Different styles of music require different Eq settings and often times wiser speaker selection.
It's not a case of "Close enough is good enough" it has to be spot on.
For instance, if I was to listen to classical music all the time then I would have a set-up consisting mainly of 1", 3", 5" 8" and a 10" subwoofer. Yet, if I was to listen to electronic music then I would probably use a set up like... 1" 6" and use a 10" or perhaps a 12"
Lets put it into other terms. Lets say you like driving tight twisty corners. Would you buy a 800Kw monster or are you going to go for a Subaru with AWD? Now reverse the situation, if you live to drag....why would you buy the Subaru when you have the 800Kw option?
Both vehicles can do both jobs. But one can exceed in an area that the other one can't.
So, if we tune the Subaru to handle extremely well then when we want to drive the straight line as fast as possible it's not really doing it to the best of it's ability if it had've been tuned for drag then it would be a different story.