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How to spot an unmarked police car


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Mar 27, 2010
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Lets face it, this thread is about avoiding being caught doing something wrong. If your driving style is such that you have to change it while there is police around, then you shouldn't be driving.

As far as I'm concerened, if you're that scared of getting caught that you need to look out for undercover vehicles, then you have a MAJOR issue.

The argument of "if you aren't doing anything wrong, then you've got nothing to be worried about" is so flawed and ignorant, that I can't believe people still use it.

The same argument is being used/had over in America, where their own government has been revealed(like it wasn't already known, it's just been confirmed) to be running a massive domestic spying operation on all communications, on all citizens. And what's happening over there with that has major implications here, given Telstra was revealed to have given access to the FBI(read NSA etc) to all our call logs routed through the USA(read all our communications).

Obviously the sort of information present in this thread is useful for avoiding being caught dong burnouts and dragging..that's the simple point of view.
Another point of view, that everyone should have regardless of if they are a hoon or not, is that we do NOT live in an authoritarian police state, we do not have secret police roaming the streets of our cities, therefore we should and have every right to know what under marked/undercover vehicles the police in this country are using.

I'm not a criminal. I'm not a hoon.
Why do the police need to be hidden, or less visible from me?
Why do they need unmarked police cars, with plain clothes officers, to pull me over randomly and do their checks?
Have they suddenly ran out of marked police cars and uniforms to hand out? Has the organized crime problem suddenly dissipated and they've got all this extra free time on their hands?

There's even issues with marked police cars. They often tend to tail gate motorists. They will follow you at night, especially if you are in a Commodore.
The amount of times I've been on my way home from work or a mates/out in general, late at night/early hours of the morning, and been followed by a patrol car for extended periods until I pulled into my garage..they even slow down in front of my house..and I can assure you I am no criminal, have no criminal record, and have had a whopping 3 speeding fines my entire life. My car is registered, insured, and in perfect working order(non defectable), and stock as a rock.
It's happened to mates plenty of times as well.

The public needs to be informed about what the police are doing etc, to keep the police in check. If the public eye is on them, they are less likely to abuse their power.


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Jun 13, 2013
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Well i'd say it's unsafe to pass a car doing 100 at 110 and safer to speed up to 120 just to get past but its not legal ...


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May 11, 2006
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The argument of "if you aren't doing anything wrong, then you've got nothing to be worried about" is so flawed and ignorant, that I can't believe people still use it.

The same argument is being used/had over in America, where their own government has been revealed(like it wasn't already known, it's just been confirmed) to be running a massive domestic spying operation on all communications, on all citizens. And what's happening over there with that has major implications here, given Telstra was revealed to have given access to the FBI(read NSA etc) to all our call logs routed through the USA(read all our communications).

Obviously the sort of information present in this thread is useful for avoiding being caught dong burnouts and dragging..that's the simple point of view.
Another point of view, that everyone should have regardless of if they are a hoon or not, is that we do NOT live in an authoritarian police state, we do not have secret police roaming the streets of our cities, therefore we should and have every right to know what under marked/undercover vehicles the police in this country are using.

I'm not a criminal. I'm not a hoon.
Why do the police need to be hidden, or less visible from me?
Why do they need unmarked police cars, with plain clothes officers, to pull me over randomly and do their checks?
Have they suddenly ran out of marked police cars and uniforms to hand out? Has the organized crime problem suddenly dissipated and they've got all this extra free time on their hands?

There's even issues with marked police cars. They often tend to tail gate motorists. They will follow you at night, especially if you are in a Commodore.
The amount of times I've been on my way home from work or a mates/out in general, late at night/early hours of the morning, and been followed by a patrol car for extended periods until I pulled into my garage..they even slow down in front of my house..and I can assure you I am no criminal, have no criminal record, and have had a whopping 3 speeding fines my entire life. My car is registered, insured, and in perfect working order(non defectable), and stock as a rock.
It's happened to mates plenty of times as well.

The public needs to be informed about what the police are doing etc, to keep the police in check. If the public eye is on them, they are less likely to abuse their power.

The police can follow me home all they like, and ill thank them for the escort. They can pull me over, monitor my calls and Internet traffic all they like, I don't care because I have done nothing wrong. To think every citizen has the right to know what the police are up to is a bit naive in today's society. Police have oversight bodies, they don't need joe blogs demanding to know what they're up to. Your post makes you sound paranoid, but that's your point of view. The ONLY right we have is to choose a religion if we want to. We have no free speech (offensive language offences etc). To say there isn't a need for plain clothed or unmarked police cars is a bit silly. Not everyone like me or you are good boys, and I'm glad they're spending my tax money on the things they need to make my and my families life safer.


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Mar 27, 2010
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The police can follow me home all they like, and ill thank them for the escort. They can pull me over, monitor my calls and Internet traffic all they like, I don't care because I have done nothing wrong. To think every citizen has the right to know what the police are up to is a bit naive in today's society. Police have oversight bodies, they don't need joe blogs demanding to know what they're up to. Your post makes you sound paranoid, but that's your point of view. The ONLY right we have is to choose a religion if we want to. We have no free speech (offensive language offences etc). To say there isn't a need for plain clothed or unmarked police cars is a bit silly. Not everyone like me or you are good boys, and I'm glad they're spending my tax money on the things they need to make my and my families life safer.

Oversight bodies? BAHAHAHA
Do you want to know what is naive mate? You. And people like you.

People like you, who come along with the belief that you've done nothing wrong, therefore the Police can monitor everything you do.

It is an invasion of your privacy and violation of your rights.
We do not live in a third world crack pot dictatorship. We live in a democratic country where basic human rights are upheld.

The police have no right to be monitoring you, your communications, and what you do, if you have done nothing wrong.

My post makes me sound paranoid? Why, because I give a **** about my privacy and rights?

When did I say there was no need for plain clothes police or unmarked police cars?
I'm all for police doing what they need to do to deter and apprehend CRIMINALS.
But I'm not a criminal. They should not be following me home to my front door.

Its the apathy, ignorance and naivety of people like you, which unfortunately is becoming more and more prevalent, that allows governments to do whatever they want and get away with more bullshit then ever before.

Go live in a dictatorship where your basic rights are trampled on and non-existent..then come back here and tell us you don't care if the police invade your privacy and spy on everything you do and keep records of it.


Nov 27, 2012
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I'm all for police doing what they need to do to deter and apprehend CRIMINALS.
But I'm not a criminal. They should not be following me home to my front door.

Well everybody knows a criminal has a big sticker on their forehead.
Your a funny bloke, to think unmarked police cars are some how related to a dictatorship?
So you want criminal's caught but you dont want the police following you home cause your not a criminal?
Your logic is awesome!


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Mar 27, 2010
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Well everybody knows a criminal has a big sticker on their forehead.
Your a funny bloke, to think unmarked police cars are some how related to a dictatorship?
So you want criminal's caught but you dont want the police following you home cause your not a criminal?
Your logic is awesome!

Are you that dense that you actually can't comprehend a few sentences in basic English?
No wonder we get stuck with idiots like Gillard and Abbott as leaders in this country, the education system has gone to the dogs.

When it comes to privacy and rights, it's a slippery slope.
But I doubt someone like your self would have even the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, considering you can't even comprehend my above posts.


Nov 27, 2012
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Sure i can comprehend your few sentences in basic english.
I know what your talking about, do you?

You don't want the cops following you because your not a criminal.
How are the police ment to know who are or who are not criminals?#
Gillard and Abbott? You think them puppets have something to do with the unmarked police cars?

Like I said, your a funny man. If you dont like it, go live off the grid somewhere and enjoy solitary life complete with alfoil hat lol.

I think this thread is a load of bs. You could post a picture of just about every single new car as the police would have used one at one time or another. I might start a new thread, "how to spot a detective". Im a tax payer and I deserve the right to know where my tax dollars are been spent. What a crock. Its all in the federal budget. Thats all you need to know. If you want to know more become a politician.

Ill happily read any responses but wont be posting again in this ridiculous thread.
Imo the mods should have removed it long ago as it is basically a thread on trying to aviod been caught doing something illegal.


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Mar 22, 2009
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SSV , you sound like a slave. Just an observation....


Jun 20, 2012
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VX ss
saw a undercover cop car, black ve on 20"s and dumped, that was pretty cool...