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  1. Luke's VX Equip

    Subs in a car on gas??

    yes it is duel fuel but like fkford said as well if u tune you car to gas it runs like dog **** on petrol mine is tuned the best me and my macanic can to get the best of both but occationaly we have to do it every so often so it runs well on gas at the moment its running decent on gas and ****...
  2. Luke's VX Equip

    Subs in a car on gas??

    yeah same here Farex when i hit it around 4-5000rpm it will pop so i ussally take it easy on gas though now my macanic gave it a nice tune and said if it pops agen we'll see agen .. but its ran good since then. yeah its just holdens i dont no how my brothers vt ran so well with gas and he treats...
  3. Luke's VX Equip

    Subs in a car on gas??

    nah mate you shood be fine iv have a jl audio w3 in my car ****en pumps and a gas tank as well for about a year now and i havent blown up.. also my brother has a tank in his and a sub and its been good. since we are on the topic i want to know how i can stop my car from backfiring my gas never...
  4. Luke's VX Equip

    The eBay lolz thread

    Electric Supercharger Turbo Nitrous All Cars +MPG +HP - eBay Turbos, Superchargers, Performance Parts, Car Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 28-Feb-10 00:11:03 AEDST) omg i didnt no you can get an electric turbo for $35 and increases your hp by 26% how fully sicks that.. i wonder...
  5. Luke's VX Equip

    P Platers and High Performance cars.....

    i agree 100% with ya i dont understand why i cant add ne small mods .. i myself have high proformance leads and spark plugs and a pod filter in my vx but my mate has a vz and wrecked me anyways so its not like im gonna be flying true.. i also agree with the passanger restritions (although im...
  6. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your VT - VX pictures here

    heyy wood any1 no if an spac frount bumper wood look good on my lowerd vx?? because i hit the frount and i am replacing it with an spac bumper but not sure if the rest wood look good because it has no bodykit on it ... my car did look good but before the accedent
  7. Luke's VX Equip

    The eBay lolz thread

    also i found another 1 a licence plate saying REAL HEAD TURNER PERSONALISED NUMBER PLATES 305-BHP "REAL HEAD TURNER!!" - eBay Australian, Number Plates, Car Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 09-Nov-09 15:14:47 AEDST) It says "305-BHP" okay its a good licence plate but whats...
  8. Luke's VX Equip

    The eBay lolz thread

    HAHAHAHA just bringing up an old post some1 said at the start i died from laughter... i found 1 simlar to this i typed it ''real head turner" and got this its the same type of car from the first 1 Nissan exa haha nissan exa 91 model real head turner good condition - eBay, Passenger Vehicles...
  9. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    LMFAO at Holdenboys fuel gauge thats freakish loudest commy iv even seen just wondering how do you measure the db in your car what distance is it from... i wanna have a comp with my mate we just installed his kicker sound system sounds ***in balistic we ***ed up the ports the first time so we...
  10. Luke's VX Equip

    hey well i already got high profromance spark plugs for my gas and i also have a pod filter...

    hey well i already got high profromance spark plugs for my gas and i also have a pod filter because my gas backfires, (my macanic needs to replace it) but yeah i probly be getting an exaust system anyways but the only thing is what about then rocker things they are abit pricey and also with the...
  11. Luke's VX Equip

    ahh mad well im not gonna turbo/supercharge inless its under a grand no point in wasting ne...

    ahh mad well im not gonna turbo/supercharge inless its under a grand no point in wasting ne more money on my car might as well get a new 1, how much is ur supercharger costing ya is there any way i can get 1 off a supercharged calais or something for cheap lol cheers man
  12. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    by the way they are getting shiped from america so i dont want to get this wrong just double checking thats all iv looked for the right awnser (i hate dvc subs wish they kept it simple)
  13. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    hey guys sorry if im bustin your balls but my mate is about to purchase 2 kicker L5 subs and im abit confused about the specifications of these subs for each sub is Impedance: 4 Ohm DVC (each) now i want to no is that 4 ohms per coil or the whole sub im pretty sure its per coil so that means if...
  14. Luke's VX Equip

    Holden VE Commodore: Fuel Economy Figures

    its just the time we are in now during the 80's fuel jumped significantly and more smaller cars were getting more popular compared to the 70's big cars and big engines! but then kinda just went up agen at in the 90's and early 2000's now they are just making bigger cars with smaller and more...
  15. Luke's VX Equip

    new sidi engines for the my10 model holdens

    yeah iv heard about these new commodores comming out with 190kw 3.0 liter and 210 3.6 thats ****en mad woodent mind getting myself 1 of these in a few years also you can buy them with gas as well... does any1 no if they have gas for the sv6 and calais 3.6 because i think they only make them for...
  16. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    ohh thx man ill keep that in mind then. do u recon they cood overheat but that was the least id think of.. illl check up my amp instructions 2night cheers :thumbsup:
  17. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    haha ur funny i have nothing to back that up but i do no more then u think mate lol good call none the less since im here i wanna ask yet again im thinking of mounting my amp on the top of the boot lid with carpet, will look neater and save alot of boot space, but dont no if its bad for the...
  18. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    agreed that thing is king kong!! what brand is that think i never seen it in my life, check out how long it is **** me :o
  19. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    fe enough mate, yeah i no i cant modify it but i might anyways i dont care now big deal woop woop i dont care i got a pod on my car which i no i cant have but i have to have it anyways because of my gas soo realy i dont care if i put an exhaust on. lol technacly my car was stock but my macanic...
  20. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    I told u 3 times now, For the last time i dont want a V8!! Get it threw your heads. Thank u mate finaly i got a decent awnser from somebody. I never said i wanted something to powerfull, just something just under the power to waight, dont see whats rong with a turbo 4cyd or supercharged 6? I...
  21. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    yess VZ-Rob is right a normal headunit will only be running about 50 watts max from them about 20 watts rms. If u dont want it to distort amp the thing especialy if ur running 6x9's. Your underpowering them from the amp witch sends DISTORTED WAVES to the speaker wen u crank it up, witch can...
  22. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    FARkk mee mate lil lucifer thats a big job for some1 that did if for there first time. came out nice mate :thumbsup: i wish i could make my boot something like that but theres just not enough room with the gas tank. :( im thinking of mounting my amp on the top of the boot lid with carpet, will...
  23. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your VT - VX pictures here

    I managed to get some pics on finaly
  24. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your VT - VX pictures here

    yeah thort soo the hard part wood be sanding it down do u have a vx or vt ? i think vt's are easyer because the grill bits are abit different and woodent show as much wen u take em off if u get what i mean ? lol thx anyways mate ill think about it. Iv see stock vx grills that look like they...
  25. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    MATE WE WERE ONLY BEING SARCASTIC whats ur problem anyways its not u thats gonna be driving it are u ?? soo stop trying to tell people what to do and piss off from this site if thats how you are going to be. I NEVER SAID I WAS GOING TO DRIVE A V8. IF U CAN READ And all these other people are...
  26. Luke's VX Equip

    V6 Peformance Parts

    aww sweet mace well ill consider it do u use a pod or panel filter in your CAI ? i got a pod on mine but its sucking in warm air. Is there an easy way for me to get the cold air by modding it somehow for now. its currently sitting in the panel box because my macanic did it because my gas kept...
  27. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your VT - VX pictures here

    vx_s_01 that is probly the most sexyest vx iv ever seen mate and dipdip how did u do the grills for ur vx i wanna do the same to mine. here's my ride just got new rims put on :) http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=106194693&albumID=2924917&imageID=49199726...
  28. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    haha true that but it is probly what i wood do tho debage it lol. say if u had a supercharged v6 u can probly get a new engine cover on it as well and maby get away with it haha. as for driving with exemtion around i probly wood get diged for driving on sat nights in the city haha soo...
  29. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    yeah true well im gonna be a electrician or carpenter next year maby i can get my dad to exempt me lol. ill tell them i need the s15 turbo for moving my tools haha. jokzz :yeah: your right i guess about that but woodent getting an exemtion be hard and alot of paperwork and ****ing round ?
  30. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    yeah thort soo thats pretty gay i hate vic. guess im getting a sv6 then. still i recon the power to waight is better because say getting this sv6 wood be quicker then more small turbo jap cars or supercharged 6's eg vt supercharged v6 is 171 kw with 1.5 + tons of waight and comes waigh under the...
  31. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    well i dident say i was compleatly right about it mate i dont no vn's as much as u im assuming my mate drives 1 and i pound him and i got alot of waight still could also be the age but i cant say they are the best car in the world and either can u about the vn. u are probly right they are a...
  32. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    and also in vic i dont think u can't drive any sort of v8's and turbo/supercharged engines at all but we do not have the power to waight law now pretty stupid i recon because i still woodent mind a little jap car with a turbo :( does any1 in vic no if this is true or can we drive v8's and...
  33. Luke's VX Equip

    Performance Cars and P Plate Offences

    realy well i did a serch and see vn is 125kw and waighs 1311 kg that means power to waight its 125/1311 x1000 = 95.34 kw per ton thats pretty good tho a vx like my does 152kw and waighs 1519 so thats 152/1519 x 1000 = 100.06 kw per ton it is pretty light but does not beat newer commodores and vy...
  34. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    hah mate are u serious this must explain why i can only get ever number frequencys eg(nova 100.3 i can only tune it to 100.2 or 100.4 not as clear. personaly besides the radio confusion i think its a mad headunit for its money i love it works well and looks smick and does the job :)
  35. Luke's VX Equip

    V6 Peformance Parts

    hey mace i was wondering if i bought your CAI is it hard to install would u guys install it at an extra cost & how much, or is it D.I.Y? i heard its abit of work ? cheers.
  36. Luke's VX Equip

    V6 Peformance Parts

    ohh i think he ment the hole cold air intake system not just the filter lol but yeah he probly is talking abit of **** cheers mate .. how much was ur filter alone and did it improve anything thing besides proformance like fuel or smoothness ? apparenly the the filter just gives like 1-4 hp but...
  37. Luke's VX Equip

    V6 Peformance Parts

    hey mace i was wondering the same quetion as rarevxs and also i am interested in ur cold air intakes i think i saw them on ebay for like 250 is that correct ? also where bouts are u located is pick up welcome ? how much increase wood that make to my vx ecotech because apparently this guy at this...
  38. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    ahh thx mate the reason i dident take them out is its for my mates car and he asked me how big they are and i cood only look at them or ealse if it was my car i woodof taken them out but i said they are 6 inches anyways by looking at them thx lucky i was wright or ealse my mate woodof had the...
  39. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    hey does anyone no what size speakers go in a holden calibra 1995 modle my mate needs me to help him out choosing some speakers and i do not no the size of the frount and back speakers weather its 6 inches or 6half or 4 inches ? has some1 wired 1 before ?
  40. Luke's VX Equip

    Post your car audio system and pictures

    goodnight mate im out to