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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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North Tas
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I had it up and couldn`t delete it.
Mean thing I didn`t click on anything.

FIIK how it happened but some how I may have been signed up for a dating site. It says my user name as my first and last name in one word, but they use my first name with a capital A. I get emails from the bastards saying I have matches and stuff. I also get the click here to "unsubscribe".... All I can do is delete the emails. I'm pretty sure if I "unsubscribe" I will probably get a virus. Good thing is I get emails on my phone first so if the phone was infected I could bin it as it's a cheap phone. I suspect it's something from Gumtree; that site is a bastard to get you into offers that you don't want, if you're not careful and close it down before moving on. I suspect that's where I get my spam email from too, bloody bastards need to make money from all those like me, who only use the free option to advertise.


Donating Member
May 14, 2013
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Far Kurnell
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I suspect that if you ‘unsubscribe’ from a shonky site, all you are doing is confirming your email address.
I regularly get emails from a mate, saying ‘look at this’ with a link. I don’t click the link as I know that it is not him, and he can’t do anything about it, he has been hijacked. Blocking the particular email address does not work as the address is subtly changed from previous emails, they just look genuine at first glance.
I also get a lot of ‘invoices’ from companies saying that an invoice copy of the work performed is in the attachment …….. delete is Plan A, no Plan B.
Over the past few years, I have changed all my regular bills from electronic to good old snail mail in the letter box. No viruses with the postie-bike.