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Insurance troubles...



I hate insurance! its one of those things you have to have cos it costs too much if you hit someone else (esp if its a euro car...) but the majority of people wont use it cos were all good drivers... right?

Anyway, i just wanted to ask who are you insured with?
How much insurance? (CTP, third party, comprehensive)?
What are their rules? ie; mods non standard accessories etc?
And how much does it cost?

so many people are running around with hot cars but i cant even get my car lowered cos my insurance company has a big problem with it. It probably doesnt help being a 19yo Green P-plater, but i have had 3 years of incident free driving. Im sure heaps of other people are in my position. At the moment im with budget direct cos they were the cheapest, but only just, and only on third party, but they wont allow any serious mods (only rims stock sizes no increase) but QBE policies have nothing about mods and theyre the same $. Just car and shannons are the most common suggestion but theyre expensive even with no mods.

so what would you suggest? go no insurance (keep in mind there are loads of bad drivers in expensive cars around my place, with expensive lawyers who get them out of any payments) or fork out a couple of grand a year for comp... or something in between?

btw its an 88 VL NA 3L no mods (yet...)


We should have sushi Carol
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I have comprehensive agreed value on my commie - had to include mods on the policy naturally.

Just need to shop around dude, either do it with online quotes or spend a morning ringing up and getting quotes to see what the best deal is for your needs. Each company differs with regards to mods, age of driver etc, so make notes then sit and do a comparison on whats best for you regards cover and price.

Cheers. C.


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Oct 5, 2004
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I got my first insurance last week with the RACV. Due to the fact im a learner the insurance was in mums name it cost $250 but it will go up heaps later this year when im 18


Drewski said:
I hate insurance! its one of those things you have to have cos it costs too much if you hit someone else (esp if its a euro car...) but the majority of people wont use it cos were all good drivers... right?

Anyway, i just wanted to ask who are you insured with?
How much insurance? (CTP, third party, comprehensive)?
What are their rules? ie; mods non standard accessories etc?
And how much does it cost?

so many people are running around with hot cars but i cant even get my car lowered cos my insurance company has a big problem with it. It probably doesnt help being a 19yo Green P-plater, but i have had 3 years of incident free driving. Im sure heaps of other people are in my position. At the moment im with budget direct cos they were the cheapest, but only just, and only on third party, but they wont allow any serious mods (only rims stock sizes no increase) but QBE policies have nothing about mods and theyre the same $. Just car and shannons are the most common suggestion but theyre expensive even with no mods.

so what would you suggest? go no insurance (keep in mind there are loads of bad drivers in expensive cars around my place, with expensive lawyers who get them out of any payments) or fork out a couple of grand a year for comp... or something in between?

btw its an 88 VL NA 3L no mods (yet...)

It is very simple Drewski.


I've been hit twice by uninsured drivers causing serious damage and once, the other time my car was a write off) Thankfully I've always had Full Comprehensive Insurance. All I had to do was supply the offending vehicle details to the Insurnace Company. Naturally, my no claim bonus wasn't affected. It cost me nothing. My insurer, fixed/replaced my car right away and then made an arrangement with the offending drivers to recover their money. Therefore Insurnace also protects you against being hit by an uninsured vehicle.

There's no point running the risk of writing off someone elses $100k plus Range Rover, paying it off for the rest of your life and never even getting to drive it!

Driving without insurance is like Lotto, but in reverse. In this case, you don't want your number to come up!

PM me some exact details and I'll give you some tips and also get you quote.



couldnt have said it better myself. extremely simple.

I do have insurance, and have had for a few years now, anyone who doesnt shouldnt be on the road. I got as many quotes as i could before getting a policy. (i've been driving for 3yrs so im not just off L's either) and the insurance company hasnt been too bad except with mods, they wont let me do anything.
I dont like NRMA (or RACV in vic) cos they screwed me round for 3 weeks with a guy who wouldnt pay his excess so they wouldnt pay my repairer and i couldnt have my car back. (we couldnt get a hire car from them cos, well... who's going to give a hire car to a 19 year old p plater? exactly.) eventually i got it back but it was a crap job so it went back to them again, twice.

Trewman, check whether you get a no-claim-bonus if its insured under a parents name. i was going to cos it makes it so much cheaper but i dont think you get a NCB unless you hold the policy under your own name.

but anyway, i shopped around for ages before getting my insurance but i reckon i might switch to somthing a bit more lenient when the year is up. Just if anyone had ideas on who is cheap and allows a few small mods (im not talking after market 600hp turbo's etc...)


Jan 9, 2004
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I'm with Suncorp for my n/a vl. Except its meant to be classed as a vlt because of a stuff up.

Paying 900 or something a year. 1000 dollar excess which is bullshit because nearly all of my recent problems haven't been worth claiming because of the high excess.


Drewski said:
I dont like NRMA (or RACV in vic) cos they screwed me round for 3 weeks with a guy who wouldnt pay his excess so they wouldnt pay my repairer and i couldnt have my car back. (we couldnt get a hire car from them cos, well... who's going to give a hire car to a 19 year old p plater? exactly.) eventually i got it back but it was a crap job so it went back to them again, twice. QUOTE]

If the other driver was at fault, HIS lack of paying HIS excess is immaterial.

Sadly, it sounds like you were dicked around by your insurer. I'd change companies over this issue immediately if it happened to me. Your insurer was in breach of contract and engaging in unethical conduct. I'd also formally complain to the Insurance Council too.

The whole point of Full Comp Insurance is that when somebody runs into you who is at fault, you advise your insurer of the offending vehicle's rego and or the offendig driver's details and that's it. Your insurer fixes/replaces your car ASAP, then chases up the offending driver.

When my car was written off, the dopey offender, refused to pay up, (claiming he wasn't the driver and that an unknown "mate" was driving) so my Insurer took him to court. (sued him on my behalf)

Based on an enourmous amount of evidence , the offender lost his case. (The offender's alibi was that he and a mate were at his mates house watchng TV at the time of the prang) His mate who provided the "alibi" turned out to be the passenger in his vehicle at the time of the prang who fled the scene. (He had outstanding warrants) The "mate" was positively identified in court by 6 independent wittnesses to the collision, as being in the vehicle)

End result, My NCB was NOT affected. My insurer replaced my car within 14 days of the collision, (it was under 12 months old when written off, so I got a brand new car) the offending driver was sued by the insurer for the cost of;
1. my car, (Approx $40,000)
2. wittness costs (our loss of wages travel costs - over $8000)
3. My Insurer's LEGAL costs. $12000)

THe offender had an oder made by the court to pay the Insurer just over $60,000. He made an arrangement to pay my insurer by installments over a period of many years plus interest.

Had I not been insured, I would not have had $12000 for a Barrister, and if I did, I'h have had to wait years for my money when I won. INSURANCE IS A MUST.

All of the above cost me NOTHING, except for my insurance premium, which is exaclty how it should work.

Also, if you are a nominated driver on your parents policy, most companies allow a NCB policy discount and start you off on a lower rating when you get your own car & policy in your name. If an insurer refuses to, TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE!

For the record I'm insured with Elders, (Cars, House, Contents) have had a modified vehicle insured with them, know my policy manger VERY WELL and cannot speak highly enough of him or Elders.

If anyone wants help with insurance, PM me!

(No I'm not employed by Elders or by the Insurance Industry)