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Best tool & favourite tool


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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North Tas
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VE Series I SS Ute
I am the one with a tool shopping/collecting problem I think.

I am keen for new house/new shed because that means I will *need* some new tools or more likely a new toolbox <3
I agree, best way to solve the problem of too many tool is get a bigger roller cab. I thinned my collection last week and sold off the random things I no longer needed today to a bloke. I now have enough room in the roller cab and chest to fit some more gear. Starting to think about what else might be useful and will buy them as I find spare coin.

I have decided to stop buying random garage sale items like I used to when I was buying anything I didn't have, thinking it might be useful at some point. Most of those have now been pulled and will be sent to the local op shop.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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North Tas
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VE Series I SS Ute
I looked at flogging my spare 9" Makita circular saw as I have two. Trouble is they don't seem to be fetching much more than about $50 so it seems a shame to let it go for next to nothing. 2-3 years ago these would have fetched $100 all day long.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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I agree, best way to solve the problem of too many tool is get a bigger roller cab. I thinned my collection last week and sold off the random things I no longer needed today to a bloke. I now have enough room in the roller cab and chest to fit some more gear. Starting to think about what else might be useful and will buy them as I find spare coin.

I have decided to stop buying random garage sale items like I used to when I was buying anything I didn't have, thinking it might be useful at some point. Most of those have now been pulled and will be sent to the local op shop.
I am much the same. We have filled the last big toolbox purchase, and I can't really part with much of it, so getting another seems the only logical answer.

I did sell a few things last year, as they were still in the case with plastic on. Guess I didn't *need* them 5+yrs ago as much as I thought :D
Did notice I have eleventy two oil filter wrenches, and they are truck sized in one drawer (I only work on light vehicles so cant see how useful they will ever be for me). Pretty sure that was a mechanic shutdown auction buy :p
The hoist oil stands from the same auction have been very well used however.

I am a sucker for estate/industrial/farm clearing auctions........

Hole Denn

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
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I agree, best way to solve the problem of too many tool is get a bigger roller cab. I thinned my collection last week and sold off the random things I no longer needed today to a bloke. I now have enough room in the roller cab and chest to fit some more gear. Starting to think about what else might be useful and will buy them as I find spare coin.

I have decided to stop buying random garage sale items like I used to when I was buying anything I didn't have, thinking it might be useful at some point. Most of those have now been pulled and will be sent to the local op shop.
Just a tip on what I do

I have enough tools to to what I have to do to all the cars at the present.
If I need a tool for a job, I simply buy it, use it to make life easy and save on labour charges presently average at least $100ph then if I wont use it every again in the short term, I post it up and sell it.

This way I have only what I need and sell the nearly new tool for a good price and still come out on top saving labour cost without hoarding more sh*t to my collection of things I will never use and save space for things I need to presently.