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Manual Override for Electric Windows

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Feb 17, 2005
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VY Acclaim Wagon
The windows are activated as soon as I open the drivers door of my 04 Monaro. Is it not the same with the Commodore?

No mate, once the doors have been unlocked or the ignition turned off and the drivers door opened, the windows stay active for 45 seconds (yes I have timed them). Just opening the drivers door will not reactivate the windows, you either have to lock and then unlock the vehicle with the key fob or turn the ignition on.

Hey there mate,

My girlfriend says why don't you leave the keys with your wife????


Yes that is by far the easiest and cheapest solution, however force of habit generally involves me putting the keys in my pocket. Hard to break habits.


Aug 31, 2007
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Yeah thanks for that, however I am not about to start fiddling with the wires. I am also not gonna spend 35 bucks on something that may only be needed very occasionally.

You want a solution to this problem for less than $35? That is a tall ask! Were you hoping that someone could give you a special code to tap into the computer that would change it all?

I think possibly one reason that the windows are like that,
apart from preventing children sitting in the car and playing with the windows and draining the battery(its not going to drain them if they arent used....children shouldnt be left in cars unsupervised anyway) There is also the case in the US where the whole issue of power windows is under strict scrutiny with many children having been strangled by power windows in recent years, criticism of even the windows to be able to be used for 30 seconds after switching off the ignition has also been made when one mum who popped into a convenience store managed to find her kid dead by the time she came back and she had removed the keys.

I love being able to leave the windows down an inch or so on a hot day when parked. If one could poke a stick in and activate the controls it wouldnt be so good! I realise its probably possible to force the windows down easily by doing that, but willing to live with that.
It would be great if the windows stayed active until one actually locked the car, I think that's possibly something we'd all want for convenience, but the issue or leaving traps for the unsuspecting, just like we dont have latchable fridges anymore, has to be a higher priority.

An electric solution to the problem is probably possible. Without looking at the electric diagrams Im guessing that the computer controls the timing to the power the window. One just needs to put a switch live to batt to bypass whatever supplies the electric windows(a momentary switch for safety), if the windows are on the own fuse it may be simple to sort out and would only cost whatever the switch is worth + whose ever labour is involved in sorting it all out. As far as Im aware a new key is $100+, ie one that will talk to the computer and activate the timing on the windows, not simply the blade that will turn the door or ignition locks.
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Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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i think the idea behind the power windows staying active for a period of time after removing the key from the ignition was simply for those people that forget to put there windows up before removing the key

commsirac as nice as that big rant above is, it's not relavent to the question in the original post. if the child is to young not to be trusted with power windows then one must wonder why they were left in the car to begin with. my point here is personal responsibility, where do you draw the line, sure the mother of dead child blamed the car manufacturer for said childs death, now no matter how sad it is, shouldn't the mother in fact be held responsible for the death of the child (leaving a minor unsupervised) at some point we have got to stop holding manufactureres responsible for every accident that happens with what ever product your using, whether it be a kitchen knife or automobile.

as for the question of activating the power windows without the key. i think from memory that the 45seconds you have after removing key is controlled through the BCM(this is based on the assumption that there is a 12v ignition source to the BCM, it could however be powered from the PCM). so oyu would need to apply a 12v source to the BCM to activate it again. if you were to use a momentary switch you could start the 45sec timer again to move windows. however, as mentioned above, such a switch in a visible location could make it easier to break into or steal said vehicle if windows were left slightly open. good question for Dr Bob. no doubt he would have a answer for this question


Aug 31, 2007
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i think the idea behind the power windows staying active for a period of time after removing the key from the ignition was simply for those people that forget to put there windows up before removing the key

commsirac as nice as that big rant above is, it's not relavent to the question in the original post. if the child is to young not to be trusted with power windows then one must wonder why they were left in the car to begin with. my point here is personal responsibility, where do you draw the line, sure the mother of dead child blamed the car manufacturer for said childs death, now no matter how sad it is, shouldn't the mother in fact be held responsible for the death of the child (leaving a minor unsupervised) at some point we have got to stop holding manufactureres responsible for every accident that happens with what ever product your using, whether it be a kitchen knife or automobile.
I think it is entirely relevant to the question. Once again Immortality you have sought to criticise a post of mine for no good reason and with poor logic, why dont you just go and get a punching bag instead, then you take out your frustration without ever having to expose yourself for the fool that you are. Surely this is information that anyone thinking of changing the workings of their car from the manufacturers specs ought to consider. Im not sure that Oakey would have considered the strangulation issue, neither had I until a visit to North America last year and a death from this in the town I was visiting. Many people Ive talked to since have scoffed at it being an issue as well, however, the plain and simple facts are that it has claimed lives that could have otherwise been spared. If you took the trouble to read my post carefully, which you never seem to do, you would have noticed that I mentioned that children should never be left in cars unsupervised.
However, as I also mentioned, and you also failed to comprehend, manufacturers are forced by our legislators to provide things that offer safeguards for those parents who dont know how to properly look after their kids(ie fridges which cant trap people in side, pool fences etc). Whether you or I think manufacturers should be not made to put safeguards into their devices is irrelevant. Hell, you could argue that manufacturers shouldnt have to make them safe in crashes either, we'd still have non padded dashs and non collapsible steering columns etc, its not their fault that people go and drive them into things. Its possibly even there to safeguard yourself, personally Id like these safeguards fitted to my car too. People such as yourself often never look at the big picture and think of the what IFs. ie you park your car in your driveway with a family christmas party with the windows down on a hot day and have wired the windows to be live, a four year old makes their way unnoticed into the driveway and plays with the live windows that you rigged and manages to strangle themselves. Yeh, its not your fault........well a team of lawyers may convince a jury otherwise.....and worse than that you are going to live with the thought of something you did or didnt do being responsible for the death of innocents.
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So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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Do a search in the VN/P section, or the VR/S section. Someone has put up a way to install a button that acts like your remote/key in the ignition, and reactivates the timer.

Pretty sure the setup was just press the button, and the windows were operational again. I'll look for the thread for you.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
Found the thread.


Not sure how different the modules are between the models. But i would assume not much would have changed between VS and VY.

With mrkovr's write up, i'm sure you could even do it yourself.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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I think it is entirely relevant to the question. Once again Immortality you have sought to criticise a post of mine for no good reason and with poor logic, why dont you just go and get a punching bag instead, then you take out your frustration without ever having to expose yourself for the fool that you are. Surely this is information that anyone thinking of changing the workings of their car from the manufacturers specs ought to consider. Im not sure that Oakey would have considered the strangulation issue, neither had I until a visit to North America last year and a death from this in the town I was visiting. Many people Ive talked to since have scoffed at it being an issue as well, however, the plain and simple facts are that it has claimed lives that could have otherwise been spared. If you took the trouble to read my post carefully, which you never seem to do, you would have noticed that I mentioned that children should never be left in cars unsupervised.
However, as I also mentioned, and you also failed to comprehend, manufacturers are forced by our legislators to provide things that offer safeguards for those parents who dont know how to properly look after their kids(ie fridges which cant trap people in side, pool fences etc). Whether you or I think manufacturers should be not made to put safeguards into their devices is irrelevant. Hell, you could argue that manufacturers shouldnt have to make them safe in crashes either, we'd still have non padded dashs and non collapsible steering columns etc, its not their fault that people go and drive them into things. Its possibly even there to safeguard yourself, personally Id like these safeguards fitted to my car too. People such as yourself often never look at the big picture and think of the what IFs. ie you park your car in your driveway with a family christmas party with the windows down on a hot day and have wired the windows to be live, a four year old makes their way unnoticed into the driveway and plays with the live windows that you rigged and manages to strangle themselves. Yeh, its not your fault........well a team of lawyers may convince a jury otherwise.....and worse than that you are going to live with the thought of something you did or didnt do being responsible for the death of innocents.

the way i suggested and as stealthy has posted in the link above re-activates the timer so once again they only work for 45sec. i sure do hope you have a lock on your kitchen draw so that any little child that my visit your home couldn't accidentally stab themselves, also hope you have child proof covers on all your power points etc becuase the way you suggest it every one's a fool and can't be trusted. you must have the most idiot proof house on the planet

as i mentioned earlier, the windows working after the keys out of the ignition is probably a feature added so when you remove the key before all windows are up you don't need to fish the keys out of your pockets again to raise em. i don't think holden ever intended to leave em on permantly cause it would slowly drain your battery keeping electrical circuits energised all the time.

the original poster asked if there was a way to turn the windows on without using the key. everything else is irrelevant (did i spell it right?) especially considering it was something he wanted so his wife could operate the windows without the key, unless of course your suggesting his wife is childish and can't be trusted not to do silly things like put the power window up when she's got her head out the window.

if vehicle manufacturers put all the safety devices in cars as you have suggested, 1. cars would get a lot more expensive then they already are 2. one could suggest that nobody should be driving cars as they are far to dangerous. YES, manufacturers should make there products as safe as possible in the most practicle way possible as legitimate accidents do happen. NO, manufacturers shouldn't need to worry about all those dum asses out there that can't decide whether something is safe or stupid to do becasue at the end of the day they have people like you who will happily point it out to em.

ohh, thanks for the spelling lesson


Aug 31, 2007
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the original poster asked if there was a way to turn the windows on without using the key. everything else is irrelevant (did i spell it right?) especially considering it was something he wanted so his wife could operate the windows without the key, unless of course your suggesting his wife is childish and can't be trusted not to do silly things like put the power window up when she's got her head out the window.

That's part of the problem, some people just have no imaginative skills to consider the what iffs. If you put an overide switch in there that even the wife will know how to use, then its going to be obvious and chances are its going to get used frequently because its there and even a four year old will work it out.

Perhaps do some searches for yourself on google or look at how people who have left their kids in cars that have been strangled by power windows have been prosecuted for neglect:Kids in Cars - Incidents by Category - Power Window
If go modifying the car so that the safeguards already in place could be "shortcircuited" and something happens, Im sure courts around the globe will be just as tough. What Oakey decides to do is up to him, but it doesnt hurt to have all the relevant information to consider.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
That's part of the problem, some people just have no imaginative skills to consider the what iffs. If you put an overide switch in there that even the wife will know how to use, then its going to be obvious and chances are its going to get used frequently because its there and even a four year old will work it out.

Perhaps do some searches for yourself on google or look at how people who have left their kids in cars that have been strangled by power windows have been prosecuted for neglect:Kids in Cars - Incidents by Category - Power Window
If go modifying the car so that the safeguards already in place could be "shortcircuited" and something happens, Im sure courts around the globe will be just as tough. What Oakey decides to do is up to him, but it doesnt hurt to have all the relevant information to consider.

mate, you gotta live a little, stop worrying about all the little "what if's" otherwise your gonna die from a heart attack or stroke at a ripe young age.
Oct 10, 2006
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Cairns, QLD
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VY S2 04 S/W
What about if we put bars on the windows,

Oh wait that won't stop the rain either?????

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