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  • Thanks for your reply, I ended up answering own question yesterday. Apparently whenever LH/RH is spoken it refers to when we sit in driver seat..RH is always driver position and LH being passenger. Sorry to annoy ya but Im glad now I never attempted till the query was solved couldnt imagine the amount of troubles Id run into.
    On another note, Im probably wrong but on a quick glance mine was doing similar stuff and VN/VS similar. Ended up being CAS (crank angle sensor). Mine's located behind the Harmonic Balancer which you will need a pulley -tool to take off. Pooey job. Easier would be to take to a mechanic and ask to check error codes (that's free and only takes 5min with their tool) write the codes down and when you get bak to ya computer check the codes to your particular model and you'll pinpoint probs..if it is CAS maybe one of your mates could lend you tools and that'd be a sweet as project to accomplish (wish I could physically help ya :) ) Okay good luck chat sooon hay..Mel
    Good evening Chick...gotta question for ya... I have an error code of 13, 44 & 76 which are all related to O2 sensor. Mine is throwing out the RH sensor as lean..thing is I got this far and a little more however just wanted to check as I cant find anywhere on net which one the RH is... would that be looking at engine or would it be from drivers seat.. Id say its looking in at the engine the one on the Right (making it passenger side) could you confirm that for me? Or are we now BOTH in the dark about this lol? Cheers Mel
    Hey. Yeah I'm good thanks. Yes I do, do work on my own car I love it.
    I agree do a couple of courses they will come in handy for when you do need to work on your car.
    I live in Adelaide. Just remember that when you do work on your car just take your time, and if it helps mark the parts you are taking off so
    you know were they go.
    Take care and please let me know how you go
    Hey, how u doin? Jus wondrin do you do much work on your own car? Im about to put myself through a couple of courses cos where i live there is no mechanics and i got 2 kids (no real man lol) so gotta do myself and sometimes it gets pretty difficult. Got this major starting andgoing prob hapnin and i just replaced radiator today. Where abouts are you situated? Well it feels like im talking to myself so will leave it with ya..... take care and i hope to hear fromyou soon
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