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  1. L

    VP V6 fuel pump replacement

    Thanks it’s all sorted! Pump was purchased from repco, you young bloke behind the counter had no idea, I tried exposing the difference and he insisted it was the only pump listed for VN -VS. The only other pump they had on there system had to be ordered. Got a refund and went to bursons, they...
  2. L

    VP V6 fuel pump replacement

    Ok, thanks for elaborating to clear that up, so I’m guessing series 1 have different fuel pumps to series 2?
  3. L

    VP V6 fuel pump replacement

    Hi there, My son and I are getting an old VP sedan going that’s been sitting for a while. Initially there was no fuel pump noise when ignition was turned on and wouldn’t fire. It ran on aero start so I assumed it was a fuel pump. Purchased the following pump...