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WTF is going on with kids/teens today?


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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The problem once again here are the politicians who create stupid laws.

Bank in my day, if we misbehaved we'd get a slap on the head and you learned your lesson (or you got better at hiding your activities), if the cops caught you, you received similar treatment.

Today's kids aren't allowed to do anything and I truly believe that the more you restrict what kids can do the more they will rebel, it's there nature. Fact is that you learn from your mistakes, not that I condone going out and stealing car or stabbing someone but kids need to learn where their boundaries are, if they learn that the little things aren't OK than they will understand that the big things certainly aren't ok, however these days the kids seem to not bother with the little things and graduate straight to serious crime because they have been couped up for so long.

Fortunately for me, my oldest boy is into swimming, he's targeting to compete and win at a national level so between school, eating/sleeping and training 16hrs in the pool a week he doesn't have a lot of time for other stuff.

I know a few coppers through family etc, one told me of a story about a teenager that he picked up but because they were under age they couldn't do a lot so he dropped the kid off @ home and told the parents what he'd been up to, not long after they had to re-visit the family residence because the old man had beaten the boy to within an inch of his life......

I remember when the anti-smacking laws were first introduced, the kids thought it was funny and tried it on, I let them know in no uncertain terms that the law change would hurt them more than me, If I should smack them and they called the cops, than I may go to Jail but they would be taken out of the family home go into foster care with the state where young boys will get beat and molested and what ever else goes on in those state type boys facilities........ yet another government agency I have very little faith in, but that's a whole other thread/rant.


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I haven't got kids but I don't think the kids are to blame (Not 100% anyway), when growing up, kids learn what's right and wrong through (I guess you'd call it) trial and error, and if no one is there to teach the kids what they are doing wrong when they stuff around, they grow up thinking that's the right thing to do, and continue doing it especially if there's no parents. It's like bullies, most have a rough house life, so if for example their parents beat them every night, they're going to beat other kids to get rid of that constant fear and feeling of worthlessness.

I guess kids' role models these days aren't anything to look up to lol:


I understand what ya saying but the way I look at it there is only so much a parent can do they ain't with the kid all day everyday the kid has to make a choice if he smokes and drinks at age 13 like the kid over the road from me his started smoking with his mates but last year he use to just ride his scooter up and down the street no friends use to come over now his got a friend that comes over there smoking but I've never seen his mum smoking so how is that the mums fault ?? ,my parents smoke me and my 2 brothers use to winge when we were young as it stunk I don't smoke but my 2 brothers chose to my parents have never done drugs and made it well known to us kids they were not on at all but my brother stil does them got in with the smokers at school they went from a sigie to a joint and he still doin it but I have never done any drugs and never will that was the choice my brothers made and no way in the world can ya blame my parents maybe for the smokes as it was easy for my brother to pinch them but not the drugs that is what I'm getting at we knew better and had it drummed into us not to smoke or do drugs but I guess I was the only one that made the rite choice. Hope that makes sence.


Swiggidy Swag
Feb 22, 2011
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I understand what ya saying but the way I look at it there is only so much a parent can do they ain't with the kid all day everyday the kid has to make a choice if he smokes and drinks at age 13 like the kid over the road from me his started smoking with his mates but last year he use to just ride his scooter up and down the street no friends use to come over now his got a friend that comes over there smoking but I've never seen his mum smoking so how is that the mums fault ?? ,my parents smoke me and my 2 brothers use to winge when we were young as it stunk I don't smoke but my 2 brothers chose to my parents have never done drugs and made it well known to us kids they were not on at all but my brother stil does them got in with the smokers at school they went from a sigie to a joint and he still doin it but I have never done any drugs and never will that was the choice my brothers made and no way in the world can ya blame my parents maybe for the smokes as it was easy for my brother to pinch them but not the drugs that is what I'm getting at we knew better and had it drummed into us not to smoke or do drugs but I guess I was the only one that made the rite choice. Hope that makes sence.

Yeah I understand what you mean, I dunno I guess there isn't asingle minority to blame, perhaps it is a combination of peer pressure, parents, teachers, anything I guess. I know that it was my mates who I first tried a smoke off and only now have I kicked the habit, and that was way back when I was 17 having a few at parties then suddenly a pack a day by 18. I'm not sure there's anything that any government, parent or whatever can do to help todays youth, I think sadly they're too far gone


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Jul 27, 2006
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I understand what ya saying but the way I look at it there is only so much a parent can do they ain't with the kid all day everyday the kid has to make a...

sorry got to here and ran out of breath..

seriously thou, for me its lack of boundaries in all aspects. a kid needs bounaries; they need to know that line they can test to see how flexible that boundary is. Some boundaries can be flexed more than others; but push one too far and you get disciplined. All kids test boundaries, its what i did as a kid but i knew when i went too far, sore legs from the belt


PAVTEK Race Engines
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I'm 19, fun night in the new years holidays. Me and my mate's meet up with some 18 year olds sluts. Have some fun. Go home. Nek few days, police rock up at my door. I am now forking out $60,000 in barrister, court, lawyer fees to protect myself from being sentenced to up to 8 years of jail charged as a pedophile and put on the sex offenders list. I have about 6 court hearings until August next year until I fine out. Makes living life hard and someone not worth it. Knowing the person putting me in jail knows I'm innocent yet the chicks parents are paying her more and the more wins the better reputation. A nice big game. Yet this bitch would have looked at least 19. Good times.

wait so how old was the chick you sex'd?

VS 5.0

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Lol who buys a child video games??

A hell of a lot of parents...virtually every kid in my 8 yr olds class has a DS, iPod touch, iPad, iPhone or similar and some of them have multiples. It's ridiculous.

Lol he said 18 year old sluts.

Apparently not given what he indicates he's been charged with.


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Exactly and that's the problem.


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In the good 'ol days.....I've read quite a few posts, but I'm not going to bother reading the rest. Young people are doing what they've always done. Pushing boundaries and upsetting old people. If you're offended by the actions of young people, you're probably the old fart you used to bitch about. Suck it up princess(es)!