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  1. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Ok, a tad late but in the interest of closure.. Yes a replacement balancer did work well. And the power steering was pretty much right after that too. The bad news is.. I ended up having to sell immediately due to the fairlane being so close to being on the road. And didn't get a video for you...
  2. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Like your thinking.. Leave it with me boys. Not much more can be done here. I'd say this will have a conclusion in 1-3 weeks. Thanks for your time and inputs.
  3. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    lol Devilly, I take it you skip over my overly detailed posts and missed the parts where i said id taken the balancer off again today and reinstalled with my compressor and pulley kit. Or the first post where id said i have been doing this a few times for the past few months as i was convinced...
  4. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Oh i probably should have mentioned.. whoops.. I did do the lock to lock bleeding with car jacked up already. Fords are fairly notorious for power steering issues so I'm well versed by now in them haha. and yes, i did top it up today and already i can feel the power steering coming good. That...
  5. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Yeah i don't typically make videos if that was not obvious enough haha. Not sure what YouTube did.. Video was shakey so it tried to fix it... Made it look like you're watching from a fish bowl . I wasn't actually showing the pulleys.. i was just trying to get the camera phone in there encase it...
  6. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    yeah i think maybe ill grab a bottle of power steering fluid tomorrow just to top it off.. I haven't had a good look at the reservoir but i knew it was half way down the bottle. I'll actually check the levels tomorrow and top off appropriately. Sort of just figured that would still be enough...
  7. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Well it's fairly damp outside but i managed to get a short clip down of the noise. https://youtu.be/vE2q8oX1xJE
  8. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    yeah might be right. Lets see how the weather goes tomorrow
  9. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Yep, Checked online to be sure
  10. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    well i may have spoken a little too soon. It's alive and moving.. fuel tank mounted. But it does have a sort of knocking/rattling noise.. a lot like it had when it first broke down except now it can idle, move, and does not stall when i accelerate. Noise seems to be coming from somewhere from...
  11. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    A late reply, but a reply no less. Had no time lately to do anything more with this until today. And you'll be pleased to hear you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Even though i had dropped the fuel tank and heard the pump making noises.. Even though i had pulled the filter off on the...
  12. B

    Post never showed?

    haha yeah that one. Sorry, Showed up on my screen much later for whatever reason. Can delete this thread if you like. Crisis averted.
  13. B

    Post never showed?

    Wrote a rather long post under the VT-VX commodore section. Describing an issue iv had with a VX Commodore.. I have only just joined so i had to wait for moderator to view it.. fair enough. But now i can post and my thread has not yet showed up? Is that normal? Or have i lost it forever? I...
  14. B

    Radiator lid fulll of sludge

    Probably a good idea to stick a hose in the radiator and let that run until nothing but clear water comes out.
  15. B

    Radiator lid fulll of sludge

    https://scontent.fbne1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/t31.0-8/11406663_10155683839230532_9011569197259045332_o.jpg"]THIS is Sludge
  16. B

    VX Commodore Crank no start

    Promised myself i wouldn't do this but I am coming to wits end with this car. Don't know a great deal about the workings of a Commodore motor (Iv always had fords.. ha.. i can feel the hate brewing already) anyway.. Got a 2002.. i think..pretty sure. VX Commodore V6 and let it be heard...