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Planning on swapping Instrument Clusters?


New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Lexus IS350 (SL)
Wheatley -- do you know any mates with Red clusters?, i've heard a lot of people changing their clusters to other colours from red due to trouble seeing the LCD screen during certain times of the day.
I'd recommend driving one with a red cluster before doing this to make sure you're happy with it.

Yeah, I have to agree 100% here !!!!!
I have fitted the following clusters to my car so far,
1) Stock Calais (Early Series 1, White LCD and Illumination) - Easiest to read and live with.
2) Omega Cluster (Early Series 1, Green LCD and Illumination) - Not too bad, but I changed it to Blue for the dials, and white for the LCD. Much easier to live with !
3) HSV E2 Cluster (Red Dials, White LCD panels) - I HATED the Red dial illumination ! It was terrible, and I immediately changed to white and have never looked back.
4) Late Series I SV6 (Grey Dials, Red Dial and LCD illumination) - Im going to change the LEDs to something else. This cluster is the hardest to read ATM.
5) E3 HSV (Black face, white illumination) - Very nice and easy to live with. This is what I am running with now, and I am quite happy with it !

The LEDs can be sourced from eBay (Just have a read of the posted link, as it explains pretty much everything you need to know).

My choices of cluster colour illumination are,
1) White is the easiest to read in terms of LCD and dials, but can look a bit plain.
2) Blue for the dials works almost as well as white. I could live quite happily with blue dial illumination, but blue LCDs is a little bit hard to read.
3) Orange would be my next colour, easier to read than green or red, but looks a bit dated.
4) Green, although its the Omega factory colour, it is far easier to read than red
5) Red - The hardest to read of all colours. To me it looks like Holden chose style over usability with these clusters !

I hope this helps.