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  1. S

    Holden commodore vy ss ii disaster

    Had to take the front body kit off because the power to the locks and everything went completely, could not open it with a key manually and the only way I could get to to the battery terminals and fiddle with the connects was by taking the front body kit off.
  2. S

    Flood Damaged VT

    I know exactly what your talking about mate, had to drive through a massive amount of water up here in QLD and you just don't anticipate how deep it will be. It was either that or we'd have the car stranded possibly flooded. It's good and all to give advice but when your in that same situation...
  3. S

    Holden commodore vy ss ii disaster

    Hi Everyone I know this post would piss a lot of people off but for a car that is just a run of the mill commuting to work and home have this much issues, I can't even begin to imagine how much more it would have if I gave it a good old boot.
  4. S

    what rims are these?

    Hey They are the CV8 Rims which came out with the 300kw + Monaro. There is a better version of them availabile now and highly recommend you look at the SSA CV STYLE RIMS. I have just placed 20"'s on my car and can tell you now that they have a much meaner and better effect. There just seems...
  5. S

    Installing Flush 6x9's In VS Commodore

    If your anyone like me you would hate the look of those bloody disgusting spacers in the back of your parsal shelf containing your 6X9's. It's really simple to be able to get your 6x9's to be flush in the parsal shel all it requires is a hammer and a chisel. You'll notice as you take of the...