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  1. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    Thank you friends the sealant I used was unsuitable for oil I applied the correct sealant and everything is fine now.
  2. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    Thank you, I applied only on the keyway and at the end where the pulley leans on the crank
  3. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    Yes, I am from Brazil I have a Commodore vt 1999 3.8 v6 here called Omega because it was imported by Chevrolet
  4. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    V6, looking down when running the leak originates from the same retainer, I thought it could be the crank's clogged breather and giving pressure.
  5. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    Smooth surface, apparently was perfect the old retainer was leaking very little, I put the new, after a few days began to leak a lot but only when it is with hot engine.
  6. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    I'm from Brazil, sorry I'm using Google translator, what would be the best form of translation? The retainer is the front pulley of the rotation sensor.
  7. Ricardobrz99

    Leaking oil when hot

    Olá amigos, meu Commodore vt 99 é com grande vazamento de óleo originado do selo de manivela, mas apenas vazamentos com motor quente, quando está frio não há vazamento, o selo é novo. Comutado para 1 mês.