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  • im in the Belmont area bro. sorry for the late reply lol. I don't really come on the forum from a computer
    hey mate in reply to your post reply to me about the radar detectors

    i picked mine up off a mate for 250, theres systems here which range from 400-a couple thousand bucks and they all have different features and all that

    cops wise it usually won't pick em up, although on the occasion it has, its mostly multinovas etc. and all the new ones can be synced through the internet, and they pick up all the latest locations of the fixed places cameras

    certainly did save my license quite a few times, and saved me a but load of cash

    only thing you gotta watch over here in perth is where on the window you put it, if its on too high cops will make you take it down as its an obstruction of your view, so just gotta be lower than the highest point of the dash, other than that they can't do anything for you having one
    hey mate, there are no probs if you DO NOT key on the ignition when the seats are out. If you do, then the car's comp will register that there is an air bag fault in the front seats (bcse they are disconnected) and unless you have a scan tool you will have to get the fault code cleared by someone who does. I got a scan tool off eBay abt 2 yrs ago - was around 300 bux but has def been worth it with some of the codes my SS has chucked at me (such as just understanding exactly what is wrong when the dash says 'engine malfunction' - I have been able to find out what is wrong and saved heaps by fixing it myself).

    And btw I took the seats out not bcse they were fading but bcse the driver's side was getting a bit worn down. Swapping it with the passenger side worked pretty well. But that said I look after my baby more than I look after myself hey! So no fat bastards are allowed to squash my seat foam!
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