New Member
So Friday arvo the mrs goes to the car and it won't unlock, she opens the door with the key , tries to start it and it cranks then stalls , same happens with the spare key , buttons won't work , cranks then stalls. The security light in the dash displays remains on solid. My brother in law is a mechanic , but also a arrogant dick. He asks us to drop the keys to him and he will have a look. He has a "look" and tells us it's rooted , needs new module control , new keys etc , we won't get it started and need to tow it , get an auto electrician and locksmith out to fix it. I go back to car , disconnect battery check all ignition fuses , reconnect battery and it starts , key works fine , locks and unlocks fine with remote . Told brother in law , he says its not fixed need to do what he says and shouldn't be driving it at all. Has anyone had this problem or can share some light or info on it ?