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  1. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Is there a way to check the relay properly? All I did was swap the fuel pump relay and fuses with other ones in the system as a test and it still changed nothing. And I will have a look for the guides before I do take it in, I just don't really have anywhere to work on it properly. Street...
  2. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Seems like it is the fuel pump. Had a guy drive past me in the street whilst I was working on it and he pulled over. Turns out he used to be a mechanic. He showed me the fuel lines and pulled the tubes off them and got me to crank the engine. Absolutely no fuel pumped through. So he said that...
  3. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Both of which I don't have the knowledge or tools to do, unfortunately. Any other things I can try before I bite the bullet and take it to a mechanic?
  4. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Yeah I know, but like I said, that code has been on there for years and I've not had any dramas until now. But it doesn't seem to relate to what I'm experiencing. But if I can get the bloody thing to reliable start and run, then I'll definitely get that transmission error looked into.
  5. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Water pump was replaced 2 years ago. Can't see any leaks either, if that helps rule it out. But there is no noise before it goes. Revs just drop and it's out.
  6. C

    VS Berlina 3.8L Massive Problems

    Serious issues with my car lately. Driving home about a month a go and it stalled 4 times in the space of 15 minutes. Managed to just start each time I rolled to the side and got it going. So it'll start if it's cold, but if it's been running for about 15 minutes, it won't start back up. It...