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hey mate, do you still do the LEVEL 3 HSV CLUSTERS or selling them? Looking for a standard RPM gauge v6 with HSV 250k speedo?
Hey dont how to pm either is it true the H7L and H7B are direct interchangeable?? What parts would I have to keep from the donor??
Yes they are a direct interchange. Nothing else needs to be changed
Hey , 2013 VF SSV, fuel lid does not open while being pressed. It sounds like the electric lock is working when open and locking the car. But the fuel lid won’t open to access the cap. I removed boot lining but can’t see or feel anything manual to override it. Need help please
Hello, I’ve got a VZ Commodore and recently my car is undrivable so quickly. Started with locks going up and down to when my gears would drop up and down on the highway and on the dash it switches between park and drive flat out with the locks going up and down flat out. Any ideas?
Hi Mate
You should post this in the VZ area of the site instead of on your porfile and someone is more likely to see it. It is possibly a computer issue - I don't have any experience with autos so someone with exposure to them may be able to help.
Thank you so much
How to change airflow sensor on my 2002 vx , can’t seem to find a YouTube video or anything brief description and explanation would be more then helpful