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JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

Zeke Topanaga

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Dec 11, 2016
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Yea, and I have been to Lake Mungo, and read the chronicals of Mungo Man.
40,000 years ago, the poles did change, and reverse, and caused the abundant lakes to wither and die.
And as I sat upon a sand dune gazing at the setting sun, and wondering the marvels of the world, my wife did say unto me “We had better go soon, before the bloody roos get out, and you hit one”
The story that the Hebrews claim with the Earth as they were the most advance people of history we can look back on, maybe China or Egypt to some degree but they were only in slaved ruled by the Political Correctness of their cunning masters who never were into the truth, much the same as we are nowadays with just crap spun, so as to idolise nonsense and giving over to another's advantage over you.

The Hebrew account is not interested in what the position todays people are on about at all nowadays, they are coming at it from a different angle, it's a Spiritual one dealing with Man.
Not Man's perception's.

The Grand Canyon was created by a Jew, who lost a dime down a crack in the ground, in the end he never found that dime but look at the result of his tenacity.

But their is a bloke with a new Earth position called Kent Hovind, some of what he says is interesting and that the Government are hiding the truth on many things.
I don't believe in the Protestant position of 7 actual days story being every thing is to be interpreted as literal.
But Kent makes sense in some of what he claims and exposes some of the crap we are peddled.


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The Grand Canyon was created by a Jew, who lost a dime down a crack in the ground, in the end he never found that dime but look at the result of his tenacity.

Got a good laugh out of that one, may I keep it?


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Here is some that you will not hear on Main Stream news. My line of work is on the Aircraft Industry and I can say, they are pretty much spot on. We joke around it and call it the Multi-Billion Dollar Turkey.


The controversial F-35 Lightning II program is already over budget and years behind schedule. The supply chain to simply send parts to bases for fixing the planes is six years behind schedule, as the Government Accountability Office has reported.

The Pentagon's F-35 program director believes software "modernization" R&D will cost at least $10 billion over the next seven years. The US share of the development costs is 70 percent, or about $7 billion.

Zeke Topanaga

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Dec 11, 2016
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Here is some that you will not hear on Main Stream news. My line of work is on the Aircraft Industry and I can say, they are pretty much spot on. We joke around it and call it the Multi-Billion Dollar Turkey.


The controversial F-35 Lightning II program is already over budget and years behind schedule. The supply chain to simply send parts to bases for fixing the planes is six years behind schedule, as the Government Accountability Office has reported.

The Pentagon's F-35 program director believes software "modernization" R&D will cost at least $10 billion over the next seven years. The US share of the development costs is 70 percent, or about $7 billion.
One of my dads mates was in fact one of Australia's best WW2 pilots and was into air craft all his life, you name it he did it and was at the top of the field in the industry and no one could deny that he did not know what he was talking about.
I listened to him go on about how moronic our Government was for years and the media snubbed him for pointing out the dangers that idiots were doing that could end up costing peoples lives.
Australia's ADF is wasting a lot of money on crap and there are people in the know that say it's all a joke, pissing all this money up the wall for just worthless crap and all the people right up the top are just idiots, who are more interested in Political Correctness and what dress to wear or if they are a man today or a girl not to mention who they are going to push around today.


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Well just letting people know I am religious. I believe that God created the heavens and Earth as well as people. Now I know this may offend those who like marriage equality but I make no apologies. Because when God created humans he made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, just saying...... Would you agree Zeke??


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Well... I am religious too but if the guy next door wants to marry a cow, is his problem.

What I will like to see is the Gov to stop messing around with marriage. I bet the debate with all this weirdoes will stop. Howeve, scum sucking lawyers love the litigation, is a big business and they are the only winners.


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This is a bad deal is not going to help anybody but the Corporations (Corpocracy). Why you think the US pulled out of the deal? The US learned with NAFTA that is about to be dismantled.

by Stephen Lendman, The Sleuth Journal:

Signatory countries include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam – America withdrew, China excluded.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation earlier called TPP “a secretive, multinational trade agreement that threatened to extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws across the globe and rewrite international rules on its enforcement.”

It’s NAFTA on steroids, a stealth corporate coup d’etat, a giveaway to corporate predators, a neoliberal ripoff, a freedom and ecosystem destroying nightmare.

Corporate predators and lobbyists representing them wrote the agreement, exclusively benefitting business interests at the expense of public health and welfare.

On Thursday in Santiago, Chile, 11 nations signed the renamed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Provisions lobbied for by Big Pharma were excluded from the deal, subject to possible later inclusion.

Americans at least temporarily were saved from a deeply flawed deal, grievously harming consumers in all signatory countries.

CPTPP revisions leave most of its harmful provisions intact – including the infamous investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system.

It lets corporate predators sue governments before a rigged panel of three corporate lawyers for virtually unlimited compensation from taxpayers on what they claim violates their rights – including alleged loss of “expected future profits.”

Rulings in their favor can be gotten by claiming laws protecting public health or ecosanity violate their trade agreement rights.

Rulings are not subject to appeal. If a nation refuses to pay, the suing corporation can seize its assets to obtain compensation.

ISDS amounts to extrajudicial rigging, occurring outside of a nation’s courts. It incentivizes offshoring of jobs by providing special privileges and rights for firms relocating operations abroad.



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All this talk of big corporations and how they feed off the little people just confuses me and IMO has little affect on my life. I honestly think Gov's should get back to basics and address the things that affect the average person f### the rich and all the mumbo jumbo that's in the news about them, I find it rather boring. I just want better roads where I live, better ways to care about the environment on an individual level and stuff that I and lots of other people care about. Things that I care about are harsher penalties for repeat crims, harsher penalties for sex offenders of any kind, sealing or at least grading of dirt roads a lot more often, and ways the average person can help care for the environment, like refunds on drinks containers Aust wide not just in the NT and SA. If the Greens had kept inline with what they started as which was ways to look after the planet instead of messing with things that didn't need messing with they would have kept their seats. Trouble is most parties have lost their way in what the founders started it as. Now most of the parties stand firm on SFA, have lost their roots and get involved in things that I bet most of Aust wouldn't really care about.


expat Saffa
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Well just letting people know I am religious. I believe that God created the heavens and Earth as well as people. Now I know this may offend those who like marriage equality but I make no apologies. Because when God created humans he made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, just saying...... Would you agree Zeke??

I'm a lapsed catholic , but I wear a medal of of the virgin Mary, and a cross around my neck , I have a medal of St Francis on the rear view mirror of my car , you can take the man from the catholic , but you can never ever tale the catholic from then man .
I couldn't give a hoot for a persons sexuality .


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This is an extract from the a political organisation I follow and I think it is so true.

“Professor Peterson has really helped me rediscover meaning. He’s been like pastor Peterson to me.”

Marcus is a young man in his mid-30s, sitting next to me at Dr Jordan Peterson’s sold out Sydney lecture. Like the scores of others present – mostly young men – he has paid $150 and battled Sydney’s congestion to be here.

And he’s keen. Really keen.

A professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Dr Jordan Peterson shot to global prominence when he objected to a university edict that staff refer to students by their preferred gender pronouns. For Peterson, the issue was one of compelled speech. He will not, he says, be told what he must say, much less by people who are driven by Marxist and postmodernist motives.

His YouTube channel is now approaching 1 million subscribers.

As Peterson takes the stage, Marcus shoots to his feet and the auditorium erupts into a standing ovation fit for a hero of our times.

But there is no showmanship here. As the audience resumes their seats and silence sets in, Peterson begins hesitantly. He is softly spoken, cautious, almost diminutive.

Yet I look around and realise that these people are listening. I mean really listening. Nearly every one of the packed-out audience is leaning forward, totally focussed, eagerly hanging on his every word.

It remains this way for well over two hours.

“I like to get to the bottom of things,” declares Dr Peterson. “I mean all the way to the bottom, until you hit bedrock you can rely on.”

Peterson has opened by declaring his basic quest is for truth; for something hard, reliable, unflinching, real. Something you can build on and really know that it’s right.

Peterson’s message is one of truth and meaning. In particular, he tells his audiences how to live in light of these things. It is a message of personal responsibility and self-betterment, but one that understands the vacuous postmodernism in which today’s young people are steeped, successfully tearing it down and building up some meaning in its place.

The fact that his message is literally taking the Western world by storm is testament to how hollowed out and emptied of substance we have become.

The young men in this room have been raised on a diet of video games, porn, and binge-watched television series’. Many of them are fatherless. Their postmodern education has given them nothing firm upon which to stand in order to understand the world. They hear that their masculinity is toxic, their deep desires to protect and provide are wrong or evil, they are rapists-in-waiting, and they need to get out of the way of the women in their lives.

They have been left with no idea how to deal with themselves on almost every level.

Now here is a man – a father figure – who literally tells them to clean their room, stand straight with their shoulders back, “lift heavy rocks” (take responsibility), be brave, change the world, get married, be good fathers and husbands, seek truth…

They’ve never heard anything like it. And they love it.

Read the comments on Peterson’s YouTube videos. Young men in their droves are writing, “Jordan Peterson is literally my dad.” “Dr Peterson – I made my bed this morning.” One YouTube clip shows Peterson choking back tears as he tells of the young men like these who write to him.

Significantly, Christians are flocking to Peterson.

Though not a Christian himself, he speaks a language that we are instantly drawn to because it relies so heavily upon Christian principles. He even teaches the Bible in his lectures.