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Food for thought.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
In other food for thought - discuss:



Jul 2, 2011
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VZ Berlina
the effect humanity has on the climate is minute... for some reason humanity loves being full of its own importance and thinks it can change the course of nature
It always amazes me to hear people say things like this, im interested have you actually done any research on it or are you just one of the people that think they're ahead of the curve because you don't believe something a lot of others do...

Dr HaxZaw

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May 6, 2010
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i dont base my opinions on what a lot of people think or believe... to me i havent noticed any change in the weather since i was a kid

it rains in summer: climate change... it doesnt rain in summer: climate change

over it really


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Aug 9, 2009
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Discussion topic - said mudcake with ice cream would, under the Weight Watchers pro-point system, be around 18 points, which is quite a bit.
The dessert appears to come from a non-domestic source. Studies have shown that routinely eating out is positively correlated with weight gain.
This cake would be high in saturated fatty acids and refined carbohydrates, meaning that once eaten would give me runners belly on the following morning's run....


walks barefoot
Feb 4, 2009
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Lismore, NSW
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why are people so against climate change then? that ball of atmosphere is growing now which is a good thing

At first I think you are joking and appreciate the humour.

here's something to think about dakster (btw i didnt read what you wrote cause it bores me)

Yep, he's joking! Doesn't know, doesn't care. Phew!

we have been collecting data for at the very most 150 years... scientists claim the earth is how old? you look at the % of time the data has been taken over and they are making all their assumptions, claims and theories off this... you do that for anything else and scientists will laugh you all the way home because it will be incredibly inaccurate yet they can then do it as they please

I'm all for stopping pollution i.e. lead, sulphides and so forth but its carbon dioxide. really not worth ruining the whole economy over

also take all the money spent on climate change so far and spend it instead on curing disease and feeding africe and the world is a 200000000 times better place than it will ever be if we stop this so called "global warming"... oh wait no thats right its "climate change" now as that can be used to justify anything much more easily

Oh, doggy doodoo! Is he serious! Now the the fact hits me that he doesn't care and wouldn't read anything to find out!
Equates all pollution even though they all have differing effects. co2 is not a problem because it doesn't do what any of the others do.
Proposes making the population bigger as a better goal when human resource usage is the root of the problem.
Engages in semantics.

oh really? please provide said information

Ice cores, lake bed cores, heaps of tools are used but you wouldn't read if I posted it.

the effect humanity has on the climate is minute... for some reason humanity loves being full of its own importance and thinks it can change the course of nature

my other point being why bother with the climate when the money would be much better spent on feeding the starving people of the world rather than making those already rich feel happy that they can remain rich and be happy with the weather

It's getting depressing now. Denies obvious evidence that everyone knows, we have changed the course of nature, we have made many species extinct, grow GM crops, dam rivers, wipe out diseases, breed new food crops/animals etc.
Proposes making the population bigger as a better goal again when human resource usage is the problem.

humans... unless they control everything they arent happy

Humans, their penchant for self deception is amazing.

i dont base my opinions on what a lot of people think or believe... to me i havent noticed any change in the weather since i was a kid
it rains in summer: climate change... it doesnt rain in summer: climate change
over it really

Bases opinion on what few people think or believe, doesn't base opinion on science, which is a testable process, reality is what feelings tell you is valid.

Now I'm thinking I just been trolled. You're good!


Sep 2, 2011
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Lithgow, NSW
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1996 Holden VS Commodore S, 3.8 n/a
That means, nuclear power, CSG, wind and solar power, geo-thermal energy, desalination plants. Effectively eliminating "old" and "dirty" technologies for sustainable ones.

I don't agree with Coal Seam Gas being on this list, not given today's technology.

One, it's still a greenhouse gas emitting, fossil fuel. It may, if it's proponents are to beleived be somewhat better for the environment than some others, but at the end of the day it's use still results in CO2 and other greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere.

Two, it's basically proven to result in massive contanimation of groundwater and aquifiers. If CSG is the way to solve global warming, the price we pay is wholesale pollution of our groundwater. It's not a price we pay though-it's a price everything else that uses that water also has to pay as well.

Three, and this one really destroys the whole CSG argument, is that the whole process of extracting the gas itself is incredibly imperfect. Of all the methane they extract, a substantial but unknown quantity just gets released straight into the atmosphere. This is what's called fugitive emissions, and it's methane being vented directly to the atmosphere. Methane as a greenhouse gas is substantially worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

I'm no tree hugger but the more I hear about CSG the more I think no way. Not if I want to be able to live another 60-80 years on a planet that's capable of supporting human life. I'd sugguest anybody who thinks CSG is a good idea watch Gasland and then come back and say you honestly think CSG is a great idea.

A final argument, we have plenty of gas out on the North West shelf. It's not like we need the gas today. We can wait, and do the proper research on the effects of fracking before committing to something that could potentially have ramifications for the next unknown number of years-potentially thousands.