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  1. T

    Clutch feels loose and cant select gears

    hey guys, i have a manual VS ute SIII. Iv noticed the gears have been a bit sticky latley but when i took it to the mechanic to get it looked at they couldnt find anything wrong with it :confused: anyway my partner took my car to work yesturday but when she went to drive it home she couldnt get...
  2. T

    Is changing a clutch easy?

    its easy but a bitch to do at the same time. i took mine in, to get replaced about 2months ago. only because i didnt have access hoist and was mainly just lazy. got it back from the mechanic and was running like **** and ended up having to re-do it again myself. and getting into a argument...
  3. T

    coolant temp sensor

    i have 98 vs ute, and it has recently been reaching high temprature, i had a look under the bonnet and relized the fan wasnt kicking in untill it reach high temp. i was thinking the temp sensor maybe faulty? and was also wondering where abouts i might find the temp sensor?
  4. T

    vs ute lsd

    hey guys i just recently bought a manual vs ute (non irs) and i am wanting an lsd basicly so i can do double legers :shutup: but i am having trouble finding wich kind of lsd i will need.. plz help befor i just weld it up haha