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[VE] Full exhaust install on VE SS


Mar 25, 2013
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Perth, WA
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VE SS Sportwagon
Appologies I don't have any photo's to go with the thread, but I've tried my best to explain it all.

When I refer to the front or back, or LHS and RHS, it is as viewed from the driver seat.

Basically my technique was to start at the back removing everything and work forwards, then start installing at the front and work backwards.

Parts Installed:

Hurricane 1 7/8" Extractors
Manta 2.5" Cats
Manta 2.5" Cat back (center hot dogs, rear mufflers)

All supplied by Not_an_Abba_Fan (or Southwest Performance Exhaust Supplies)

Time Needed:

I don't do a great deal of work on cars, and my old man hasn't done a great deal in the last 20 years either, but we are both handy enough on the tools.

It took us approx 3 hours to do it all.

If we were to do a second set, I'd say <2 hour is achievable now we know what we are doing, and some of the tricks and problem areas.

What I used:

4x Axle stands
1x Crappy little trolly jack
Basic hand tools


1. Put the car on stands, or ramps. The higher you get it, the easier your life becomes.
2. Be careful doing this, I never feel safe putting a car completely up on stands, but it's gotta be done for this really.
3. I unplugged the battery at this point as well, not sure if you need to, but I did it.

Removal Cat Back

1. Undo the 2 bolts on each side that hold the rear mufflers to the middle section of the cat back.
2. Pull both rear mufflers out of the rubber hangers. Mufflers now removed.
3. Remove the tunnel brace (4 more bolts)
4. Unplug the 2 O2 sensors (just unplug them for now, they will be way to tight to bother trying to undo them while underneath the car)
5. Undo the 4 bolts that hold the cat back to the factory cats.
6. Slide the rear of the cat back out of the rubbers and lower it to the ground (2 people made this easier, one at each end).

This took me approx 30minutes. Now I've done it once before, I'd say the next time would only be a 15minute job.

Removal Exhaust Manifold and Cats

This took me I'd say over an hour and a half. Realistically, now I've done it once, I could do it in 30 minutes.

I made a decent mistake here that now you guys wont have to as I'm telling you not to. Leave the cats attached to the exhaust manifold. There is no need to remove them, it's a pain in the ass to do, and it gains nothing.

1. Unplug the 2 O2 sensors in the cats. These are abit harder to reach the plugs, but it's do-able.
2. Remove the leads, they just pull off at the top and bottom, nothing fancy, but they might be tight.
3. Undo the bolt holding the dipstick bracket to the head, no need to remove the dipstick, just push it out the way a little.
4. Go along and crack all the bolts on the exhaust manifold, I think they were 1/2" (bloody yanky engine, everything else was metric).
NOTE: The rear LHS bolt is such a pain to access, it took me ages to remove, doing on tiny tiny increments of a turn.
5. Now remove all of the bolts, except I left the front and rear bolts still in the manifold, but quite loose.
6. Get someone under the car to support the manifold and cats, while someone removes the last 2 bolts.
7. Both sides will drop through to the bottom without any issues. Nothing needs to be moved, this is straight forward.
8. Throw horrible stock cats and headers in bin (I kept mine, just incase of defect)

Installing Extractors:

1. On the RHS you will see a steering shaft that goes from the firewall down to the steering rack. On the steering rack end there is a bolt that clamps this shaft to a uni-joint type thing. Undo this bolt. I had to open the clamp up a little with a screw driver and the shaft came off the uni-joint pretty easily. I then cable-tied the shaft to something on the RHS of the engine bay to keep it out of the way.
2. Place the O2 sensor extension harness on the LHS, this is hard once the extractors in (RHS does not need an extension).
3. Place the exhaust manifold gasket against the head and screw the front and rear bolt into the head a just enough so you can sit the extractors on these bolts. Do this to each side.
4. Pass the extractors up from the bottom and sit them on the 2 bolts you just prepared. Now begin to add the other 4 bolts into the head. I had someone support the weight of the extractors while I put the bolts in. Snug them all down gently.
5. Torque the bolts to 15Nm first pass, then to 20Nm for a final pass.
NOTE: This is what I did, it might be wrong, but it was the info I found on the net.
6. Attach the steering shaft again, I found this was easiest from underneath the car.
7. Put leads back on.
8. Screw back down dipstick.

Installing Cats:

1. Push the cat onto the rubber exhaust hanger.
2. Place a gasket between extractors and cats and do up the 4 bolts.
3. Repeat for other side.
4. Install 2 O2 sensors and plug them in.

Installing Cat back:

1. Put the rear of the center section on the rubber hangers.
2. Place a gasket between cats and cat back and do up the 4 bolts.
3. Place the rear muffler in the rubber hanger, do up the 2 bolts (repeat for other side).
4. Install 2 O2 sensors and plug them in.
Last edited:


Exhaust Guru
Aug 18, 2006
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Bunbury, WA
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Strange Rover
Yes he did, but then he got a tune and I'm pretty sure he replaced the sensors too.

Probably 99% of them will throw an error, but more from the coating on the extractors burning off and contaminating the sensors.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
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09 VE clubbie R8
could you just run the engine with the sensors out for 5-10 minutes till the exhaust is hot and then install the sensors with no error?

Im keen to change mine in the future but still researching errors n weather to fit them at home or wait until dyno n tune day


Exhaust Guru
Aug 18, 2006
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Bunbury, WA
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Strange Rover
It doesn't hurt the car to run it with the engine light on. You will get the error with no sensors anyway.


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Aug 16, 2015
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E3 Maloo
anybody able to help? i removed the 13mm bolt clamping the steering pin to the rack, but how do i move it from there? i tried pulling and pushing in all directions but not sure how its supposed to come out just in case i break something. cheers!


Exhaust Guru
Aug 18, 2006
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Bunbury, WA
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Strange Rover
It will just be tight. Give it a wiggle and it will come apart. But I guess you may have already done it as your post was yesterday.

In future, may I suggest you start a new thread rather than commenting on a 2 year old one? You would get an answer quicker.


Exhaust Guru
Aug 18, 2006
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Bunbury, WA
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Strange Rover
You don't, it sits above the headers and bolts to a hole just above the header bolts. But if you are trying to get the header/manifold off, remove the bolt in the bracket and pull the dipstick tube out.


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Jun 9, 2014
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ZB Holden Calais V 3.6L AWD Hatchback
Hey guys, waiting for extractors and high flow cats to come. Did you have any issue with the extractors coming in contact or close to the transmission lines? I've been told on the auto LS3 they may have to be relocated