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Vp 355 stroker exhaust problem

Warranty Void

Take it apart? Me? No!
Sep 14, 2009
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VP Berlina LX V8
When this happened to me I went to the bloke who fitted the system and had him install a 2nd hand rear muffler off a v6 and weld flanges on both the v6 and the real muffler so I could swap it out easy in 10 minutes. If you try with a bodge more bodgey than this you probly wont get away with it, any place that does epa tests has seen it all before and won't want to risk their epa license. Obviously you're going to have to put 2 mufflers on but you should get away with $200 or so. There are different places in vic that do epa tests, I don't know about NSW but have a look around for reccomendations before picking one, some are arseholes who just want to sell you a new exhaust and couldn't give a crap how your car runs after. I'm thinking of a particular place in melbourne where I went first up and the guy revved the ring out of my car rather than use the epa guideline for rpm. Later I found out a few mates had been warned off this bloke. (Also told me that the exhaust place that fitted it had gone bankrupt, I phoned them in front of him and embarrassed the **** out of him. Still had to pay him for the test but. Obviously if you get two 2nd hand mufflers put on and some flanges for easy swapsies don't get it done where you're getting tested. good luck bloke.


Sep 13, 2009
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vn ss hdt aero
and some how harleys are legal... Id like to see a cops balls shrink trying to pull over a bikie and noise test him!!