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Rant at police issuing defects



If Holden were to design a car with only one tail light, it would have to be located to the right of centre...they did...the FJ had only 1 tail-light brake light.......in the center......


Jun 29, 2004
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Members Ride
VE Calais-V 6L Wagon
I saw one of those yesterday...that light is tiny! lol


Drifting Champion...
Oct 23, 2004
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Eastern Suburbs, Sydney
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VS Berlina V6
not all cops are bad... :p

HI guys, just thought I would share a thought on the fact that not all cops are bad. On a recent interstate trip to Melbourne, I was making up for some lost time by doing 140kph in a 110 zone. Now, keeping in mind that anything over 130kph is jailable, and as a green P-plater in NSW I am restricted to 100kph and it says so on my plates... I saw this Highway patrol car on the other side of the highway, and i thought "first cop i have seen all trip, maybe i will slow to 110kph". After about ten minutes, i heard a siren scream and lights flashing, and i thought "oh sh!t, im f*cked..." anyway, he pulls me over, and asks for my license, and says "do you know why i pulled you over???"
so i says "cause i was doin 110kph???" to which he quickly replies with a smile... "i think you were doing a tad more than that mate... I clocked you at 141kph!!!" to which i went "umm, ahh, eee" and he said "i noticed you were overtaking someone?" and this little light just goes "BING!!!" in my head, and i was like "yeah, but he kept speeding up" cop just goes "yeah, there are some cu*ts that tend to do that, im not gonna book ya, but just be careful in the future!!!" I just smiled and nodded!!! he then did a walk around of my car and said "**** mate, i like ya rims!!! how much did they set ya back?" and we talked for like 20 minutes about why the SS's were better cars than the XR8's for multiple reasons!!! He was a legend!!!

What a legend!!! he even stuck behind me and said I could do 130kph for 15 minutes to make up for the time that I had lost talking to him!!!

All i can say is that i was very lucky, and that i bought a lotter ticket that night and won $200!!! lol, a lucky trip all in all!!!

Hope this helps to dispell some of the myths of "all coppers are c*nts"!!!

Thats my two cents worth!!!



Nice story. Certainly very lucky. I'd suggest that 99.9% of Police members wouldn't have let you off. Consider yourself VERY licky.

Errant P platers are a staple diet of the Hwy Patrol. In fact, offending P platers are frequently used to justify poor Police attitudes and conduct.

Whilst I don't agree with nailing people to the wall for a couple of K's over our often pedestrian limits, there's no way any Green P plater can reasonably justify driving at 140km/h in a 100km/h or 110km/h zone. You lack expereince and more than likely the training to safely use a vehicle at such speeds on a public Hwy.

Arriving Late and Alive, is Always a better option than arriving Dead on Time!

In case you all haven't worked it out yet, there are numerous members in this group whom are Police members. Some are senior in rank, informants for senior members, or those involved in Internal Investigations.

So, the preceeding post is fuel for bosses to attempt to identify, admonish, or at the very least, lecture adnauseum, Hwy Patrol members in Vic & NSW about booking every possible motorist for every miniscule offence detected.

Think very carefully about each and every post people!
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Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Members Ride
VE Calais-V 6L Wagon
I understand this thread will be locked/deleted, but anyway.....

Personally I would call him a bad cop. He should have booked you. It's when they book you for no reason that they are classed as 'bad'.


ok couple of nights ago was drivin down the high way and i noticed through town the accelarator felt funny right thought nuttin of it well got onto the highway was doin bout 105ks put me foot down to over take car doin like 70ks got past him and got into a s bend in the road took me foot off car kept accelatrating iv just gone what the fark i tried to pump the peddel a few times to dislodge it but nuttin work ( was doin about 150 by this time) i put her into nuetral and she just reved her tits out then i saw the cops with the lights on behind me so i had no choise but to turn the car off did so ( do you know how hard it is to pull up a car doin 150ks when its off even with V8 brakes on a V6 jeesh) finaly pulled over cop gets out got to me window say y where you speeding i told him he got in the car started it up sure enough she reved her tits out he shut it down poped the bonnet took a paper clip out of the cop car fiddled around with the throttle body for a bit then said kick her in the guts mate i did she ran like a dream and he even followed me home ( turns out he quite from being a machanic to be a cop) to make sure i got home in one peice he just told me take it to ya mackanics mate get ya throttle body fixed and i still have no bloody idea what the hell he had done lol so not all cops are bad ya do have some out the that understand suchs cases as mine