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  1. DeathSammich

    VT running rich after service

    My series 1 VT was running rich for a while using 15L per 100 so I changed the o2 sensors to Brand new ones and it's still using 15L per 100. I'm not sure what to do. It has 280xxxKms on it and I've ordered a coolant temp sensor and also have a fuel injector service kit ready to go. What else...
  2. W

    HELP Broken Down for Christmas VN6 S1 stalling

    My motor runs rich and soots up the (new and previous) plugs almost immediately. The car starts cold, and stalls after one block. This came on after some recent work; Just before the problem, I had my exhaust sytem replaced, some new bits some 2nd hand. Could an exhaust system problem...
  3. teamkiller

    Code 76 + bad fuel economy = dead o2 sensor?

    G'day guys, Well my VS V6 is getting about 350km per tank. I noticed it kicks out black exhaust when I hammer the oranges, it seems to be all over the rear of the car aswell (black car, didn't notice before). Mate says its probably running rich, I just checked the codes and I got: Code 76 -...