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  1. Glaze

    Airbag light question

    There’s multiple threads regarding the dreaded airbag light on commodores - most common issue being the clockspring. However I used a scan tool to check airbag fault on a 2002 VX LS1 and it came up with “fault 21 driver airbag circuit resistance too high”. Can’t find what “fault 21” refers to...
  2. M

    Clock spring issue

    Hi everyone, I’ve got a 2007 ve calais that displays the airbag light when turning the steering wheel. Comes good when the wheel os straight and then beeps again when turned.. very annoying. Anyway i’ve taken the clock spring out and it seems to be the one with 3 connectors at the back. I...
  3. Shaneeex

    VE ClockSpring Replacement Thread

    Righto Lads this thread is aimed at guiding you to replace your own clockspring. This was done on my VE SERIES 2 which had a damaged clockspring causing the steering wheel controls to malfunction while turning the wheel. I managed to bag a second hand clockspring from a wreckers for $100. To...
  4. Hancock5158

    Fitting SRS steering wheel on non-airbag VS. (+ turn signal cancel fix)

    Good evening. I just got done fitting a genuine HSV leather steering wheel out of a VS Clubsport into my non-airbag series III VS ute. Couldnt find much info on the matter before i started so once it began looking like it might actually work i decided to snap a cuttla pictures before i put it...
  5. VesperZ

    Illumination for audio buttons on steering wheel

    Hey guys just a quick one, in order to illuminate the audio buttons on the steering wheel do I just have to replace my clockspring to a Calais clockspring or are there are parts involved?