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Social welfare


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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Land of the free
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job search providers are useless, and now mine wants to get payed by the government because I am employed now, yet they had nothing to do with me getting training or a job.

See people knock JSA's because they don't understand how they work. When you are newly unemployed all a JSA has to do is see you to connect you so you can start getting benefits. You don't get assigned a case manager at this point, you do at 13 weeks. Then you are put into an intensive activity of 60 hours over 2 weeks. This replaced the compulsory job search training classes in July 2009. There is no work for the dole as you put it for the first 52 weeks of your unemployment. Back in July 2009 the work for the dole requirement at 6 months unemployment was canned. There is also no funding paid to a JSA to assist you with training or any thing else you require when you are new on the dole.

As for them getting paid for you now you are working - rubbish. Again as a newly unemployed person for the first 52 weeks there is no payment to a JSA for a Job Seeker gaining employment, unless they referred you to one of their vacancies. They merely seek the employment details for Centrelink and record keeping purposes so they can close off your file.

The bullshit that is spread about JSA's is unbelievable. So many cry "they did nothing for me" without realising they are simply not contracted to help you unless you are long term unemployed.

So to wrap it up you never got help as the JSA wasn't contracted to give it to you, there was no money to assist you as you were less than 52 weeks unemployed and they sought your employment details purely for record keeping purposes and to inform Centrelink as believe it or not some stupid people get a job and still draw benefits.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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...or they turn to crime?? Desperate people, who are for some reason unemployable, may wind up doing desperate things to the innocent just to get by....USA has capped unemployment, I believe, their crime issues are huge (as is my understanding) - feel free to correct if I am wrong? (eg. homicide rate in USA is 3-4 times what it is here).

In addition the economy could, at times, be that crappy there simply is not enough jobs to go around, if the government has no money for work relief programs.

Be they ferals or not, welfare abusers are still people, and as such are entitled to basic human rights of food and shelter.

Oh - so the homoside rate in NA is because of limited unemployment benefits. God knows who many million guns that you can buy from the local K-mart etc don't have anything to do with it???

Got sent this a few weeks ago seems pretty appropriate.

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the
wealth out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must
work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government
does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else
is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of
any nation.


Says it all in 1 sentence....

The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a
living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Excellent post!

Oh and quoted from my pm's just to show what sort of person C2105026 is:

c2105026 said:
First you call ME unemployable (without ever actually interviewing me by the way), then you call my best friend's struggle to get ahead and break the welfare cycle - that I thought you would have been supportive of - a 'sob story'? You, good sir, are an arsehole. I don't give a #### if you have your own business, or know the worlds problems (or at least THINK you do), from your latest rantings I strongly question your morals, ethics and above all humanity.

Farewell, Senor Dipshit.


:rofl: This guy wants to teach kids..... :rofl:



Nov 21, 2006
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There is no work for the dole as you put it for the first 52 weeks of your unemployment.

my pathway plan says work for the dole, those that operate it call it work experience. which I was signed up for after 12 weeks 60hrs in a fortnight, I did 1 day because I had been working for 2 weeks part time over christmas and now work has picked up I don't have to work for the dole.

and thankyou for the rest of the information, it's amazing the jsa's don't tell you this stuff, and yet 1 comment posted on a car forum and here is all the info you need.


Your freedom ends where mine begins
Nov 22, 2005
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2010 Nissan X-Trail ST-L
Got sent this a few weeks ago seems pretty appropriate.

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the
wealth out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must
work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government
does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else
is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of
any nation.


Says it all in 1 sentence....

The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a
living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Brilliant post.


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Aug 9, 2009
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Oh and quoted from my pm's just to show what sort of person C2105026 is:


Why would I care what fanatical right wingers think of me??


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Mar 8, 2009
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Welfare... I feel everyone has the basic human right to food and shelter. Dole is about $400/fortnight; $200/week does not go far at all. Lets say (for a single person), food $60/week, rent (housing commission) $70/week, Bills (power, phone) $40/week - leaves $30/week to clothe oneself, get around, for entertainment and healthcare. This breakdown allows for no alcohol or tobacco, and certainly no car.

It does not cost $70/week to rent a house. I live in melbourne in most outer suburbs it will cost a minimum of $270/week to rent a CHEAP house. This would be pretty similar in most capital cities. So your $200 weekly taxpayer handout just doubled considering you're getting $200+ rent for free. Get 2 or 3 dole bludger mates in the same house and all of a sudden you're doing pretty well financially. Welfare should not be enough for smokes, alcohol, entertainment, cars, etc. It should be the bare minimum to help you survive for the short period of time between jobs.

As others have said, there's work out there just some people are too lazy or don't want to work crap jobs. I've got a uni degree and ive worked crap $17/hour jobs temporarily whilst looking for something better and id do it again if I had to


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Aug 9, 2009
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...Was referring to housing commission homes in local area; rent from dept housing is $170/week, with 100-110/week rental assistance. I do agree with the sentence 'Welfare should not be enough for smokes, alcohol, entertainment, cars, etc. It should be the bare minimum to help you survive for the short period of time between jobs'. I would have thought that housesharing would be tightly regulated; again some bad apples ruining an ok theoretical system designed to help those in need.

Some places, seeing that you have a degree, will not hire you for the casual jobs because they deem you as overqualified.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
Why would I care what fanatical right wingers think of me??

Dunno - you were very keen to let me know what you thought of me :)



Mar 7, 2011
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east gippsland
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This is a topic I`m sure that will get heated, shits me off to no end. In theory...yes great idea to help people out that need it......But its the ####s that rip the system off that get my goat.

Not so much so the the usual dole bludgers but that real golden one. I`ll site two examples. Both close to famile so know alot about it.

example 1. A bogna couple, one a "single mother of 2" her partner, "disability pension" due to a 'back injury'. He collects his pension, does scrap metal and sells fire wood for cash on top of this.
If that wasnt enough....the do emergency care for kids (not sure if thats what its called), (dont care for there own kids well, buggered if I know how they got them...but thats another story)
So they get paid ontop of whats mentioned, plus money for the emergency kids.

So what do you do first in that situation, call DHS and say you need a car....so DHS buy you a a $9k Pajero so you can get the kids about. Motor blows up a few months laters....so off to DHS, DHS pay for a new motor to be installed. While off the road you have no wheels right???? Off to DHS again, "we need two cars to get the kids about" So here come DHS to the rescue, here is another Pajero for $6.5k.

Othere Pajero is now fixed, but needs tyres....thats right you guessed it. DHS.....not only do they get tyres, but a full set of Cooper ST`s!!!!!!

Now to the other Pajero, has a bit of a small accident....no insurance obviously........DHS again fix it.

Oh, also when there were some natural disasters awhile ago the government were giving out payments to affected people. There house was in the region....not touched at all. But they took the $6k payment with both hands.

Now I`m shitty and cant be shagged with the other. But I`m sure there are many examples just like this. ITS OUR TAX MONEY PAYING FOR THIS!!!!!

Rant over!
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Aug 9, 2009
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2000 VTII Commodore Olympic, 2012 Ford Focus ST
There is actually one thing that really grinds my gears (and is somewhat related); is people who get a housing comission house, and proceed to destroy it. Most housing commission places in my area appear quite well looked after, but others.....just to think; the waiting list for such homes is quite long, many people on the waiting list would make for excellent tenants, but are held up by the bastards who destroy public property. When I have been renting (privately) the place had to be SPOTLESS come inspection time. Why not have the same standards for public housing?