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!!Modding cars on the dole/pension!!


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Jan 13, 2005
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Well I've had stages in my life where I've had to live on popcorn and rice for months and eat weeds from the lawn for nutrients. I've lived in a tent for years. Had to survive on almost total flour and water for months in Mexico. I've not had it easy at all. I've got enough for food at the moment no problems but no way enough to drive my car, the good news is I did save up my 500 bucks for rego, took a few months but I made it. The most money I've ever seen in one week is $500 and never seen more than 20k in a full year I don't think. I don't think anyone else would be able to match that. But I still have alot of useless stuff, just nothing important like kids or a house or anything worth while doing in life. Last year I thought everything was going to turn around after being promised an mature age engineering aprenticeship but after slaving my guts out there for a year on trial:( the deal fell through, I allways end up getting ripped of by someone in the end no matter what I do :/ so I've just given up on life now, well for a couple years maybe till I recover my from my dissapoinment.

When I was younger almost no one in my town had a job, it was a total disaster area really but heaps of people had modified cars, all diy stuff so if you can get on the dole it's possible no problem. I can't since I'm married and my wife works 3/4 time at the moment. We end up much worse off than if both of us were not working but then she'd go crazy like me :). But hey I have a tig welder so I'm happy enough unless it breaks then I'll be sad :p


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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couldnt agree more;)
To give you an idea of the situation im in (between jobs) i started an apprenticeship with my dad last year on the 8 of jan 2007 it lasted for 10months before my dad ended up in hospital! it didnt look like my dad was going to be able to get back into work so i listed myself with biga apprentices and kept calling them reguarly for work (this is what i was told to do by my team coordinator cassie) i started to get sick off waiting @ home by the phone all the time but i really wanted to finish my apprenticeship ect so i started to look for partime work! and it was pretty hard to get back into regular work as i told them that i was registered with an apprenticeship company and that i was on call (to wich most employers turned me down flat as i coudlnt be reliable) anyway i got a job with a security company wich lasted for 3 months untill work dried up and then my dad said to me he wanted to give work another go! we started work together the other week but got rained off (as everyone knows we have had wet weather here in brizze a week or so back!) but in the meantime i have signed myself up for centerlink and yes i do feel scummy when i walk into the dole office! I love to work and the satisfaction you get from buying stauff that you have earned!
Perfect job for your situation, nightfill. You work 4 nights a week, and maybe either day of the weekend, and your still open for the 'what if they call'

I was doing school, working nightfill at woolies, and at a bottle recycling place on saturday and sunday, so you have no excuse for being on the dole, at all.

Working those 2 jobs, i would earn about 400 a week.

Glad i could be of assistance.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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actually there was a government talk somewhere about giving vouchers for food and cutting payments, also paying rent directly to real estate agents to help curb excess spending!

No problem with any of that. As for modding cars - if they have money for that then the dole is too high.


Cordelia calais

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Apr 22, 2008
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Who says thats a typo... you need alot of lub and a fairly tuff rubber when going up your car... its expensive... :p

Plus, did you see my old car... it was worth going up... lol

ha ha typo is that like lub and not lube!! hahahhah you did it again!!


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Sep 14, 2006
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Perfect job for your situation, nightfill. You work 4 nights a week, and maybe either day of the weekend, and your still open for the 'what if they call'

I was doing school, working nightfill at woolies, and at a bottle recycling place on saturday and sunday, so you have no excuse for being on the dole, at all.

Working those 2 jobs, i would earn about 400 a week.

Glad i could be of assistance.

your assistance is not needed and im not interested in working night work, as for starters unless the pay is over $500 take home a week its not worth it to me! add to the fact of what time do i get with my wife and kids mate??


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Jan 2, 2008
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I am on a disability pension and just save up when i can to do my car up slowly. As has been stated previously there is a big difference imo between people on a pension doing it and people on the dole doing it, But that's just my 2 cents


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Aug 26, 2006
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Ok as the title states what are your thoughts on people who mod their cars while still being on the dole? Now my first reaction to this was its not right, the dole is there to support people who are out of work or between jobs ect ect!

But then an interesting point was brought up to me the other day wich was, what if someone is on the dole and can spare/save a little bit of cash once every few months towards small mods ect and they have a disability or are mentaliy ill i.e on the pension or on the dole? Now i am between jobs @ the moment and for what its worth you dont get enough on newstart to rub 2 cents together ect and you scratch to make ends meet let alone mod your car but some out there do it and rather well..! To me i hate people who bludge off the system and others but i couldnt help but feel sorry for those out there who are @ a disadvantage and still love their cars just as much as everbody else!
What are your thoughts?

It's most likely irrelevent to other people what you do with the dole or pension money, it's your money and you should have a right to do what you like.....just don't ever open your mouth and whinge about doing it tough or not having enough money etc etc because you're on the dole.
Anyhow, do you think such people would give a toss about what other people will think about them wasting their precious dole on modding cars? I think not.

In this sort of topic, the ones on the dole will say it's ok and have justifications for it, such as you saying its just like any other hobbies or each to their own etc, but the ones working their butts off and paying tax will not be happy by it.

Maybe because you are also on the dole, and most likely some of that money is also going into your mods, so you are defending it to some extent. Your comments highlighted in red supports this suggestion.

As the dole is there to help keep disadvantaged people on their feet, and if they managed to save some of that money every month, then perhaps the right thing to do is keep it saved up for unexpected emergencies or costs, not modding a car - modding is not the same as maintaining it, maintenance or repairs is something that has to be done to keep it in safe working order.

I believe to qualify for the dole, one of the requirements is one must provide bank statements to show they have hardly any money saved up in their bank account....so if they manage to save a bit of dole money, they should keep it saved up.


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Sep 14, 2006
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It's most likely irrelevent to other people what you do with the dole or pension money, it's your money and you should have a right to do what you like.....just don't ever open your mouth and whinge about doing it tough or not having enough money etc etc because you're on the dole.
Anyhow, do you think such people would give a toss about what other people will think about them wasting their precious dole on modding cars? I think not.

In this sort of topic, the ones on the dole will say it's ok and have justifications for it, such as you saying its just like any other hobbies or each to their own etc, but the ones working their butts off and paying tax will not be happy by it.

Maybe because you are also on the dole, and most likely some of that money is also going into your mods, so you are defending it to some extent. Your comments highlighted in red supports this suggestion.

As the dole is there to help keep disadvantaged people on their feet, and if they managed to save some of that money every month, then perhaps the right thing to do is keep it saved up for unexpected emergencies or costs, not modding a car - modding is not the same as maintaining it, maintenance or repairs is something that has to be done to keep it in safe working order.

I believe to qualify for the dole, one of the requirements is one must provide bank statements to show they have hardly any money saved up in their bank account....so if they manage to save a bit of dole money, they should keep it saved up.
:rofl: doing up my car??? yes i get around on 20s with all the latest gear in my car!!
also when did i say its just like any other hobbies or each to their own etc??? i think your refering to christie post mate;)!!!


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Dec 1, 2005
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your assistance is not needed and im not interested in working night work, as for starters unless the pay is over $500 take home a week its not worth it to me! add to the fact of what time do i get with my wife and kids mate??

so...you wouldnt take a job unless its netting you $500 a week, but you'll live off $480 a fortnight?? that makes sence....:bang:

i dont really care what the **** people on youth allowance and newstart do with their payments, because in 90% of cases the people getting it just plain dont want to work and are lazy bastards who like to get everything for nothing.
in the end they're the ones who will lose out due to their laziness, living a crappy life with no prospects and nothing to show for anything.
its really just pretty sad that people actually decide to live like that - instead of going out and working for a crust they just bum around and scrape by with what little money they do get for forging the paperwork each fortnight, pretending that they are actually looking for work.
if they choose to live like that, then thats their prerogative - just dont bull**** me with the "there's no jobs" crap, cos thats a right load. there's plenty of jobs - YOU just dont want to do them.
i really dont care if any of this offends anyone, you know its the truth.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
your assistance is not needed and im not interested in working night work, as for starters unless the pay is over $500 take home a week its not worth it to me! add to the fact of what time do i get with my wife and kids mate??

So your a dole bludger then.

If you weren't, you'd work whatever job you could.

(You'd spend the time with the wife and kids whilst your sitting next to the phone for the phone call that never seems to come!)