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JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2


Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
For what it's worth..
I'm not just a faceless keyboard warrior, bleating about on internet forums.

I actually do put an effort in and write to all levels of government, local, state and federal, I also write to private corporations, when I feel I have a legitimate concern or I just feel it important to voice my concerns on a specific issue.

It's not unheard of for corporate leaders to have the private phone numbers of high ranking politicians and bureaucrats, and vice versa, plus they often rub shoulders at all kinds of events and can bend each others ears (and bank accounts)
Because I'm not wealthy with powerful or influential contacts, that's about all I can do at this point.

And sometimes I just do normal stuff like, play my guitar, hang out with friends, muck around with my car or watch a movie, LOL



Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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I commend you for at least making an effort, unlike so many who stand on the sidelines and just chuck beer cans at the players. Have you ever received any satisfactorily responses?


Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
State and federal government usually respond with a generic reply, which looks like a copy n paste, something they would send out to multiple recipients, if that makes sense, and often they don't actually address directly the questions or reason for my letter, avoiding some part of the issue, like what you hear when they are questioned on TV by journo's, talking a lot while avoiding actually answering the question, which is frustrating, because it makes you feel like they are fobbing you off or dismissing your concerns....however, they usually end with thanking me and noting my concerns, I do understand government departments receive a lot of correspondence, so they can't always provide personalised replies to every letter they receive....but I still feel it's worthwhile making my voice heard.

Local government (Councillors) and private businesses mostly provide a more personalised response.
But they too don't always address my letter completely either, by not fully answering questions.

Occasionally I won't receive a response at all from private business or corporation.

Most recently, was not receiving a response from NAIF, Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund, in regards to the Adani coal mine in Qld.

I also wrote to Dettol company earlier this year but never received a response, that was in regards to the marketing and over-use of antibacterial products... which is also related to GP's over prescribing antibiotics, leading to instances of evolving 'super bugs' which become resistant too our antibiotics.


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Dec 4, 2013
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Nitro, you pretty much nailed it on many issues.

NK and the US, is nothing more than an Opium market share fight.

Afghanistan is full of Poppy Fields the US is defending. The joke in the Armed Forces is, we are there to pull Guard Duty on fields for the Intel Community. Also, they have other things like Lithium (batteries) and many other mineral resources. NK is a big a supplier of Opium too that is undermining the Intel Community Opium business. The US Gov Co wants to overthrow Rocketman from the country.

In an nutshell is NK Opium Vs Afghanistan Opium business.

He also know, that if he has nuclear capabilities is an insurance against regime change. NK has nothing against the US as far military. Their rockets are crap and most than half of the time they blow up on mid air. In the meantime... the US wants to sell the THAAD system to SK, more weapon sales to feed the MIC.

In the US people are ignorant of the situation, they rather want to watch the NFL, NASCAR, NBA (Rocketman loves basketball, search on Kim Jong Un and Dennis Rodman) and so called Reality TV. The ones that have some knowledge are slanted by the Main Stream Media that is full of lies and deceptions.


Hell..! I lived in SK for a good while. The place is littered with US Military Contractors. As long the "Cold War" keep running, is a cash bonanaza for the MIC.

There is a Trade War between the US and China. The BRICS are very close on dumping the Dollar and the SWIFT system. NK is China's lap dog. I have no proof but I am guessing. Trump had several chat with Xi Jinping about NK to keep NK on a leash. China is just fueling the discord between NK and the US. If a war breaks out between the US and NK, I bet China will come in defense of NK. Just like the good old days of the Korean War.

The Kiss of Death for the US is when the world stop accepting the Dollar. With a worthless currency, the "Empire" will stop to a grinding halt.

However... Tenssions are rising between India and China over Bhutan's water and power (electric) resourses. Two nations with a Nuclear arsenal and nobody seems to care or are ignorant on the matter. Only take one to cast the first stone.
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Zeke Topanaga

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Dec 11, 2016
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The world is full of scams, man. Good on ya mum

Can you imagine the media frenzy (or not) if some bloke made a proclamation, in the year 2017, that he was the son of god

That proclamation claim is made all the time buy some nut claiming to be such.
Bible says not to believe any man claiming such.
But there will be a Claim coming up in the future as to a dude claiming to be worshiped as god and all will have to worship him, much like out fat little mate Kim in North Korea.
All Communist leaders claim to be a god and there are their little gods who run around making sure you do worship them or your dead if you don't and it's much the same in socialist nations in the beginning they start crap like Political Correctness and keep pushing against freedom of speech and when they have sorted that, then they start the killing of any who do not obey.

I know a lot of people who have been under communist rule and I do know Aussie morons who claim communism is desirable, but they all are very shallow people living in a fantasy world and always have a chip on their shoulder about all wealthy people.

I would rather wealthy people rule a nation than yobbos, because they mainly can prove themselves capable at what they do, not to mention the capacity to think logical and understand how their business works inside and out, but many a wage earner mainly comes across as lacking the big picture totally and is living in some fairy type utopia wonderland and has to takes idiotic drugs to get by.
I know a lot of good for nothings about the place here and you know what everyone of them that I know voted yes to gay marriage and I listened to their opinions, but they did not have a clue what is truly at stake, they only had a childish grubby cry baby response and it was the very wealthy who voted yes as well, because they are that stuck up that they don't truly give a fook about morals or have any virtue and that's the problem with people that never had to wok hard to get where they are, because it was all given to them or was easy money, or riped people off to get where they are, like you have stated Turnbull fortune, from what I can see of it, ripping off struggling family peoples investments and getting away with it all and then have most people idolising them for it. but show them the details of just how they did it and most don't want to know.
My dad said to me right from the start that f mac and co can not work and it's doomed to crash because it can't be sustained and also said that the Super game can not work on such a large scale and is doomed to fail badly, because it can not be sustained and that's why they have to increase the percentage payed in to keep the game afloat.
I even seen John W Howard say in the beginning that he had reserves that it can't work long term, but he could not knock it back, because it's what created the boom.


Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
The CIA's opium business is important, but its really been about the OIL (and more recently in Syria, natural gas).
The most powerful 'industry' in the world is the oil & banking industry, then gas, then coal, now followed closely by the big technology giants and BIG data...personal data is the new multi-billion dollar commodity.

Washington's 'pivot to Asia' has been happening for years, China is essentially surrounded by US military bases, but they know they can't simply invade China (or Russia) like they did Afghanistan, Iraq - installing their own corrupt regimes, and later the Syria mess.
All this bullshit about NK is about destablising China, which is now the second largest economy and will take over as the largest economy in the world.
The US Empire is crumbling and their continual wars on everything is a desperate attempt to maintain global power.
Not only is the US still entangled in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, but they are now ramping up the war propaganda on NK and with the sanctions now lifted on Iran they are building up their weapons again...so then the US will have to deal with Iran and NK.

China is now working on 'oil futures' which can be purchased in Chinese Yuan (and will later be backed by gold), China is working on this with Russia, Iran and Venezuela and will enable these countries (and others) to trade oil outside the US Dollar control.
This will have significant implications for the US and the global economies.
When the US dollar loses its global reserve currency status and these other nations no longer need to hold and/or trade in US currency, the US is pretty much screwed, they will no longer be able to print trillions from thin air and manipulate the global financial system.

The only other thing I'm still trying to get my head around though, is what the secretive IMF are up too with their SDR's
I'm not sure how this will play out and affect the balance of power.

The reason JFK was assassinated by his own country was because he was an advocate for world peace, he not only wanted to disarm other countries from nuclear weapons and conventional weapons, but to also disarm America.
He stated this at a UN speech in the 60's
JFK was a good man and a brilliant political leader, one of America's best and that is why he was murdered.

Just days before the events of 9/11, Rumsfeld was banging on about $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon...$2.3 trillion - missing, unaccounted for!! The Pentagon simply could not explain where it went!!
Since then, 16 years later that number has now ramped up to around $8.5 trillion!!
This is public money, misappropriated, stolen.....and the elites...The Untouchables...are getting away with it.

Global affairs are a f-ucking mess and it's all because of ego-power-money
It may not make any difference, ultimately, if US/NK go at it, but as far as I'm concerned, Australia should stand neutral, and keep the hell out of America's wars.

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Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
The opening section of this video with Rumsfeld, was just days before 9/11

Trump has a militant mindset. You can see it in his personality, how he speaks publicly and in how he treats people.
He's not draining the swamp. He cares not for the American peasant citizens, his agenda is all about what works for his own personal wealth and prosperity.



Oct 22, 2015
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North Queensland
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2007 VE SV6
The world and America could have taken a different direction...but was hijacked.
Our Australian government is weak, and lacks true leadership, because they continue to aid and support the corrupt military-industrial-complex that has risen up within the US government.



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May 14, 2013
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Far Kurnell
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Can you imagine the media frenzy (or not) if some bloke made a proclamation, in the year 2017, that he was the son of god .

The last one I heard was a few years ago, about was a bloke on a property just north of Brisbane, claiming to be the 'real Jesus', who did not die on the cross, and was still alive. This created a media frenzy for a couple of weeks, until most of the farm land around him was bought at exorbitant prices by the true believers. Don't know what happened to him after that.
Methinks that may have been a scam.