everything - even their marriage to make sure their kids had the best go in life.


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Aug 9, 2009
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2000 VTII Commodore Olympic, 2012 Ford Focus ST
WTF??? Not if you do it right. I'm in my late 30's and have had 3 distinct career phases over a variety of industries and am about to embark on my 4th. Financial suicide was never part of any of the changes and won't be in the future. Just takes a bit of planning and fore thought :bang:. I know plenty of other people who have changed careers mid stream with great financial success, and a few that cost them a fortune due to poor planning.


Here's how mine went:

Went visit parents on 22 August 2009 (BTW 2 weeks after I got the VB LOL...). Concerned for my welfare they suggested a future career change where they'd help out with resources, accommodation etc. We looked at what was going at nearest uni campuses; 4 courses I was interested in were media, education, psychology and paramedics. Mulled over possible options; felt that education was best compromise. That was friday afternoon. Following night was with mum at the local RSL; I uttered 'Ya know what; I've had enough. that's it.'. Sunday evening after I got home I let my 2IC in on what was going to happen, as I did the other engineer in the office and the main ganger. Monday morning I sent an email out to pretty much everyone I have worked with over the last 4 yrs....I made sure my boss (one of the main reasons why I was leaving) was the last to know. After telling all the boys out in the field why I was leaving they told me all their horror stories of 'senorita spiccybitch' (my nickname for my boss....) I passed on all complaints to...the RTA CEO. Noone below him was listening. Feck it, I thought, what'll he do...fire me? Revenge is sweet......to prove I am not crazy the other engineer also left in disgust........2 days later the house was listed, 5 days later I left for the last time and a week after deciding to quit I started my 4 weeks of paid leave I had accrued....I got accepted for education course in October, started in february, worked a bit in between.

Planning a career change and how smoothly it will go depends on the reason, and how quickly it was done. Mine was almost life-or death, and took 168 hours...hence the financial suicide. If I had planned it out over 4 months or so, saved up etc. it'd gone much smoother.


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Mar 23, 2009
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I went to a public school and dropped out in yr 10, and haven't done much with myself since. I also find it hard to get jobs because the majority of other candidates completed yr 12, all though this isn't public or private related.

I do think that it comes down to the individual, i was a prick of a kid and i couldn't wait to get out of school, and with my truancy record getting more ticks than my attendance, i don't even know how i passed the final exams.

My Brother in law is currently in yr 11 t a Private school, he's doing well and is currently racing overseas in Formula BMW (flies back and forth obviously)

I visited a fellow school friend not long ago, who coincidentally is in a similar position to me. Our friend who attended a private school from the same area however is doing quite well for himself.

So all though it comes down to the individual, i do think better values are more enforced at some private schools, and the kids and families around them have an influence. If i had a child, and i could afford to do so, i would definitely send them to a private school.