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Social welfare


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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Ok then lets suppose the long term employed are engaged in a working for the dole type set up - what would they be paid, considering they are doing the work of other minimum wage people eg. cleaning etc.? How many hours should they work (I would suggest maybe 20-25hrs a week tops to give them time to find work whilst businesses were open).

Most on full rate of NSA must do a minimum of 30 hours during the work experience phase. They get an extra $20 per fortnight to assist them with travel. If they don't like it, they can get a job. Even if you paid them a wage, lots would fail to show up as these people simply do not want to work. As I said earlier, they know the loop holes to get them out of their activities so they retain their payments. You are not dealing with people like you and I. The dole is a chosen lifestyle for them and they resent (get angry and violent) if you push them into employment. They play victim constantly and refuse to take ownership of failing to attend appointments. Back when I was a consultant for a Job Network I was chased through town after work (on foot) by an angry client as I submitted a report to Centrelink after he failed to attend (more than once.) He rang and threatened me personally, threatened to bomb the building and said he would hunt me down if I didn't reverse the report. Most are idle threats, but this clown waited for me. It ended well, I gave him the slip.

If we were to cut off payments, what happens? I am assuming that without food charities would be inundated, most clients being turned away would ultimately starve? Without homes, wouldn't the former dole bludger then have to live out in the elements, and be a homeless person? I personally don't think this is a very humane way to deal with the issue, no matter how economically rational it is.

How many times have I heard a conversation along the lines of "I just want a job.... anything will do." Consultant: "I have this job <details>" Jskr "How much an hour?" Consultant: "$17/18/19..." Jskr "stuff that, I ain't working for less than $25 an hour"

There are jobs out there. People won't clean a toilet, or work in a factory. One guy said to his Consultant very aggressively after she told him he had to go do grape picking "I am a redhead, we don't do outdoors stupid."

Charities already are over over burdened. I have spent countless hours on the phone trying to get emergency shelter for Clients to be told "nothing for a week......." Most caravan parks will now not take unemployed persons because so many before them have abused the accommodation either by not paying, wrecking it, or moving in a zillion mates.


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Jun 5, 2010
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Julie you must be an awesome wife!
Throw in a nightly massage for hubby, the ability to always keep the fridge stocked with beer, and some decent cooking skills and your a shoe in for wife of the year.

Disclaimer: since my wife is in the room, I should mention, it is Mrs Huntington that you will be competing against for the coveted prize.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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To the OP. I agree. Have been an advocate of capped 18 week dole payments for a long time now. If you can't find a job (ie any job) in that time you aren't trying. Simple as that. The number of times I have blokes rock up looking like you do after a huge night and no sleep, mumble something about looking for work and then getting very pissed I won't give them a business card so they can show centrelink they have been "looking" for work.

Interesting points made. To go through life just scraping by, not being able to travel or buy the thing you want ?? Hmm I'd prefer to work and earn the money to live properly. Having said that their are parts of our society that are grossly over paid, 10 million dollar golden handshakes for CEO's doesn't seem well earned to me. Just my thoughts.......

Having seen both sides, although not enjoyed the $10mill golden handshake myself (or even a small fraction there of :(), my attitude is - good luck to them. 99% of the rank and file simply have no idea what these people do. I'm sure there are a few who don't but the vast majority very much deserve it. They are walking talking industries in themselves creating jobs and wealth for thousands of employee's and investors, most of which have nfi what actually goes on.

Haha jealous ?? Come now, let's keep it on point. NO one deserves a 10 million dollar payout !!!


Welfare... I feel everyone has the basic human right to food and shelter. Dole is about $400/fortnight; $200/week does not go far at all. Lets say (for a single person), food $60/week, rent (housing commission) $70/week, Bills (power, phone) $40/week - leaves $30/week to clothe oneself, get around, for entertainment and healthcare. This breakdown allows for no alcohol or tobacco, and certainly no car. Its hardly the holiday people are making it out to be. Just imagine the sheer bordeom of getting up and not doing anything, repeated adnauseum for 50+ yrs. Perfect storm of unhappiness - you have nothing to do, and no money to spend doing anything. In addition, its not like you can save for a rainy day, build capital, or do anyhting that is really meaningful.

The thing is, from what I understand, once you have been unemployed for X amounts of months you start to get more and more unemployable.

From what I've seen of your posts, I have do doubt at all you get more unemployable with every day that passes.

It could be that you are out of said industry and not keeping up with the trends for you are out of the loop, meaning you lack technical knowledge (this is surprisingly common for some teachers who go on a decades worth of maternity leave, for example). In addition, employment agencies see your CV and wonder why you are not employed again by now (bad referees?). In addition if you want a casual job and are over 21, your chances are greatly diminished, becasue unless they are desperate they will take the teens for they can be paid less. Finally, after being unemployed for so long some may develop depression, and 'give up'. At this stage a disability pension may be more appropriate.

That's the point. There are literally a plethora of industries who are always looking for unskilled, semi skilled and hi skill labour. They aren't the nicest jobs in the world and many are down right boring but they are all paid employment none the less. Lack of local labour is the very reason the 457 visa was introduced (have had extensive experience here). The up front costs of getting somebody from overseas is around 8 - 12 months wages and that is before they have been employed for 1 day. The list of "permitted occupations" available for 457 visas is wide and varied and ranges from fully fledged trades to those you can have nailed with 2 weeks on the job training.

It may be popular to bash welfare recipients, especially those who have received benefits for a long time, but what if the same situation happened to you?

I was in this exact situation before my current job. I will admit to being a job snob and thus was unemployed for 13 weeks. Could have had a job within 3 days but chose not to. The clincher is that I neither applied for, nor received any govco benefits during this time.

Like all things, I am quite sure most welfare recipients are doing the right thing, attend interviews, keep job-hunt diaries and so on, just that those who flout the system create a bad reputation for everyone else. I will finish by saying that I would support enhanced surveillance of welfare recipients to weed out the bad apples.

There is already a trigger for said recipients. Anybody who has taken more than 10 weeks to find a job (any job) isn't looking. Simple really.

There should be no dole. People of all ages need to work for what they earn, even if it's building roads or sweeping foot paths.

Not sure I'd make it quite that harsh. I'm fine with somebody receiving benefits for a maximum defined time. Would extend it to requiring paid employment for 6 (?) months between drinks at the dole office too. Needs to be thought thru fully but around there somewhere.

Ok then lets suppose the long term employed are engaged in a working for the dole type set up - what would they be paid, considering they are doing the work of other minimum wage people eg. cleaning etc.? How many hours should they work (I would suggest maybe 20-25hrs a week tops to give them time to find work whilst businesses were open).

<Sob story deleted>

If we were to cut off payments, what happens?

The vast majority would somehow miraculously find employment. Pay 15% of it to the salvo's or whoever to help out with the rest.



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Jul 27, 2006
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My sister has had a heap of "job seekers" rock up in shop, the convo goes

Sis: hi can i help u
JS: can iva job?
Sis: umm sorry nothing available..
JS: cool, can u sign my book?
Sis: no, please leave.

Just the attitude, like it's a burden to "go out to look for work", just to get the payment..

She has had only one pop in with her resume, a quick back story, polite well dressed. She has been hired to cover a few shifts, so far.. Not hard at all if u really want it.


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Aug 9, 2009
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The vast majority would somehow miraculously find employment. Pay 15% of it to the salvo's or whoever to help out with the rest.


...or they turn to crime?? Desperate people, who are for some reason unemployable, may wind up doing desperate things to the innocent just to get by....USA has capped unemployment, I believe, their crime issues are huge (as is my understanding) - feel free to correct if I am wrong? (eg. homicide rate in USA is 3-4 times what it is here).

In addition the economy could, at times, be that crappy there simply is not enough jobs to go around, if the government has no money for work relief programs.

Be they ferals or not, welfare abusers are still people, and as such are entitled to basic human rights of food and shelter.
Last edited:


We should have sushi Carol
Staff member
Nov 30, 2003
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Land of the free
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Equinox LTZ - runs on cocaine
as such are entitled to basic human rights of food and shelter.

While I agree to a point, I am again going to harp on those who have been offered employment and turn it down for pathetic reasons. These people can starve for all I care. These are the group who play victim and believe they are entitled to everything.

A number of people also find themselves homeless after failing to pay rent (but still smoking, drinking and with drug habits) and/or trashing their accommodation and being evicted.

Maybe a system where if you hit a certain amount of time on the dole with a cash payment you get swapped to having a direct payment to your landlord/bank and food/utility vouchers. No extra cash whatsoever.


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Jun 30, 2005
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I've been paying taxes constantly for over 40 years, I have been self employed for about 16 years. A few years back, work wasn't coming in and I hadn't earned anything for about 6 weeks so I went to centerlink to see if I could get assistance till things picked up. Do you think I could get any help, no. They said I would need to wind up my business first. Thank god business did pick up again. All those years I have been paying so other people could bludge.


Sep 10, 2007
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VS L67
Got sent this a few weeks ago seems pretty appropriate.

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the
wealth out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must
work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government
does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else
is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of
any nation.


Says it all in 1 sentence....

The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a
living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


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May 14, 2011
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Nz is trialling a system with youth beneficiaries. There rent, power etc are payed directly to the source and they get a supermarket card. That does not allow the purchase or booze or cigarettes. While I know people will get around it, it might actually make people think. Hell if I want to decide how to spend my money then I should have to earn it first. Hope they roll it out to all unemployment bennificiaries. I believe that sickness and retired should get the money to do with as they please, provided they paid three tax previously.


Nov 21, 2006
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I was unemployed for 6 weeks paying for my truck licence ($3,500HC)and supporting my family all from my svings from my previous job.
I applied for several jobs every week to no avail because of lack of experience, I heard the job search network have contacts in the industry and could better help me get employment.
I applied for newstart and registered with the jobsearch provider, neither centrelink or the jsp asked me if I have been looking for work.
2 weels later went to an appointment with centrelink, again they never asked me if I've been looking for work.
gave me jobsearch list I needed to apply for atleast 10 jobs per week, fortnight later back to centrelink, they didn't ask me for the list or if I had been looking. same thing the following fortnight.
finally got to see the job search place, never asked me if I have been looking for work, all she was worried about was christmas breakup and putting me on work for the dole, never even offered a job that I could apply for.
thank god for good mates because 1 talked me upto his boss and I went in worked for free for a week, folowing tuesday morning 6:10am phone call do you want to come to work? 45mins later I was there making my first delivery.

I hate dealing with centrelink and the trash that you see in thier.
job search providers are useless, and now mine wants to get payed by the government because I am employed now, yet they had nothing to do with me getting training or a job.