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Having a spit.


Jul 10, 2006
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gold coast qld
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1999 Landrover disco series 1, 2006 Street Bob
Agree completely how ever causing a scene doesn't do anything but make you look bad.

No point worrying about what people think of you, thats their problem. Hopefully returning the favor will knock some sense into them, that they can't walk round being F***wits and expect that everyone is to scared to speak up. You give them that power they'll just keep doing it.

I used to be one of those that said nothing, i now say whatever is on my mind.


New Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I see this behavior all too often nowadays.
People are all too fast to jump the queue and get served first, they don't care who they step over etc to do it. It's disgusting.

Good on you for saying something about it. I'm usually, unfortunately, the kind of person who'll sit there a writhe in anger whilst I watch it happen.

Being in a customer service industry myself, I deal with a lot of people who seem to think they can speak to you in a disrespectful/arrogant way and get what they want.
Luckily for me, I've been in the job for long enough to learn how to 'deal' with these particular clients... I very rarely bend over backwards for them or give them what they want.

Those who're polite and respectful to me I will go out of my way to do my best for them.


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Mar 12, 2011
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Never be disrespectful to people behind the counter at airports that handle your luggage. You never know a/ where it could be sent to, or b/ what might get put into it and you get the blame.


Jan 5, 2012
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2011 Sll Caprice/ 2009 SR5 Turbo
I nearly gave some a good backhander the other day, only 2 slight problems:

1. Don't want any more crim records
2. He was gay with a fully rigged guy
And I didn't want to cop one from


Beam me up Scotty!
Mar 5, 2011
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Woodford QLD
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VS Berlina
I would have been less polite than you Calaber.

I have no patience for bad customer service. I understand he asked you if you would mind, etc.. but there was more than one staff member there, the other should have done more to help. Yours needed to return immediately to you, telling the other customers I am so sorry but I am busy I will just get someone here to help you out..

If thats not possible, they just have to wait. If they dont like it, thats unfortunate, but most people understand in the end and its not likely to hurt your business much. Serving people out of turn might though. I think you took the right approach by talking to the rude people directly, it saved the salesperson a minor dilemma.

I once watched one of my checkout chicks hand over change to a customer, turn to talk to her friend/fellow employee and just drop the change, completely missing the customers hand. She was unemployed 10 minutes later. I've sacked staff for not smiling enough, customer satisfaction is everything. Having said that, you try to please everyone, and if you need to displease someone of course you are going to choose the one that is the most rude to you.

I had some woman argue with me because I was parked in a 'pram park' the other day (babies are disabled and have to push their own pram?). She didnt even bother noticing my disabled sticker, nor the unaccompanied bogan mum loading her shopping into the Pajero in the disabled space next to us.

People are rude and self serving, its the way of the world these days it seems.

EDIT: If the disabled guy was genuinely disabled, he would be more likely to insist on waiting. You get kind of sick of people patronising you after awhile, it makes you feel like you have totally lost your independence. That was just a copout on the 'carers' part.
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Jun 30, 2005
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Talk about bad service, a few times now I've conducted a transaction without one word being spoken by the shop assistant. Not one single word, just gestures and facial expressions. Naturally I had to straighten them out. I always start with, could I have (whatever ) please and finish with thank you.


Next Exit Left
Jun 12, 2006
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Surprise, Arizona
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Lets see the rube buggers bust down the pearly gates first demanding to be first... Sadly the "ME NOW" generation have a big fat wall of life to hit someday..


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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I am 20, and I find the people who are worst, are about either 16-30ish.

I think the elderly are the worst. My encounters in shops etc. seem to be predominately elderly citizens pushing in, nudging you with their trolleys or coming at you at warp speed in their gophers. Most have a scowl on their face. I think they believe as they are elderly they have a right to be served first or be in front and the rest of us can "respect the elderly." That is the impression I get. However I am fed up of their belligerence. I fail to see, using my example in my OP, how Grandma's need to be served is more urgent than mine. In that instance I had popped out from work to pick up a script when I get shoved out of the way at the counter so she can attract the attention of the salesperson. Well sod off Grandma, I am on paid time, you just are just killing time.

Don't get me wrong, I am a very polite and well mannered person as a rule. If for example she asked me if she could go first as her bus was only 10 mins away I would happily let her. I will often keep an eye on people behind me queued at the checkout and let people with a handful of items go ahead. But start shoving me around or deliberately pushing in front and these days I will say something. I no longer vent internally.


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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CG Captiva 5 Series 2
I think the elderly are the worst. My encounters in shops etc. seem to be predominately elderly citizens pushing in, nudging you with their trolleys or coming at you at warp speed in their gophers. Most have a scowl on their face. I think they believe as they are elderly they have a right to be served first or be in front and the rest of us can "respect the elderly." That is the impression I get. However I am fed up of their belligerence. I fail to see, using my example in my OP, how Grandma's need to be served is more urgent than mine. In that instance I had popped out from work to pick up a script when I get shoved out of the way at the counter so she can attract the attention of the salesperson. Well sod off Grandma, I am on paid time, you just are just killing time.

Don't get me wrong, I am a very polite and well mannered person as a rule. If for example she asked me if she could go first as her bus was only 10 mins away I would happily let her. I will often keep an eye on people behind me queued at the checkout and let people with a handful of items go ahead. But start shoving me around or deliberately pushing in front and these days I will say something. I no longer vent internally.

Interesting observation, Clare. I often wonder about the arrogance and lack of consideration displayed by the elderly, particularly as they grew up in a time where manners were far more strongly taught and reinforced. They would have been taught to respect their elders - perhaps they now believe that, as they ARE the elders, everybody else has to respect them, without them being respectful themselves?

I can actually stretch this thread further with an earlier example of selfishness at a shop check-out some years back. Once again, the cranky ol' bastard in me had to be released.

Waiting in the express check out of the local Coles. Lady in front of me had a couple of items, but the woman in front of her had a full trolley, with her daughter, about 14, alongside. She was next to be served. Sends her daughter back into the shop for something she'd forgotten. Full trolley +1. Then sends daughter back again for something else. Full trolley +2? Old bastard speaks up.

C.O.B. - Yeah, that's right love. You're in the express lane with a full trolley so why not just keep filling it up further while we all wait.
Ignorant woman - I'm sorry, I didn't see the signs
COB - Well, they're big enough - maybe you should look like the rest of us. Intelligent people know Coles have express lanes for small purchases.
IW - If it upsets you that much, would you like to go ahead of me?
COB - No thanks. This lady was ahead of me. I don't butt in. Don't try to unload your guilt trip on me. Go to the correct queue.
IW then turns away and moves to the checkout to start unloading her trolley. She's embarassed. Good. Selfish bitch. Lady in front of me turns to me and says "I wanted to say something but wasn't prepared for the argument."

I said, loudly enough for IW to hear "Some people seem to think they are special and consideration for others doesn't apply to them. They obviously don't give a damn about other people."
IW couldn't scuttle away fast enough. As I was served a couple of minutes later, the young girl (Ari - small jugs. No pics again) apologised and said "I would have said something but shop policy doesn't let me."

I absolutely hate selfishness and arrogance. Some people have both in spades.
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Donating Member
Aug 27, 2008
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Pascoe Vale South, MEL
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vp calais ls1, vp berlina 3.8L
Interesting observation, Clare. I often wonder about the arrogance and lack of consideration displayed by the elderly, particularly as they grew up in a time where manners were far more strongly taught and reinforced. They would have been taught to respect their elders - perhaps they now believe that, as they ARE the elders, everybody else has to respect them, without them being respectful themselves?

I can actually stretch this thread further with an earlier example of selfishness at a shop check-out some years back. Once again, the cranky ol' bastard in me had to be released.

Waiting in the express check out of the local Coles. Lady in front of me had a couple of items, but the woman in front of her had a full trolley, with her daughter, about 14, alongside. She was next to be served. Sends her daughter back into the shop for something she'd forgotten. Full trolley +1. Then sends daughter back again for something else. Full trolley +2? Old bastard speaks up.

C.O.B. - Yeah, that's right love. You're in the express lane with a full trolley so why not just keep filling it up further while we all wait.
Ignorant woman - I'm sorry, I didn't see the signs
COB - Well, they're big enough - maybe you should look like the rest of us. Intelligent people know Coles have express lanes for small purchases.
IW - If it upsets you that much, would you like to go ahead of me?
COB - No thanks. This lady was ahead of me. I don't butt in. Don't try to unload your guilt trip on me. Go to the correct queue.
IW then turns away and moves to the checkout to start unloading her trolley. She's embarassed. Good. Selfish bitch. Lady in front of me turns to me and says "I wanted to say something but wasn't prepared for the argument."

I said, loudly enough for IW to hear "Some people seem to think they are special and consideration for others doesn't apply to them. They obviously don't give a damn about other people."
IW couldn't scuttle away fast enough. As I was served a couple of minutes later, the young girl (Ari - small jugs. No pics again) apologised and said "I would have said something but shop policy doesn't let me."

I absolutely hate selfishness and arrogance. Some people have both in spades.

i often find myself laughing at my mother in law. shes 77 and from sicily. she does alot of rude stuff on a regular basis. always butting into conversations, says rude things about people while there standing in close proximity.

one time at lamanna grocery shop she tried this risotto in a carbonara sauce at one of those sample tables. she took one bite of it and made this bitter beer face and threw it in the rubbish bin. then loudly said "maybe nice if you makea youself", right in front of a bunch of people and the person who made it. i laughed that hard i had to walk away. she does stuff like that all the time.

another one, at a birthday party she meets one or her sons friends for the first time, turns around says "i think he poof". while he was sitting 4 feet away. again i had to walk away from uncontrollable laughter.

after being around her for the last 8 years im convinced shes lost the plot, and completely oblivious to whats going on around her. also the 2 hearing aids might be why she says things so loud, shes not aware how loud shes talking when there turned down.

shes been a consistent source of entertainment, and im going to really miss he when she goes.... plus shes a really good cook....