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VL Dash Speakers



I have wondered for ages whether my VL had front speakers. I took off the door trims and looked there but to no prevail as the window winds down there just about all the way and therefore isnt room for door speakers.
I was convinced that it didnt. That was until I went to the local wreckers and had a look at some VL's that were there. I noticed that the dash board on the top at the very end of it both sides has a vent like cover and concealed under that is a speaker. They appeared to be glued on as there was glue marks around where they had been removed, but maybe somebody just tried gluing them back on.
I looked on mine for ages when I got home and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to undo it and change them as I am putting a sound system and possibly thinking of upgrading them should they require it. I even checked the gregorys manual and has nothing of the sort relating to dash cover removal. Or speakers for that matter.

Could any1 be of any help and tell me how to get the covers undone so I can at least have a look at them.


reply:dash speakers

Firstly take the two AC swivel vents out underneath and you will see two screws undo them (dont drop them) and the cover should come straight off any problems reply back with what you've done and I'll try and help some more, by the way there are 4" speakers underneath, also when you put them in make sure you have the speaker wires coming out of the speakers pointing inwards because they have a funn tendancy to earth out on bumps.