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  • Hey Mel, how are you? Man O man, I wish I could help you on this one. But what I will do is have a chat to a couple of mates of mine and I'll see what I can find out.
    I'm having some problems with my car, It's got no idle. I'll be driving down the road and she just turns off. Wish i knew what it was. lol.
    But I'm about to get out side and have a quick look at her and see if I can work it out. Got a couple of idea's but I could be wrong.

    I'll let you know asap about your car.
    :) Tam
    have you herd or no how to repair vs v6 running problem i have listed with no reply runs for while then shuts down to idle and wont rev back up till it cools for minute or so does not stall out and starts easly every time
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