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p plate exemption for family statesman


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Dec 22, 2010
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"****" isnt a filtered word btw.

so, this fantasy world i live in, is it nice? not sure i understand what you are getting at.

Mate....you get to play with awesome imported cars.....you pretty much live in MY fantasy world :)


Sep 2, 2011
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Lithgow, NSW
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fair enough mate. thats your opinion, you are welcome to it. luckily this "minority" you speak of is actually the majority, and youth drivers are in fact the minority. so yeah, sucks to be be on your p's then. ill see how you feel after 15 years of driving and every summer when the influx of retarded p-platers hits the road.

So do you think you could find 50% of people who would agree that the current road safety regime is a success? I highly doubt it, fatalities are still at unacceptably high levels, young drivers are still dying at unacceptably high levels, young drivers are still on average driving older cars with less safety features compared to every one else. The NSW Government is currently in a shitfight over funding to upgrade the Pacific Highway, a road which has, does and will continue to be considered a death trap. It was 23 years ago that coaches crashed at both Cowper and Clybucca Flat on that highway, both with considerable loss of life. The Coroner reccomended after each of those incidents that the highway be upgraded to dual carriageway in its entirety. Deadlines were set, deadlines were missed, and still more people are dying in crashes on our shambles of a road network. The fact that both levels of Government have fouled this up doesn't seem to get mentioned nearly as much as how much the new set of proposed restrictions will make the road safer. My objection is the Government is instead of fixing the problems-the atrocious state of our roads, the atrocious level of driver training, the focus on revenue raising rather than taking bad drivers off the road, they choose to demonize some road users, impose discriminatory laws and rules on them so as to appear to be doing something wrong.

everytime i see a p-plated car with a male driving i like to watch. guaranteed within 5-10 minutes they will pull some stunt which an expierenced driver wouldnt even dare to do. everytime i see it happen, i am glad they have a car that forces them to do that stunt at 80kmph, rather than the 120kmph a powerful car would be capable of in the same space.
That is a pretty broad statement to be making. You obviously have never driven around me, nor many other people I know. Having said that, I do acknowledge that there is a problem with a small percentage of young drivers, admittedly more than the general population who do stupid things behind the wheel. These people do need to be punished-but to say that everyone who happens to be on their P's is like that is just stereotyping.

[im still lol'ing at the minority comment. like that 1% rally huh? WE ARE THE 1%!!! uh huh, and you aint gonna change **** so get used to it]

I think you'd find there's more than 1% who would agree with me. What I'm advocating isn't that radical-that the Government stop scapegoating young drivers, that they stop using motorists as cashcows, that they stop subjecting people to bureaucratic rules simply so they can maintain the facade of doing something about a problem instead of actually fixing it.


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Jan 5, 2012
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Rules are set and that's how it is, when I feel like giving my car **** I go somewhere there is no traffic and I can do what I want and not get caught but I'm only endangering myself. The power of a car doesn't decide wether you die in a crash or not, every car I've seen in the world can surely get past that point of no return. I live in wa and the v8's are loud but the 4 cyl are dangerous! I hardly ever drive my commodore in the wet due to **** drivers out there, I've got a 4x4 navara with a big lift and steel all round which has been quite useful since I got my license, can't go wrong with 80kw of power and a lift.

And I'm no perfect driver, I make mistakes as does everyone.


Post Overlord
Jun 27, 2009
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The Nanny State
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In a few years if I end up going for tom kenyons job this policy will be challenged.

What needs to be done is to have this replaced with EDUCATION...... i've said this time and time again, back in highschool a teacher noticed all the kids dying in the hills..... it took him a little research to workout increasing the age restrictions wouldnt work, a performance restriction wouldnt help.

The only thing that would is TEACHING the kids how to maintain and look after a vehicle, judge HAZARDS and try to prevent them and what to do if you do get yourself into a bad situation and most important of all...

CHANGE the attitude of kids by showing them a wreck, meeting those affected by collisions but the most important lesson I believe he taught was how he ENCOURAGED all of us to get our licenses, the more experience on the road the better, if you thought that was controversial there was the best day of that year the track day.

All us kids thought awesome we get to speed around a track..... no jordy was smart..... each of us had the **** scared out of us by a professional race driver doing all the tricks us kids are accused of on the roads..... with a real race car and making us realize how dangerous it was in a race car with safety gear and a roll cage...... imagine doing it in a normal car.

I've said it time and time again his course saved lives.... birdwood high became interested in it and the government refused to fund it and saw it as a optional course and a waste of money.

Any serious government would see this as a REQUIRED safety class. I'd take this a step further. I would include drivers education as a school subject.

from years 10-12 All kids are to do atleast 1 driving lesson a week.

Each student is to learn both automatic and manual, drive a fwd, rwd, 4x4 and required to learn how to handle a v8 or turbo.

This will save us money spent on emergency services to pull people out, watch them die or end up on disability for their entire life.

This will SAVE LIVES.

This will save money wasted on these silly laws.


We should have sushi Carol
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Mar 1, 2012
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In a few years if I end up going for tom kenyons job this policy will be challenged.

What needs to be done is to have this replaced with EDUCATION...... i've said this time and time again, back in highschool a teacher noticed all the kids dying in the hills..... it took him a little research to workout increasing the age restrictions wouldnt work, a performance restriction wouldnt help.

The only thing that would is TEACHING the kids how to maintain and look after a vehicle, judge HAZARDS and try to prevent them and what to do if you do get yourself into a bad situation and most important of all...

CHANGE the attitude of kids by showing them a wreck, meeting those affected by collisions but the most important lesson I believe he taught was how he ENCOURAGED all of us to get our licenses, the more experience on the road the better, if you thought that was controversial there was the best day of that year the track day.

All us kids thought awesome we get to speed around a track..... no jordy was smart..... each of us had the **** scared out of us by a professional race driver doing all the tricks us kids are accused of on the roads..... with a real race car and making us realize how dangerous it was in a race car with safety gear and a roll cage...... imagine doing it in a normal car.

I've said it time and time again his course saved lives.... birdwood high became interested in it and the government refused to fund it and saw it as a optional course and a waste of money.

Any serious government would see this as a REQUIRED safety class. I'd take this a step further. I would include drivers education as a school subject.

from years 10-12 All kids are to do atleast 1 driving lesson a week.

Each student is to learn both automatic and manual, drive a fwd, rwd, 4x4 and required to learn how to handle a v8 or turbo.

This will save us money spent on emergency services to pull people out, watch them die or end up on disability for their entire life.

This will SAVE LIVES.

This will save money wasted on these silly laws.

First up.. I agree with your statement that weekly lessons should be encouraged (Not mandated) in the exact period you mentioned (Grades 10 -12). Second up the rest of what you said is full of ****.

Yeah I'm not 100% in agreement with the laws, but my reasoning is that there are ways around it, especially in Queensland where it's cylinder restrictions etc.. However, Money wasted on silly laws is next to nothing compared to how much money it would cost for the government to invest in funding kids "Track Days" and mandating driver training every week for 2 freaking years. There is no reason a kid needs to know how to handle a V8, RWD, FWD, 4x4, TURBO blah blah blah.. You forgot the rich kids might get a V10 or V12. Why not through in a buggati while we are there and give every kid a lesson in a W16? The deadset fact is when driven normally, all these cars handle the same.

If this course actually saved lives I know alot of people in the government that would actually be interested in it.. But how do you prove that it saves lives? Also how do you prove that the limits on P Platers don't save lives?

How does teaching a kid to maintain a vehicle even come into the equation?

P Platers are a minority.. Dick head ones are an even smaller minority. But it's a prime example of the minority spoiling it for the majority.. It's not stupid governments.. It's a fact of life.

As far as changing the attitudes of kids.. I've been working in Road Safety for 5 years.. Every year I make trips to as many schools as I can that invite me (No cost to the school). Do I think I make a difference? Nope. I just secretly hope that maybe 1 or 2 idiots slow down a bit because of what I say.

The issue is that a 17 year old driver doesn't actually have a fully developed brain. Add to that the human eye/brain relationship until a kid starts driving themselves rarely requires to process any visual stimulus faster then walking speed.

Blame the government all you want but I'm a big believer that parents need to take some of the responsibility. Giving a kid keys to a car is in effect similar to giving them a loaded gun. Some kids are mature enough to handle it. Others aren't. No amount of education will change that excitement the first time you're holding a gun by yourself.

Oh and to the OP I just found out that my cousin got an exemption in QLD no worries.. But he works at a mercedes dealership and takes some ridiculously powerful cars for drives.. His work car is a V8 4wd.


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Mar 8, 2009
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Mornington, Melb
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Bernard Tomich is a good example of this. Why the hell would the QLD RTA let him drive an M3 on his P's? He clearly earns enough money to buy a less powerful car. What a tool.

He's driving an incredibly safe and well engineered car which the RTA deem to be too dangerous for him to drive. But he could sell the M3 and buy a VL commodore with no airbags, abs, and archaic occupant protection standards and the RTA deem THAT to be safe because it has less killerwasps. Surely you see that makes no sense?


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Mar 1, 2012
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VE 6.0L MY09.5 A6
And Tomich was only allowed to drive it for work. So to and from practice. He got booked when he drove it around for fun.
His car has been sold anyways.. It was auctioned by pickles.


Just some p-plater
Sep 8, 2009
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my family has 3 cars, (aside from mine).
mum's 2002 V8 monaro
Dad's 100 series V8 Landcruiser
Dad and My 1977 HZ GTS 308 (which we restored together)

My car is faster than 2 out of 3 of the above, and only JUST slower than mum's monaro. Yet I can't drive any of them. which, if we go on a family vacation, is a pain in the arse...
The government is not solving the root problems. I understand the reasoning behind these restrictions, but i DONT understand how theyre actually SOLVING the problem.
EG: p-plater who was drunk with 7 people in the car kills all in 160km/h crash... We have heard stories like this in the newspaper and so on.
is ANYTHING to do with the above headline governed or influenced by the car he was driving?...