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ALL NZ cities girdlocked


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
the govenment has been consulting with the truckies about this for a long time and had promised to look at changing the law in regard to licensing. however the government sprung this on the truckies without notice when they were "suppose" to be consulting with the very poeple. is this honest behaviour, i don't think so.

the transport ministers own modeling shows that the heavy vehicles already pay there fare share of road users. here all vehicles over 3ton pay road users including petrol powered vehicles. as weights increase so do the charges, this is fair. heavier vehicles already pay a lot more for there road user charges here then the normal cars do, this is fair, this latest increase, without notification isn't fair (andthey increased it for all diesel users, not just the heavy vehicles, it's just that there's went up a lot).

no, there isn;t ahuge issue with overlaoding anymore here, ther are weight bridges all over the the place and most long hall trucks will get checked at some stage ofthere journey. the have also recently increased axle limits to similar rates as you ahve in aussie. there is also a police unit that just deals with heavy vehicles and they can spot check any vehicle any where

this isn't just about the RUC,they are just the last straw that broke the camels back. the poeple have had enough ofthe increasing prices that the consumers pay, we had what has been effectionatly called the cheese block budget this year, thats how big the tax cuts are for middle to higher wage earners is. about $20pw if oyu earn 60k p/a. yet they increase taxes/levies in other areas that are twice what we get back so it's like one step forward and 2 steps backward for the consumer, then the reserve bank bitches about the tax cuts influencing inflation so it maintains interest rates (the highest in the western world) etc etc etc. all this with a economy that is looking at a technical recession. the other thing you gotta remeber is that NZ is a free market economy, there are no subsidies for any industy, our economy is to small to influency any other economy so we are sitting duck to what is happening around the world

there has to be some point where the people stand up and counted. the current govenment is sure to loose the upcoming election in november, they have just shot themselves in the foot with this latest increase.

the government has agreed to start a new working group to look at the issues again. although i beleive that this is only being done as "lip service" it's a wait and see. the truckies have already stated that unless there is some progress that there will be another protest. if that is the case i will be out there supporting em.


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Aug 30, 2006
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south island newzealand
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vp v6 commodore executive
yeah go the truckies I say.its all about money nowdays.even carbon credits what a joke just revinue gathering really sure they are trying to help the enviroment but its the government that gets the money.then they signed a free trade agreement with china so F&P and others moved all there manufacturing overseas and bring the finished product back here and sell it to us costing hundreds maybe thousands of jobs in the process its just mad.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
So I take it that its an extra charge on top of rego?

yes, you pay rego, yearly,then pay for diesel and then RUC per km. you have to pay for em in advance and you can purchase em in 1000km lots


Can't live without smoky bacon!
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
yeah go the truckies I say.its all about money nowdays.even carbon credits what a joke just revinue gathering really sure they are trying to help the enviroment but its the government that gets the money.then they signed a free trade agreement with china so F&P and others moved all there manufacturing overseas and bring the finished product back here and sell it to us costing hundreds maybe thousands of jobs in the process its just mad.

yep, some free trade agreeement that was, more ****ing untrainded imiigrants coming here (part ofthe agreement) and yet stuff all gain for our business except the few that have moved there manufacturing plants to china, we get no gaurantees that our business will get better treatment and we have increasing un-employment. it was such a good agreement that the govenrment kept all details secret from the entire population untill after it was all signed up. think i'llgo and join the protests next time some chinese diplomat visits, probaly get arrested cause they keep the protesters away form anywhere the chinese delegets visit cause they want to make a good impression. so much for free speech:bang: ****ing chinese, if i was an athlete i would boycott the games for sure


Aug 31, 2007
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this isn't just about the RUC,they are just the last straw that broke the camels back. the poeple have had enough ofthe increasing prices that the consumers pay, we had what has been effectionatly called the cheese block budget this year, thats how big the tax cuts are for middle to higher wage earners is. about $20pw if oyu earn 60k p/a. yet they increase taxes/levies in other areas that are twice what we get back so it's like one step forward and 2 steps backward for the consumer, then the reserve bank bitches about the tax cuts influencing inflation so it maintains interest rates (the highest in the western world) etc etc etc. all this with a economy that is looking at a technical recession. the other thing you gotta remeber is that NZ is a free market economy, there are no subsidies for any industy, our economy is to small to influency any other economy so we are sitting duck to what is happening around the world


It appears you havent really taken on an of the comments by others in this thread.
You complain about the increased costs to consumers but haven't addressed or perhaps even thought about where does the revenue that is collected through the extra RUC go?
It goes for costs in providing the road infrastructure/maintenance or is it just going into general revenue?
If it does go into the costs for RUC, then the obvious question is where did the costs for RUC come from before.......and who paid for that?
If it goes into general revenue, what is being done with it? is it being burnt, exported as gold to other countries or is the money being used elsewhere in the system, for financing other worthy government projects or reducing or preventing additional paye tax.

The basic thrust of these questions Ive asked you to consider is that which ever way it happens the consumer will be paying anyway.
Why not keep things as they are then?
Perhaps its not fair on those that manage to live without the services of road transport, and tourists and people that collect their living through cash in hand payments dont pay their fair share.
The other point has already been mentioned by Jules. If you want to make a sector of an industry more efficient/less polluting charge them directly for their use. Perhaps imagine how inefficient operators would be if diesel was completely subsidised by the government.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
so hows the course in sandpit maths going?

Forgotten about:http://forums.justcommodores.com.au/806680-post91.html?? suppose not, just suggest that people who catch you out are paedophiles....charming.

You didn't catch me out about anything. keeping in mind your the only member on here who can be referred to as the person who knows everything about anything.

If someone talks about kids and sand pits, of course there is going to be suspicions.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
It appears you havent really taken on an of the comments by others in this thread.
You complain about the increased costs to consumers but haven't addressed or perhaps even thought about where does the revenue that is collected through the extra RUC go?
It goes for costs in providing the road infrastructure/maintenance or is it just going into general revenue?
If it does go into the costs for RUC, then the obvious question is where did the costs for RUC come from before.......and who paid for that?
If it goes into general revenue, what is being done with it? is it being burnt, exported as gold to other countries or is the money being used elsewhere in the system, for financing other worthy government projects or reducing or preventing additional paye tax.

The basic thrust of these questions Ive asked you to consider is that which ever way it happens the consumer will be paying anyway.
Why not keep things as they are then?
Perhaps its not fair on those that manage to live without the services of road transport, and tourists and people that collect their living through cash in hand payments dont pay their fair share.
The other point has already been mentioned by Jules. If you want to make a sector of an industry more efficient/less polluting charge them directly for their use. Perhaps imagine how inefficient operators would be if diesel was completely subsidised by the government.

you seem to work on the assumption that all those other then yourself don't pay there fair share of taxes. the way or government works is that it goes into a government slush fund and then divvy it out as it likes.

maybe you misssed my point about it being the last rise in along string of increases in taxes and levies. if this raise was fair then the government shouldn't of had any issue in giving truckies proper notice with relevant information to demonstrate this as been fair. they did non of this. says enough doens't it....

considering the current government has been running at a surplus for many years and i don't just mean a few million dollars either, were talking billions of dollars of surplus every year now for the last 1/2 dozen years they have been in power. how much tax do you need to collect before enough is enough. the fact of the mater is the govenment has more money then it knows what to do with so i see this increase as unfair. this government works on a basis of overtaxing and then giving it back in some form of grant or subsidy for the poor. more commonly known as a welfare state.

the fact of the mater is that the economy is facing a major down turn, governments should be looking to reduce costs and taxes to reduce the burdon on the poor tax payer. you also gotta remember that those people that are in government are there to serve the electorate, thats me and every other person in this country.

as far as i am aware there is no subsidy for diesel in this country and truckies already pay for there fair share through increasing costs in diesel and other charges that the govenment has in and above the RUC charges they have just increased. and as for pollution, from another recent debate on this site, you don't believe in global warming so i don't see that as been relevant at all
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we like the bun
Dec 27, 2003
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the fact of the mater is that the economy is facing a major down turn, governments should be looking to reduce costs and taxes to reduce the burdon on the poor tax payer.

..as far as i am aware there is no subsidy for diesel in this country and truckies already pay for there fair share

the point of a RUC isn't just to collect tax revenue, it's to encourage efficient behaviour - in this case, truck drivers using the road in a way that minimises wear and tear, and environmental damage (either you believe in global warming or you don't - the fact remains that it's one of the factors in their RUC).

calculating the cost of things like road wear is very complicated and no one here is likely knowledgeable enough to say whether the charge is too much or too little.

if the govt has collected too much overall tax revenue, then it should cut income taxes, which are dumb taxes that achieve no purpose other than to raise revenue and punish hard working citizens for their efforts.

but truck drivers, like every other type of consumer, should pay their way and a RUC is perfectly legitimate - if it's calculated correctly of course.