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Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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CG Captiva 5 Series 2
Multi-State or global collusion forcing economic sanctions onto one country affecting their entire population only ever hurts the little people.
It's archaic ideology and has never really solved humanities problems.
It creates more disharmony, resentment and enemies.

The entire world, the entire human race is in constant conflict and competition with itself.

Until we learn to cooperate with a common understanding, and be true to our higher potential as intelligent sentient beings we will never really fix the problems that we repeat generation after generation.
I've said it before, the fundamental change that is required to lift humanity to a better place must first come from the top down, it must start with those in positions of power, authority and wealth.

If there's no integrity, accountability, truth and honesty at the very top, how can you expect it to be any better down below.

Why does humanity always require some kind of existential threat or crisis to re-teach us how to cooperate and work together for the benefit of all.

I think your response is a bit Utopian. We are talking about dealing with a nation with the largest population on earth ruled (not led) by a harsh communist regime which over recent years has shown scant regard for international law.
China has always been unpredictable. The evidence in the current situation shows that they initially disregarded the threat and muzzled whistle blowers, then tried to accuse the US military for originating the virus. They now claim to have restricted the virus and that affected numbers are stabilising. Do we really believe them?
It is unhealthy for world economies to be so dominated and reliant upon one nation for much of its industrial output, but for that one nation to be so unpredictable makes the situation even more untenable.
At the end of this pandemic, countries like Australia must re-examine their trading relationships with China and give serious consideration to improving self-reliance. In the middle of this China-caused pandemic, who do we find manufactures the majority of medical supplies? China. That has to stop.

You mention the little bloke as the victim of international trade restrictions, but there are now over half a million identified "little blokes" suffering across the world because of China's callousness. If it takes harsh international reaction to bring China back to the pack, so be it.


Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
I think your response is a bit Utopian. We are talking about dealing with a nation with the largest population on earth ruled (not led) by a harsh communist regime which over recent years has shown scant regard for international law.
China has always been unpredictable. The evidence in the current situation shows that they initially disregarded the threat and muzzled whistle blowers, then tried to accuse the US military for originating the virus. They now claim to have restricted the virus and that affected numbers are stabilising. Do we really believe them?
It is unhealthy for world economies to be so dominated and reliant upon one nation for much of its industrial output, but for that one nation to be so unpredictable makes the situation even more untenable.
At the end of this pandemic, countries like Australia must re-examine their trading relationships with China and give serious consideration to improving self-reliance. In the middle of this China-caused pandemic, who do we find manufactures the majority of medical supplies? China. That has to stop.

You mention the little bloke as the victim of international trade restrictions, but there are now over half a million identified "little blokes" suffering across the world because of China's callousness. If it takes harsh international reaction to bring China back to the pack, so be it.
Mate, I am not pro-China, if I was born there, I would be in a 're-education camp' for being a political dissonant.

But your ideology and thought process only reflects the status-quo, that of the established order.
The US and Britain have shown 'scant regard' for both international law and domestic law.....for decades.
Your justifications for your comments are so neo-liberal and so regressive I don't know where to start.
Are you a former journalist for News Corp or CNN?

I can't lift your mindset out of the dark age, you have to do that work for yourself.



Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
I think it is quite possible for deep state operators from both the US or China, to deliberately infect the civilian population.
There is a lot of bad blood between China and the US at the moment and our GovCo are US loyalists, but sell ourselves out to the Chinese for a quick buck!
There are huge 'power struggles' occurring globally.
Both governments have shown through their actions to completely disregard the value of human life if it gets in the way of 'economic or corporate special interests'
The IMF could even be behind COVID-19....we may never know the truth, unless another Assange or Snowden bring some evidence into the light...
Whistle blowers from the inside or those who can access inside information and willing to expose it publicly are either in exile or prison, at the very least, they are harassed by State Authorities... they are GovCo enemy #1


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Lower Hunter Region NSW
Members Ride
CG Captiva 5 Series 2
Mate, I am not pro-China, if I was born there, I would be in a 're-education camp' for being a political dissonant.

But your ideology and thought process only reflects the status-quo, that of the established order.
The US and Britain have shown 'scant regard' for both international law and domestic law.....for decades.
Your justifications for your comments are so neo-liberal and so regressive I don't know where to start.
Are you a former journalist for News Corp or CNN?

I can't lift your mindset out of the dark age, you have to do that work for yourself.

Well, thanks for nothing. I'll ask questions of someone else on the forum infuture. Neo-Liberal? Journalist? "CNN?
**** off.

keith reed

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Sep 26, 2010
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If we look at who has done what to who then on the international scene then China has a long way to go before they catch up on England and the USA.It would be far easier with England to list who they haven't declared war on. However the USA are no slouches and have been interfering in other countries affairs for a long time. I don't think it is a coincidence that these countries they are supposedly giving their freedom to also have oil. Look at the turmoil they have created in Iraq as an instance. Can we say honestly the country is a better place for their citizens since the USA invaded. Neither of these Countries have any interest in Yemen where genocide is being committed against their people. Who knows perhaps they don't have any oil.


Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
North Queensland
Members Ride
2007 VE SV6
Well, thanks for nothing. I'll ask questions of someone else on the forum infuture. Neo-Liberal? Journalist? "CNN?
**** off.
The point being ...I rebutted your views as essentially redundant and archaic.
Just like the mainstream narrative.



Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
North Queensland
Members Ride
2007 VE SV6
If we look at who has done what to who then on the international scene then China has a long way to go before they catch up on England and the USA.It would be far easier with England to list who they haven't declared war on. However the USA are no slouches and have been interfering in other countries affairs for a long time. I don't think it is a coincidence that these countries they are supposedly giving their freedom to also have oil. Look at the turmoil they have created in Iraq as an instance. Can we say honestly the country is a better place for their citizens since the USA invaded. Neither of these Countries have any interest in Yemen where genocide is being committed against their people. Who knows perhaps they don't have any oil.
And don't forget Syria, power broking and ego tripping by the US, Britain and Russia, over a gas pipeline ....I guess the million innocent refugees are just collateral damage.
Have you seen John Pilger's documentary on the US military involvement in the Marshall Islands atomic bomb testing, post WWII

Can you imagine the fear/confusion on the faces of the suits in Washington, and Wall St, if China decided to start building military bases that surround the USA mainland - home of the free and the brave (which is exactly what the US have done in the Asia Pacific region, China has been surrounded by US military bases for many years)


keith reed

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Raceview Qld
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1983 vh v8 sle 2000 vs v8 ute 2012 ve11 redline
And don't forget Syria, power broking and ego tripping by the US, Britain and Russia, over a gas pipeline ....I guess the million innocent refugees are just collateral damage.
Have you seen John Pilger's documentary on the US military involvement in the Marshall Islands atomic bomb testing, post WWII

Can you imagine the fear/confusion on the faces of the suits in Washington, and Wall St, if China decided to start building military bases that surround the USA mainland - home of the free and the brave (which is exactly what the US have done in the Asia Pacific region, China has been surrounded by US military bases for many years)

Yes, Syria is a classic example of the USA's interference in another countries affairs. Their prime objective has been the overthrow of the Assad government and to install some of their friends. Nothing to do with oil. The USA armed the opposition to help facilitate this. However this has backfired with the assistance of the Russians (more baddies) and the conflict has swung heavily in the governments favour. However the USA refuse to leave even though the Syrian government have asked them to. They continue to steal the countries oil at the rate of about $30 million each month. Why? Because they can.


Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
North Queensland
Members Ride
2007 VE SV6
Keith mate, everything in the middle east is to with oil and natural gas.
Who owns it, who controls it....it's about money-power and exploiting the planets natural resources, which mostly benefits those who control the most, the wealthy elites.

All the wars, the civilian deaths, refugees, and general outright destruction, all of it caused by the warring power elites.
All of each of the countries leaders involved are all responsible for these wars and destruction, all the instability and human rights abuses, everything falls back on these powerful and wealthy individuals, who are, when you strip it all back, nothing more than self serving greedy spineless cnuts.
Innocent people losing family and friends, losing body parts, losing their homes, losing everything, their great cost and loss pays for these spineless individuals palatial opulent lifestyles.
The Saudi Royals are known for their humans rights abuses and supporting various militant rebels whose job is to create instability, and they get away with it because they are obscenely wealthy and powerful....
The first thing Trump does is make a multi-billion dollar arms deal with them....jesus fracking christ....these pricks are so arrogant they can do it right out in the open if they so choose. The deals and crimes they don't want known publicly are done under the radar via deep state operatives.

And I cannot respect or support the Australian governments involvement.