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DW I'm a Spray Painter!
Aug 27, 2007
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Gold Coast QLD
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Im getting really sick and tired of reading about things happening to Qantas. Qantas have got some media moles inside the company atm and they are trying to tarnish the airline, why?

To keep work in Australia, so they say… The thing is that most of Qantas’s maintenance work is carried out in Australia, especially in Avalon. Engineers are ****ed off that Qantas wants to take its maintenance overseas and I don’t blame em. The mentality of the engineers is ridiculous, I wouldn’t be surprised if Qantas sacks the lot of em and takes it offshore.

I have got a theory as well, as terrible as it sounds I think there might be some deliberate 'dodgy' repairs / tempering going on so that they have ammo against the aircraft being maintained overseas and cause maximum disruption to Qantas itself.

The things that the media are reporting are day to day incidences. The exceptions are the A330 in Perth which was a faulty OEM part! And the oxygen bottle 747, which I might add was installed in Avalon.

Other then those 2, the other incidents are things that normally go wrong.

Your thoughts and opinions?


Aug 30, 2007
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Up your mum
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304 Calais
they shouldnt be allowed to fly planes after all the hassles that have gone on, its not an exaturation to say their flights are unsafe. they should be made to have third party technitions monitor them for a while to make sure there on track, and be fined a good amount for taking shortcuts which they most likely are doing.

The thing is there getting away with this with no punishment how can this be?


DW I'm a Spray Painter!
Aug 27, 2007
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Gold Coast QLD
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Qantas cant get the blame, an aircraft engineer is responsible for his own work. If he signs something off as being serviceable or airworthy and it crashes / fails and someone dies, Under Australian law he is the one that gets prosecuted and it will be for murder. Qantas will get audited by CASA big time and get arse rapped but at the end of the day the responsibility lies with the engineer. That’s why if some one is doing the dodgy he is playing with fire, as well as people’s lives.

Qantas has never had a major crash resulting in massive deaths, i think back like 30 years ago they had a crash and someone died but since then, not one death. You show me another airline in the world that hasnt had an aircraft crash and everyone died. I've seen in first hand, qantas is so safety conscious it isnt funny.


Donating Member
Feb 16, 2008
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Melbourne Inner East
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2013 VE SS V Z M6
I think these problems with QANTAS have been happening for years. And i think their not the only airline. Ever since the mid air explosion, the media have been on QANTAS's back about all their problems that keep occurring. I never fly QANTAS, but i did once a few years ago. Believe it or not, we were delayed about an hour because of an air conditioner fault. Now i never fly them, this was really a once off, and it had problems. This was never reported in the media, because it's really nothing. BUT now the media is being picky. Matter of fact, QANTAS is the worlds safest airline, and i think it's because they fix every little fault rather than ignore it and think it will be okay. I'd still feel safe flying on them.


Swerves for gay koalas
Jan 26, 2006
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CBF 250 and a Levin ZR
Im getting really sick and tired of reading about things happening to Qantas. Qantas have got some media moles inside the company atm and they are trying to tarnish the airline, why?

Because it makes headlines! People read it! You talk about Garuda Airways crashing and no one says a thing, but if you slander The Spirit of Australia you sure get a reaction.

I have got a theory as well, as terrible as it sounds I think there might be some deliberate 'dodgy' repairs / tempering going on so that they have ammo against the aircraft being maintained overseas and cause maximum disruption to Qantas itself.

I very much doubt this. Not many people would risk the lives of up to 300 people so selfishly, and aircraft maintenance is traceable back to individual engineers, so if a particular bloke is sabotaging planes, he'll get caught out eventually (especially with all the extra attention their getting).

It's not that there are more accidents going on, it's just that you're hearing about them. Planes have minor issues all the time, they get delayed all the time. Their %#%$# complex pieces of machinery, many of which have been flying for 20 or 30 years. Things will break, it's expected. Normally though, when the toilet gets blocked and the plane is delayed 20 mins while the bloke with the plunger comes out, you DON'T hear about it. Now the media think this is front page news...

Qantas cant get the blame, an aircraft engineer is responsible for his own work. If he signs something off as being serviceable or airworthy and it crashes / fails and someone dies, Under Australian law he is the one that gets prosecuted and it will be for murder. Qantas will get audited by CASA big time and get arse rapped but at the end of the day the responsibility lies with the engineer. That’s why if some one is doing the dodgy he is playing with fire, as well as people’s lives.

Not quite, many many airlines have been penalised after accidents. It's not just the competancy of the engineer, but the work environment and training.

Often after crashes they find out that, yes the pilot made and error that that caused the plane to go down, but he was under a lot of pressure from the airline not to delay the flight, so he attempted a borderline landing etc.

Not to mention all the compensation claims from victims/families.


New Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Cronulla, NSW
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A Pushie
FACT: QANTAS is still regarded as one of the worlds safest airlines.

There has been a spate of recent incidences, but unfortunately its the way many airlines are heading, why? Simply because they cannot afford to localise all their maitenance now, while fuel prices have dropped, in some recent years their costs rose by up to 40%, any business who is already running on minimal profit will struggle to maintain quality of service.

Over the next 5 years, many airlines will go bust, QANTAS may be one of them. Its a highly competitive market, ticket costs keep going down, but many simply can no longer compete.


May 5, 2008
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Adelaide, South Australia
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2005 VZ Commodore SV6
Yeah since the oxygen bottle the media's been sucking anything out of QANTAS.

I don't mind when a flight is delayed to fix something, I'd rather be three hours late than dead...

Boxing Day, 2006. I was flying from Adelaide to Darwin to spend a few weeks there. My flight was supposed to leave at 8 am I think.

Anyways, the plane came from Melbourne and along the way it suffered a cracked windscreen so a replacement plane had to come and the flight was delayed by an hour and a half.

The replacement plane comes and we board. Turns out there was a malfunction when they tried to start the engines.

There was no spare planes so we had to swap planes with a plane that was supposed to go to Sydney at the next gate. So we had to disembark the plane, wait at the gate for the new plane to be unloaded and reloaded with out luggage and board this. This was another hour and a half delay. Eventually we left Adelaide and I got to Darwin safely.

But no one heard about it. Yeah it was an inconveniance but safety was the priority and I respect that and I would still fly Qantas today.

electro cruiser

New Member
Feb 27, 2008
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im a pilot, so i can tell you straight away the amount of **** that goes on everyday at melbourne airport and moorabbin. you dont hear about it all. unless its QANTAS. after that indian guy here at moorabbin died after crashing into the garage, moorabbin had the spotlight. a week and a bit after, a plane landed with one wheel up because it wouldnt come down. that was on the news. before the indian guy crashed, every few weeks, an aircraft would land off the runway and rip its undercarriage off, or while landing, the wing would strike the ground, or after landing a gust of wind would tip the aircraft upside down. have any of you guys heard that on the news? nope. but once the media gets something..they just feed off it. they make up stories so people go.. "aw yea thats true" they are scavangers.

dont believe what the media say. they only give you one side of the story, or they just make a small issue into something soo big. whatever they say, dont let the media judge QANTAS on anything. EVERY airline has incidents and i can name some for you. but because of the oxygen bottle, QANTAS is apparntly a BAD airline.

well i think the media should shut the F()CK UP koz im sik of those C()NTS... "A QANTAS airline was delayed 2 mins today because a reading light in row 21 A was blown. passenger CoCkhead macdenis was furious he couldnt read the book that he just bought. another passenger is suing because he had to read in the dark...." BLA BLA BLA..

sorry, but thats my b!tch for the day


Got Evo?
Nov 17, 2005
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Perth WA
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FACT: QANTAS is still regarded as one of the worlds safest airlines.

Thats the bottom line here, safest bird in the sky. Personally i cant see QANTAS going bust, the government would surely intervene with the flavour of the month, the "rescue package" and rightly so, i think the flying roo is an important part of Australia and its history.


Aug 30, 2007
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Up your mum
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304 Calais
Qantas cant get the blame, an aircraft engineer is responsible for his own work. If he signs something off as being serviceable or airworthy and it crashes / fails and someone dies, Under Australian law he is the one that gets prosecuted and it will be for murder. Qantas will get audited by CASA big time and get arse rapped but at the end of the day the responsibility lies with the engineer. That’s why if some one is doing the dodgy he is playing with fire, as well as people’s lives.

Qantas has never had a major crash resulting in massive deaths, i think back like 30 years ago they had a crash and someone died but since then, not one death. You show me another airline in the world that hasnt had an aircraft crash and everyone died. I've seen in first hand, qantas is so safety conscious it isnt funny.

For a while now ive seen quantas in the news for either faults, daages or mishaps and whether its the tech's or quantas themselfs, quantas are the ones taking it all and its not good publicity, everytime i see a something in the news about a plane incident i automatically think 'quantas'

Do quantas hire the techs themselfs? if so they are resonsisble as they are the ones that can say yay or nay to repairs, and repairs being done properly.

I think all of their facilities involved should be assesses by a government selected tech team and make every adjustment they can to prevent these things happening as it is happening a little too often now and 60% of people who did a survery said they have lost faith in quantas, i have too.