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  1. N

    Broken DVD Player, Holden can't help

    Hi Guys, The front clip on my 2005 VZ Calais dvd player broke a couple of months ago and so the screen fell down and has been swinging in the breeze since, its that bad now that the hinges have broken and its looking pretty sketchy. I went to Holden to try and get a replacement part but he...
  2. N

    Lights cutout from high beam to low

    Hi I'm having trouble with my lights. They cutout for about 2 seconds when changing from high beam to low or vise verser even when flicking off the indicator. It's really starting to annoy me, any ideas on it wood be great. Thanks
  3. N

    squeaking noise when in gear

    hard to explain, but got me car serviced bout 500k's ago and they put new spark plug leads on and since then there has been a squeaking noise behind the top pulley when its in gear and the pulley shakes up and down. can anyone help me out? cheers
  4. N

    how to remove side skirts on VT Series 1

    hi im having trouble removing the side skirts can someone plaese help me out? cheers
  5. N

    VT indicator light flashing really quick

    gday i just got my car back from being serviced they put a new globe in the right hand blinker, flicked the right hand blinker on on me way out and it was just flashing really quick. does anyone know how to fix it? cheers
  6. N

    how can i find out what sort my VT is?

    gday i just bought a VT and it has no badges so i can't tell if its a executive or berlina or anythin. the badge says - General Motor Holden Automatic Limited Model - VT8VK69-114 Built - Sep97 Body No - L267543 ENG - LN3 Trim - 171...