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  • Hey bro I've got a ton of checks and balances for this problem I could go through with you!? I would be only too happy if by now you've had just about had a gutsfull of all the bullshit and expense!? No catch. Cheers.
    Hey there I have been trying to organise sponsorship on your site but am finding it hard because Darren who is one of the Admins does not reply back and he was the one organising it for me. He sent me the PDF file and said it would cost $200 for the year etc but did not hear back from him after that. Can you please rpely back to me ASAP as I really would like this sorted so I can work with your members.

    Thanks for your time.

    Vince @ X-plode Performance

    Can you please review my latest neg rep.

    Recieved 26-07-2010 07:40 PM.

    I dont believe it is neg rep worthy
    Can you move the post "My Commy Questions" to a more relevant section please (it is in General Specifications)
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