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  1. M

    Turning a VL Sadan into a Coupe

    I'v live in nz and never seen a two door commodore, so thats why , my mate's chopping a mark one cortina s/w to a two door but my comma will look better after all its a holden!!
  2. M

    Turning a VL Sadan into a Coupe

    I've got no pictures but have thought through the project , it all hinges on what glass i can sorce , an auto glasss mate suggests that i try and use a two door glass of a jappa that has the same angle up the a piller , it has to be done propperly as i will have to get it cert ed
  3. M

    Turning a VL Sadan into a Coupe

    Hi,has anyone out there turned their 4 door commodore into a coupe? I'm just in the planning stage i've got the panel side of things sorted as lengthing the doors etc but i'm a bit stuck on whitch glass to use as i would like to have windup windows in the rear 1/4's as well .. Any ideas??
  4. M

    Vl Coupe Just for fun

    Looks like crap lol , im thinking to turn my VL sadan into a coupe , the panel work is the easy part , any thoughts on which glass to use??