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  1. R

    Still mates with your best mate from school?

    I only left school a couple of years ago, most people went to the city for uni and junk... my best friend, who stayed here because i got him a job where i work, started going out with my ex (while we were going out), so things are a little tense between him and me right now lol... but i still...
  2. R

    Sedan or Ute?

    i pretty much just want the car for fun, but when it comes to getting an SS it isn't price thats the problem, its the ******* P-plate laws in NSW... I can't get a V8 till towards the end of next year, and i'm damned if i'm waiting that long lol... I think i am leaning towards the ute, just...
  3. R

    Sedan or Ute?

    Sorry if this has come up before, but if it has I can't find it... Looking at getting a used SV6, can't make my mind up between sedan or ute. I'm driving myself nuts here...help me out!!
  4. R

    Buying Interstate

    thanks for the tips guys, i really appreciate it.
  5. R

    Buying Interstate

    Hi all, this is my first post so go easy... So i'm looking at a VE SV6 ute, and have my eye on one in VIC, but i'm from NSW. Are there any complications buying interstate i should know about, other then needing to get it registered for NSW? would it be better to just look harder for a deal in...