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Another case of blaming everyone else but the parents


QuickVR95II 2010 Survivor
Jun 11, 2009
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Bayswater, WA.
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Dunno what their nationality has to do with anything. Its a sad story regardless of nationality. 3 young boys died. Yes they shouldn't have been there but 3 children died. Its still sad. But from the way Aboriginal people are often victimised in the media i wouldn't be suprised if they're leaving something out. Or there is more to the story. The media isn't always trustworthy. They sensationalise and exaggerate to make it more interesting. In no way am i justifying people's bad behaviour but i wouldn't believe everything i read in the papers. Especially when it about Aboriginal people. And i know that by experience.

mz81vs, I dont know of any 10 year old caucasian children that would swear at a police officer and then walk along the train tracks to pick up rocks and throw at passing trains. 15 year old caucasians possibly. But not 3 10 year olds.

Im half aboriginal, I have an aboriginal girlfriend and I grew up with a lot of aboriginal kids. The article described the attitude of some of the less desirable members of the aboriginal race quite well, and I personally know many aboriginal kids who have exactly this sort of attitude towards the "monarch" as well.

Also, no. By NO MEANS WHATSOEVER is the media based against aboriginals. Quite the other way around infact. Correct me if im wrong, but are you aboriginal and trying to say the media has victimised you in the past? You sound like you come from one of those typical mobs who claim every white fella is out to get them. Because I can certainly say the only elements of black culture that the media has anything bad to say about, are the ones that deserve it, and even then the media is quite careful in what they say because of people like you standing up and playing the race card with the victim card. I applaud the article for not being too scared to actually report the fact that they were aboriginal, like I see all too often.
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Oct 5, 2009
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Yes i am Aboriginal (i don't do halves, thirds whatever) no i haven't been victimised by the media. Someone i know has. What was put in the media as opposed to the actual facts that came out in court shown that the media made it looked like something happened that didn't occur at all. Furthermore bits and pieces were added to the story. This person still commited a crime but not to the brutal extent that was portrayed in the media.

And i know plenty of 10 yr old kids that carry on like that. None of them Aboriginal, not to say it doesn't happen. I know we have our issues in our community but as do any other community. I think that 1. Stating these kids nationality has no bearing on the story, it really doesn't matter if they were black, white, arab, asian...i really don't see what their nationality has to do with the story. 2. Only for their nationality the story probably wouldn't have made the news. The media does quite often victimise Aboriginal people, and if you don't agree then i think you might be a little delusional. It has happened, it does happen, it will continue to happen. When have you ever seen them publish the positives in our community? Which is why I read the National Indigenous times or the Koori mail. Coz at least there you get both good and bad of our community with unbiased reporting. I don't watch the news anyways. I really don't care if david beckham has asthma or whatever rubbish they report. If i want real news i'll watch sbs. I don't think every white fella is out to get me. Most people wouldn't even tell by looking at me that i'm Aboriginal not even other Aboriginal people. And i hang out more with Asian people than i do my own mob coz i have a thing for Asian culture (and guys lol). I don't discriminate based on race. Even those certain nationalities that i find are problematic i still treat everyone an individual basis, people are people. Not their nationality and the stereotypical problems associated with it. If you're an asshole to me you'll get it back. Be nice to me, and i'm nice too. I don't play the race card, i'm just calling it as i see it based on observations and experiences. *shrugs*


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And i hang out more with Asian people than i do my own mob coz i have a thing for Asian culture (and guys lol). I don't discriminate based on race.

If I said I had a thing for the Caucasian race, and that's why I only hang out with those people, I'd surely be called racist. After reading your post, you're hardly in a position to be calling anyone else delusional


born in the FB era
Sep 29, 2007
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the drug f**ked mum prolly expected the driver to swerve and go around them


QuickVR95II 2010 Survivor
Jun 11, 2009
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Bayswater, WA.
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Yes i am Aboriginal (i don't do halves, thirds whatever) no i haven't been victimised by the media. Someone i know has. What was put in the media as opposed to the actual facts that came out in court shown that the media made it looked like something happened that didn't occur at all. Furthermore bits and pieces were added to the story. This person still commited a crime but not to the brutal extent that was portrayed in the media.

And i know plenty of 10 yr old kids that carry on like that. None of them Aboriginal, not to say it doesn't happen. I know we have our issues in our community but as do any other community. I think that 1. Stating these kids nationality has no bearing on the story, it really doesn't matter if they were black, white, arab, asian...i really don't see what their nationality has to do with the story. 2. Only for their nationality the story probably wouldn't have made the news. The media does quite often victimise Aboriginal people, and if you don't agree then i think you might be a little delusional. It has happened, it does happen, it will continue to happen. When have you ever seen them publish the positives in our community? Which is why I read the National Indigenous times or the Koori mail. Coz at least there you get both good and bad of our community with unbiased reporting. I don't watch the news anyways. I really don't care if david beckham has asthma or whatever rubbish they report. If i want real news i'll watch sbs. I don't think every white fella is out to get me. Most people wouldn't even tell by looking at me that i'm Aboriginal not even other Aboriginal people. And i hang out more with Asian people than i do my own mob coz i have a thing for Asian culture (and guys lol). I don't discriminate based on race. Even those certain nationalities that i find are problematic i still treat everyone an individual basis, people are people. Not their nationality and the stereotypical problems associated with it. If you're an asshole to me you'll get it back. Be nice to me, and i'm nice too. I don't play the race card, i'm just calling it as i see it based on observations and experiences. *shrugs*

I can see you have at least a scrap of intelligence, so you'll understand that the media preaches to a target audience, if you didnt already. The media is going to tell its target audience what it wants to hear, because everyone likes hearing their own values repeated to them. You cant call the media biased based on the stereotype aboriginals have created for themselves.

As for me being delusional because I cant see the media victimising aboriginals, I think that quite possibly you may be delusional. You may not see it for the precise reason that the media is playing your game and not reporting the nationality of the subjects in question, so it escapes your notice every time the media is too scared to actually say that subject X is aboriginal, for fear of what I was talking about earlier. Also to make such an observant judgement about the media as a whole and then go on to say that "you dont watch the news anyways" hardly supports your argument.

Also, at the possibility that I may seem to be an aboriginal that hates aboriginals, I have to say that although it pains me to say it, the exploits of our community in the National Indigenous times hardly warrants a mention in standard media streams, as quite often the only unique thing about the article is that its about someone indigenous, not that its particularly groundbreaking or fascinating news in general. Sorry to say the national "Deadly" awards isnt particularly fascinating to the majority of the population, and not just because its closed to everyone except aboriginals either. Also the latest recipients of the Puggy Hunter scholarships are not of much importance because many non-indigenous people manage to obtain the same levels of merit every year.


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Oct 5, 2009
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Guess we'll have to agree to disagree then :)

If I said I had a thing for the Caucasian race, and that's why I only hang out with those people, I'd surely be called racist. After reading your post, you're hardly in a position to be calling anyone else delusional

Lol if you say so dude. I'd just say you have a preference. Nothing wrong with that. Each to their own. I wouldn't see it as racist.


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It would still be considered racism to many. Can't really say "Its my preference that black people don't come into my shop" now can we?


Carpark Mechanic.....
Aug 10, 2009
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the cops could always arrest or fine the boys for abuse, but the mother saying that they should have been detained and her contacted, if they did do that and called her she would probably just tell them to let them go and like her boys said, f**k off.


Carpark Mechanic.....
Aug 10, 2009
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Springwood, NSW
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same goes for all the cowards that jump in front of trains all over the country. pricks never consider the drivers at all

one of those pricks that have done that was a mate of mine, they cant really consider the drivers, the have no idea what is going on with them, but the thing is there are other ways to do it, instead of making another person think they caused it everyday.

he still makes me and lots of other people think that we were a factor in it though, all he did was sent a text saying goodbye and then jumped about 2 mins later, i still think today that there was something i could have said or done to stop him


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Oct 15, 2009
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Tragic! , these kids will now never get the opportunity to steal a car and kill an innocent family, they will never know the joy of a break and enter or the thrill of bashing the crap out of somebody at a suburban trainstation. Oh the loss....