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JCCC Federal Election Polls

JCCC Federal Election Poll:

  • Australian Labor Party

    Votes: 10 14.1%
  • Liberal Party of Australia

    Votes: 43 60.6%
  • Liberal National Party (QLD)

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • National Party of Australia

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Country Liberal Party (NT)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Australian Greens

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • National Party (WA)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independents

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • Donkey Vote - Turn up but no vote

    Votes: 8 11.3%

  • Total voters
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Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
The carbon tax as it is won't solve the problem; granted. China, USA India, EU etc. need to come on board. It is about doing all we can, as a country, to solve a global problem. Even if we are unsuccessful, hopefully I can say to my yr 6 class of 2050 as we experience the very mild winter we could get - "Well, at least we tried".

But back here: http://forums.justcommodores.com.au...ccc-federal-election-polls-3.html#post1928343 you said they were all (Save EU) on board???? But that is just not the case. You get called out on it (as has happened a few times now) and you just blunder on as if nothing happened. I **VERY** much hope you never go anywhere near my kid because I could not trust anything you present as fact.

I think most people would accept a commitment to act with the same levels of taxation as the rest of the world when they also act. What we have now is running miles in front and hoping the rest of the world will also act before we fall flat on our face.



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Oct 19, 2006
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1. Other countries are introducing carbon taxes (US, India, China etc.), some of which are more or less hard core than ours....don't worry. chill. the economy is not going to grind to a halt :)

California has something like 4 cents tax per ton!
China has proposed a tax, they haven't implemented anything.
India's tax is about $1 AUS per ton.

And you're either a Jew or you not. You can't be half Jew just like you can't be half Catholic. (Not that it is even relevant!)
As it stands there are 12 complete morons who have voted in this poll. Are you one of them?


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Aug 9, 2009
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Ok, I may have blundered on other countries efforts but in gneral they are doing SOMETHING, even if its not something as far reaching as ours.

When I refer to 'part jewish' i refer to my jewish ancestry (on mothers side) - if one can refer to judaism as a race (last I heard it was a religion).

12 morons...i counted 39 lol :p

My general green rhetoric is only what is replicated in the NSW curriculum documents. What I will teach my students is endorsed by the government, state and federal, and is generally in line with what I believe anyway. Judging by reapers profession and wheels his offspring won't be at the public schools in disadvantaged/remote areas I will nominate for.

I am 28, 2050 puts me at 67 which i reckon many people will still be working. pension age is now 65, however hopefully i will have enough super from my ethical super fund (which has performed ok, btw) so that won't be required.

Good nigh all. PS3 awaits after a long day of juggling political debate with science assignment :)


Your freedom ends where mine begins
Nov 22, 2005
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Ok, I may have blundered on other countries efforts but in gneral they are doing SOMETHING, even if its not something as far reaching as ours.

lol... this would be a good time to hush then.

When I refer to 'part jewish' i refer to my jewish ancestry (on mothers side) - if one can refer to judaism as a race (last I heard it was a religion).

I think that's the point, you can be half religious... You can't be half of a certain race. Therefore your statement there actaulyl confirms you are wrong. For those keeping score thats 2/2 you being wrong so far.

12 morons...i counted 39 lol :p

Taking your posts thus far into consideration, the number of morons has a +1 for you. So depending who you are, the number of morons is either 13 or 40.

I am 28, 2050 puts me at 67 which i reckon many people will still be working. pension age is now 65, however hopefully i will have enough super from my ethical super fund (which has performed ok, btw) so that won't be required.

Hope your superfund is based off shore, once the carbon tax comes in pretty much everyone's supers will take a big hit. Thanks to Labor, most of us will be working until the day we are 6 feet under.

Good nigh all. PS3 awaits after a long day of juggling political debate with science assignment :)

Playing PS3? How many black balloons is that putting out... hmmm?


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
Ok, I may have blundered on other countries efforts but in gneral they are doing SOMETHING, even if its not something as far reaching as ours.

When I refer to 'part jewish' i refer to my jewish ancestry (on mothers side) - if one can refer to judaism as a race (last I heard it was a religion).

12 morons...i counted 39 lol :p

My general green rhetoric is only what is replicated in the NSW curriculum documents. What I will teach my students is endorsed by the government, state and federal, and is generally in line with what I believe anyway. Judging by reapers profession and wheels his offspring won't be at the public schools in disadvantaged/remote areas I will nominate for.

I am 28, 2050 puts me at 67 which i reckon many people will still be working. pension age is now 65, however hopefully i will have enough super from my ethical super fund (which has performed ok, btw) so that won't be required.

Good nigh all. PS3 awaits after a long day of juggling political debate with science assignment :)

1. If the crap you post on this thread is straight from the NSW teachers handbook I fear for every student north of the Murray.

2. As spokeswoman Gillard said at the National Press Club lunch last week - DON'T WRITE CRAP! When you write something, do some research and make sure it's right.

3. Really, with your record here, you shouldn't be teaching at **any** schools.

I hope your PS3 is the recycled ethically produced version. You have been outed as a typical hypocritical green fool.



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Aug 9, 2009
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1. If I am to be a teacher or not, that is for the DET to decide. So far my marks place me in the top 20% of my cohort and I passed my last prac session with flying colours. You appear to not have any qualifications in education, so you have no right to judgement. Don't worry; NSW syllabi are generally in line with the upcoming national curriculum (which is both a labor/liberal concoction). If you are unhappy with our country's curricula, then, reaper may I suggest the deep south of the US. You may just fit right in...

2. Just because I am wrong on one fact does not mean I am wrong re: everything. When you nit pick an argument for any flaw it means yours must have gross flaws. Reaper should listen to his own advice, too, re: writing crap. The right frequently esposes nothing but crap (however the C02 abatement via algal cultivation is intriguing, and at the very least I give credit where its dues; and I credit that...) :p You can be part one race, plenty of folks out there say 'oh i am part irish/scottish/french/german/slavic/russian/asian/chinese', just because they don't share your view of the world means they are not wrong. It is how they see themselves. How dare you judge a way someone sees themselves? Again; nitpicking over semantics illustrates that your general argument does not have a lot of legs. This is typical behaviour of both major parties, one of the reasons why I went green.

3. The greens (or, any political party at all for that matter) have no qualms with gaming. feel free to seek out their policy documents in this regard. The C02 emitted by a PS3 is nothing compared with the hot air (which being exhalation from an animal has high concentration of C02 in it) emitted by the scaremongering re: carbon tax.

4. I stand corrected; whilst the 39 people who nominate libs may not be morons they are at the very least insular selfish, self-centered people who cannot bother to look past masterchef and border security to see the real problems in the world, or even in their local areas.

Geez people, if you can't agree with me (or at the very least try to understand my perspective) then why the #### bother arguing? We won't convince the other that they are wrong, that is clear; let us agree to disagree and that is that? I have more important things to do (exercise,uni work, care for sick/disabled family members) than to argue with self-made, HSV-driving dyed in the wool tory voters all day...sheesh! Just as you all have probably more important things to do than to gang up on uni student who happens to both drive/like commodores whilst having a social conscience.

I think it is great that the right paints the left so black and attacks us so ferociously and wildly, with uneducated scaremongering. It signals that the time of change is coming, and those who are sitting favourably in the current system are running scared.

Have a nice day. Cool story bro!
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Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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whilst the 39 people who nominate libs may not be morons they are at the very least insular selfish, self-centered people who cannot bother to look past masterchef and border security to see the real problems in the world, or even in their local areas.

Well, if you wanted to get a rise out of people, you certainly went about it the right way.

I don't watch Masterchef (hate the supercilious judges and can't stand cooking shows anyway), but have watched Border Security, so I guess that means I'm part selfish etc? To call every one who votes for Conservatives selfish, insular and self-centred is a good way to get lots of decent, fair minded and intelligent people right off side. You're obviously suggesting that those who don't support the Greens are fools of little intelligence, and intimate that they are certainly less omniscient or educated than yourself. You told us (boasted, perhaps?) of your pass mark percentile - suggesting you are a member of an elite few perhaps? You rubbish Reaper, yet know absolutely nothing about him. Pretty clever stuff.....not!

There are people on here who are conservative by nature and vote Conservative by choice. Many of them (and I include myself here) actually study politics, take an active interest and make their vote mean something. They don't vote Liberal just because "mum 'n' dad did" - they're thinkers and they are just as concerned about this country's future as you. Their opinions just happen to oppose yours, so pull your head in, you clown and realise that they are entitled to their choices just as you are to yours.


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Aug 9, 2009
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Not all lib voters are selfish and/or dim, but many are (have met several). Not all lefties are bright or altruistic either (just look at ALP, in particular the NSW right faction). I am only concerned that people only listen to and beleive what the likes of alan jones and richard hadley would have them beleive in an unquestioning manner. I only reciprocate; if you rubbish me without meeting me, you will get the same.

Yes we need differing opinions, because it is human nature and that is what democracy is. It would be dull if we all went, say, ALP, or Family First. Any side needs the opposing side to keep them in check, otherwise you will get hitler/stalin/mussolini type dictatorships. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, however I can only hope that any opinion on anything is arrived at after much thought and questioning.

Anyway, its been great having this animated discussion with you all; this will be my last posting on this thread. Its great to be challenged. It only reinforces my beliefs more. Lets face it; you won't change me and I won't change you. As part of a physically fit elite, I am going for a run now. Sydney City to Surf is in the offing, and I have training to do.



Dr HaxZaw

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May 6, 2010
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I remember reading a report on the chile volcano eruption recently that stated that the volcano released more carbon into the atmosphere than the past 200 years of human civilization. Kinda seems pointless to tax carbon if that's the case.

However, I'll always vote Labor. I don't give a rats ass that they're bringing in the carbon tax. I'm a working class guy and I don't want to have to put up with another 11 years of Liberal style industrial relations. To everyone complaining about "liar liar" Gillard, you're quick to forget "never ever" Howard's GST.

The only reason we have a carbon tax at the moment is because the Liberals cant get it together enough to understand that nobody wants Abbott the Rabbit as PM, so they don't get enough votes to shoo it in, resulting in a minority government where the Greens have all the power. Swinging voters (read: previous labor voters who just cant bring themselves to vote liberal) who don't like either party and think voting green is a suitable alternative piss me off.

It's brainwashed idiots like you who are killing this country... You were brought up by your parents to believe that labor was all about the working class back in the day when it was. You dont want to admit that they have changed and you will continue to vote for the same party regardless of what it stands for or the policies they wish to make law, essentially you have defeated the entire purpose of democracy where people are given the opportunity to choose who they believe will be the best leader for the country. If labor could prove they could govern better than liberals i would vote for them as would most other normal voters out there who actually think about who they vote for but they have proven time and time again they are incompetent people who would have been fired from any normal job long ago on grounds of pure imcompetency.

You say labor is all about the workers???? F&^KING BULLS&*T. You obviously dont realise how bad the carbon tax is on heavy industry. They are clever enough to give massive breaks to heavy industry so they wont feel the full effects for the first two or three years. Essentially the first two years of the carbon tax the government will be operating at a loss so exactly how are they going to manage that with the budget already a complete disaster. You say they support the worker and sure in theory they say here have some extra cash while we put the business you work for out of business. You were obviously the kind of person who saw Kevin Rudd's $90 million dollar handout as an act of pure genius cause you ended up with $900 in your pocket not realise that most of that money would end up oversees along with the rest of australia's industries

To sum up: IF you vote for labor you are an idiot. IF you continue to vote for labor you will always be an idiot.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
1. If I am to be a teacher or not, that is for the DET to decide. So far my marks place me in the top 20% of my cohort and I passed my last prac session with flying colours.

I'd suggest that is more a blight on your cohorts rather than a feather in your cap.

You appear to not have any qualifications in education, so you have no right to judgement. Don't worry; NSW syllabi are generally in line with the upcoming national curriculum (which is both a labor/liberal concoction). If you are unhappy with our country's curricula, then, reaper may I suggest the deep south of the US. You may just fit right in...

Once again - I think teaching should be a-political with the students left to decide for themselves.

2. Just because I am wrong on one fact does not mean I am wrong re: everything. When you nit pick an argument for any flaw it means yours must have gross flaws.

WTF???? You have been wrong on multiple issues and calling you out on them does not have any bearing on my accuracy either way. It's not about nit picking - you were 100% wrong. I'm not talking technicalities here. Your one fact is actually several - you can't even get that right :rofl:

Reaper should listen to his own advice, too, re: writing crap.

You would have a point if I posted crap. If you think it's wrong then let me know but be prepared to back your claims up. Thus far your record is dismal.

The right frequently esposes nothing but crap

I take responsibility for everything I post. I don't often have people challenging it and when they do, rarely do they have anything of substance to back their claims up. However feel free if I'm incorrect on any point.

[incoherent rant about something I didn't quite follow deleted]

4. I stand corrected; whilst the 39 people who nominate libs may not be morons they are at the very least insular selfish, self-centered people who cannot bother to look past masterchef and border security to see the real problems in the world, or even in their local areas.

Or they are people with minds of their own who don't want to see their country kneecapped because of some misguided feel good experiment. Once again I ask - How much cooler will the world be in 2020 due to this policy????

Geez people, if you can't agree with me (or at the very least try to understand my perspective)

I understand your perspective fine. I just think you are naive and misguided. I'm sure many others agree.

then why the #### bother arguing? We won't convince the other that they are wrong, that is clear; let us agree to disagree and that is that? I have more important things to do (exercise,uni work, care for sick/disabled family members) than to argue with self-made, HSV-driving dyed in the wool tory voters all day...sheesh! Just as you all have probably more important things to do than to gang up on uni student who happens to both drive/like commodores whilst having a social conscience.

What a load of rubbish. I'm sure you feel good about yourself with all the do-gooding you do in the world caring for your sick/disabled family members and uni etc etc etc. But firstly - you don't have a monopoly on having a social conscience. Weather we like it or not, people in Australia need to earn a living like the rest of the world. I work ####ing hard to do that and provide a living for the 18 families who depend on the wages of the guys that work for me. Last I checked, driving a HSV was not a crime against humanity or anybody else for that matter. For a 28 (?)yo you are very naive and I'd suggest you grow up a bit and learn what the real world is about.

I think it is great that the right paints the left so black and attacks us so ferociously and wildly, with uneducated scaremongering.

I think it's ####ing hillarious that when the Greens/socialists get tested on some of the stuff they publish they reply straight way with the same crap you post.


ps. I've never voted for the Tory party in my life. We have Labor & Liberal in Australia plus the Greens & a few other whacko parties for nutters like yourself.
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