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Another Cycling Incident - Brisbane Cyclist Mowed Down


Aspiring Sociopath
Jan 13, 2010
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Newcastle, home of Toranafest
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WK Land Yacht
Out of curiosity what are the rules for Cyclists riding in packs on the roads ?

10 points each and a bonus 50 points if you get the whole pack.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2009
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Toowoomba, Qld
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Out of curiosity what are the rules for Cyclists riding in packs on the roads ?

you can't ride more than two abreast in Qld or ride within 1.5m of another bike if riding 2 abreast
the exception is of course organised rides where police have blocked off lanes or roads etc
Bicycle road rules (Department of Transport and Main Roads)

You must:

ride as near as is safely possible to the far left side of the road — on a multi-lane road or a road with two or more lines of traffic travelling in the same direction as you, you can occupy a lane and travel in the right hand lane when necessary (for example, to make a right turn)
ride to the left of any oncoming vehicle
not overtake another vehicle on the left if that vehicle is turning left and giving a left change of direction signal
not ride more than two abreast unless overtaking
ride within 1.5 m of the other rider if riding two abreast.


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
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2007 MY08 WM Caprice 6.0L V8
Charging them money for rego i think is worthless, but having a way to identify EVERYBODY on the roads I think is pretty important.

Should be a simple all cyclists must buy a number plate for a nominal fee (eg: $50/$100) and they must attach it to the bike they are riding, that way the plate is registered to the rider not the bike, my brother has more than 1 bike, for various riding, he couldn't afford to rego them all.
Failure to display plate will result in fine.

But essentially it comes down to riders and motorists have a bit of respect for one another and patience.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2009
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Toowoomba, Qld
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Should be a simple all cyclists must buy a number plate for a nominal fee (eg: $50/$100) and they must attach it to the bike they are riding, that way the plate is registered to the rider not the bike, my brother has more than 1 bike, for various riding, he couldn't afford to rego them all.
Failure to display plate will result in fine.
that's really not going to solve the problem. The only real reason a motorist will want to identify a cyclist, is if the car sustains any damage from a collision which was the cyclists fault.There is very little if any damage to motor vehicles caused by incidents involving cyclists. The same can't be said for damage to cyclists and the bikes. What we face is, problem car drivers already have identifiers in the form of number plates, but it doesn't discourage them driving like lunatic. So identifiers on problem cyclists bikes aren't going to stop them from riding like lunatics either. It really not going to solve anything, all it will do is discourage the vast majority of law abiding cyclists from riding.

But essentially it comes down to riders and motorists have a bit of respect for one another and patience.
THIS is the only solution.
I often shake my head in disbelief at all the agro expressed on these forums between motorists and cyclists. I've driven a car for 25 years now and ridden a bike since I was a kid. In that time I could count the amount of bad encounters I've had as a cyclist vs cars and a car driver vs cyclists on one hand..... I've lived most of my life in a busy city (Brisbane) and lived in a regional area now for around 6 years. As for bad encounters as a car driver or motorbike rider vs other car drivers, I haven't got enough fingers and toes to count even a fraction of the near misses..... As a motorcyclist, I almost make sure my will is up to date before I hit the road. Car drivers just seem to aim for us and our motorbikes are registered!

I think most of the bad experiences expressed on these forums are as a result of either the car driver or cyclist being stupid, impatient, pig headed or all of the above.... ALL road users need to take a chill pill, and there will be far less problems.
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